Draft Research Profile Management

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“Managing Personal n Research Profile”

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V Research Profile for Rankings“
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"Managing Personal
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Research Impact Using Empowering Tools

IIIT Bangalore 26/C, Electronics City, Hosur Road, Bengaluru - 560100


Raising the visibility of your research works will also increase the chances for your works to be discovered, accessed,
used and cited - thus increasing the influence and impact of your research.

Assessing the impact of your research output is an important activity for researchers as this supports key activities

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such as Institute Rankings and grant, academic promotion, as well as raising the reputation of a researcher within the
scholarly communities.
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This Presentation provides an overview on:

Researcher Profile - the author profiling tools let you consolidate all your publications thus allowing other scholars to
find your works quickly. Read this if you want to set up and populate your ORCID, Scopus Author ID, Researcher ID or
Google Scholar profile.

Here are some Tips to Raise your Research Visibility to help get your professional profile and published works

IIIT Bangalore 26/C, Electronics City, Hosur Road, Bengaluru - 560100

Why is it important to have a good online presence as a researcher?

By creating a researcher profile, you will be able:

1.To promote your research and teaching activities

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2.To improve your chance of being cited
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3.To ensure correct attribution
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4.To guarantee credit in research assessments

5.To find new collaborators

6.To find new funding sources

7.In this way you will make your research more visible and optimise the impact of your research.

IIIT Bangalore 26/C, Electronics City, Hosur Road, Bengaluru - 560100

Now your paper has been published - what else can you do to ensure that your work gets noticed by more
people in the research community?

With around millions of new articles published each year, researchers now have to consider what they can do to
increase traffic to their publications. Technology has also made it increasingly easier for researchers to increase the
visibility of their work through different networking and social media platforms.

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By increasing a researcher's online presence, it helps raise the visibility of his research works thus increasing the
potential of being discovered, downloaded and cited.
This page outlines:
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•3 Fundamental Things to Note Before Publishing (explained in the next slide)
•6 Tips to Raise Your Research Visibility
Tip 1: Manage your researcher profiles (ORCID, Scopus Author ID and ResearcherID) - Keep them
updated, consistent and public
Tip 2: Update your IRINS and VIDWAN Database regularly for the better visibility in Indian scenario,
Tip 3: Deposit your publications in Institutional Archive (IRA)-(Helps during the Rankings and
Tip 4: Promote your research online with social media (Twitter and LinkedIn)
Tip 5: Engage in academic social networks (Mendeley, ResearchGate, Academia.edu, etc.)
Tip 6: Identify the reach and visibility of your work with Altmetrics

IIIT Bangalore 26/C, Electronics City, Hosur Road, Bengaluru - 560100

Fundamental Things to Note Before Publishing

1. Author Affiliation:
Use the institutional affiliation “International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore" in all your publications. Other
elements such as Designation, Department and other affiliations, can be listed as the second or third element. By doing so, it
ensures that the institute receives credit. Also, your work will be easily accessible under the institutional affiliation
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of “International Institute of Information Technology" in major citation databases like Web of Science and Scopus.
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2. Author Name:
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Decide and use a consistent form of your name in all research outputs. This will help avoid the problem of author’s name
ambiguity thus raising the accessibility of your work.

3. Journal Selection:
Publish your Articles or papers in indexed by major citation databases, such as Scopus and Web of Science. This will increase
the chances of your work being discovered, read and cited. Check the titles indexed in the databases using Scopus' Source List
and Web of Science's Master Journal list.

Open Access (OA). Studies show that publications in OA journals are cited more than those in non-OA journals. (Swan, 2010;
Wagner, 2014; Wang, 2015). Read the guide OA Publishing to learn more about open access publishing.

IIIT Bangalore 26/C, Electronics City, Hosur Road, Bengaluru - 560100

How to write the Institute Name in Your Research Paper
Our Institute’s name is:
International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore
IIIT Bangalore

Note: Do not…
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International Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore (Comma should not use)
International Institute of Information Technology – Bangalore (- should not use)
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International Institute of Information Technology (…Miss out Bangalore)
International Institute of Information Technology Bengaluru(…Use Bangalore instead of Bengaluru)
Int Inst of Info Tech Blr (…Shorten the wordings)
IIIT-B, iiitb, IIITB, IIIT-Bangalore (These all are may be treated as some other institute names)

Verbally, and in print, the only appropriate acronym is: IIIT Bangalore

IIIT Bangalore 26/C, Electronics City, Hosur Road, Bengaluru - 560100

Tools for Researcher Profiles
Why set up Researcher Profiles?
As an author, you want to maximize your research impact and be sure that you get credit for all your research output.
Setting up Researcher Profiles enables you to:
increase the visibility and accessibility of your research output
ensure work is correctly attributed to you (e.g. ORCID aims to solve the name ambiguity problem of authors)
use the same profile in long-term even you change your name or institutions

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show citation metrics which indicate the reach of your work (citation metrics can be shown in ResearcherID, Scopus Author
ID and Google Scholar but not ORCID)
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The main Profiling Tools are:
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IIIT Bangalore 26/C, Electronics City, Hosur Road, Bengaluru - 560100

Good Practices for Managing Researcher Profiles

Each profiling tool has its own functionality and features and they are not mutually exclusive. For
example, you can obtain citation counts and author metrics using Scopus Author ID, Researcher ID and Google
Scholar profile but not in ORCID. Depending on your research profile and need, you may use more than one tool to

accurately showcase your research and impact. o n
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A recommended workflow to manage author
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1.First check is your profiles are already existed, if yes Update that profile, if no

2.Create Author profile in various platforms like Scopus, ORCID, Researcher ID, Google Scholar.

3.Integrate the Author profiles with another platform like Scopus to ORCiD, ORCiD to ResearcherID…

4.Check the duplicates and Clean up the profiles

5.Add publications from which is not indexed

IIIT Bangalore 26/C, Electronics City, Hosur Road, Bengaluru - 560100


Scopus Author ID ...

is an identifier used in Scopus, a citation database
is automatically assigned to an author who has published at least one article in a journal that is indexed in Scopus
groups together all the publications written by that author on the Scopus author profile
allows citation metrics e.g. total citations and h-index to be accurately calculated based on Scopus data
(See an example here)
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Refer to Find Your Scopus ID to learn the steps to find s Scopus ID and locate your profile.
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You may have more than one Scopus Author r a
D IDs.
Sometimes you may find your publications spread over a number of different Scopus Author IDs or Profiles. This is
especially so if your name has appeared in various ways during your career or you have changed affiliations. It is important to
make sure that all your publications are listed under one unique Scopus Author ID, and all the works listed under your Author
ID do belong to you. This also ensures that your citation information (e.g. total citations, h-index) can be accurately retrieved.

Refer to "Correct Your Scopus Profile" to learn the steps to merge Scopus IDs and add in missing publications.
You cannot directly correct your Scopus profile but request Scopus to do this for you.
*The publications under your profile are automatically "assigned" to you based on a matching on author name, affiliation, email, research area, co-authors, etc. Publications that are not indexed in Scopus will not be listed in your
profile. The affiliation information of your profile is automatically collected from your latest publication in Scopus and cannot be changed.

IIIT Bangalore 26/C, Electronics City, Hosur Road, Bengaluru - 560100

Ways to find your Scopus ID & locate your profile:

Conduct an Author Search in Scopus

Search by your last name and first name.
Select your name from the author result list to reach your Scopus profile.
Note that you may find more than one profiles that belong to you. This happens when you publish with different name
variants or affiliations. Refer to "Correct Your Scopus Profile" page to learn how to request a correction.

i o n
If you have known your Scopus ID and wish to locate your Scopus profile directly, you may.

ers IDs):
Request author profile corrections (i.e. clean upVScopus
Request to merge authors (when you needa toftcheck if you have multiple Scopus IDs and merge them if there are)
Conduct an Author Search in D
Search by your last name and first name. Do not include full affiliation if you have worked across different
Select the profiles that may belong to you and click Request to merge authors.
Login to your Scopus account or register one if you haven't done so.
Go through the steps via Author Feedback Wizard to add or remove publications (if needed), and confirm your
Confirm and submit.
The correction takes about one week for Scopus to complete. We suggest that you submit the request by your own. A
request submitted by someone on behalf will take longer time to complete.

IIIT Bangalore 26/C, Electronics City, Hosur Road, Bengaluru - 560100

Build your ORCiD Profile
ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier) is a registry of unique identifiers for researchers and scholars. It
helps to promote the discoverability of publications across multiple platforms and establishes a unique presence for
researchers regardless of name variants or affiliation history.

i o n
An ORCID iD is a 16-digit unique number that connects you and your research activities throughout your career.
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Below is an example:
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ORCID iDs can only be assigned by the ORCID Registry at https://orcid.org.

Once you have a unique author ID in Scopus, register an ORCID account and link it with Scopus. By integrating Scopus
with ORCID, you will have all your publications in Scopus added to your ORCID profile. Researchers will be able to
identify (search) your works in Scopus using either your ORCID or Scopus Author ID.

IIIT Bangalore 26/C, Electronics City, Hosur Road, Bengaluru - 560100

Registering for ORCID account:
Click the below link
Click the

In the ORCiD site top right corner click on Register and follow the steps once you fill the required information and
submit it send a verification mail tou your registered email.

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Click here if you have already had an ORCID
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Drhand corner and type your name and search your ID.
click the registry optin on the top right

To know how to integrate Scopus with ORCID

After you have registered for an ORCID iD, the next step is to add publications to your profile so that you can reap the
benefits that your ORCID brings.
An easy way to do this is to integrate your ORCID with your Scopus Author ID. With just a few steps, all your
publications indexed in Scopus will be added to your ORCID profile. The integration between ORCID and Scopus can
be done with either way below:
Option 1 - Use "Connect to ORCID" from Scopus
Option 2 - Use "Search & Link"​from ORCID

IIIT Bangalore 26/C, Electronics City, Hosur Road, Bengaluru - 560100

Web of Science ResearcherID
Is an identifier used in Web of Science, a citation database.
Allows researchers to add publications even if they are not indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection.
Allows citation metrics e.g. total citations and h-index to be accurately calculated based on data from Web of Science.
Note: Since April 2019, ResearcherID has been migrated to a new platform - Publons. With Publons, researchers now can have
a comprehensive view of both research outputs, and contributions in peer review and journal editorial work.

Why register a ResearcherID ?

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Track your publications, citation metrics, peer reviews, and journal editing work in one, easy-to-maintain profile.
Showcase your research output, demonstrate research impact, and display your editorial and peer-review effort.
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Easy to add publications from Web of Science, ORCID, DOI/title search or by file upload.
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Automatically update your profile with institutional affiliation and publications you have authored that are indexed in Web of
Science thus allowing you to maintain ResearcherID throughout your research career.

Tips on using ResearcherID

1.Make your Publons profile open to public. This allows others to see your publications and h-index. Your ResearcherID will
also be displayed at the article page in Web of Science database.
2. Keep only one ResearcherID/Publons account. The aim of author IDs is to reduce name ambiguity and avoid author
misidentification, so that your publications and citations won't get split. Do check if you have already had an account before
create New ID
3.Make sure your Publonsprofile is up-to-date. You may update your profile 2-3 times a year or when you have new

IIIT Bangalore 26/C, Electronics City, Hosur Road, Bengaluru - 560100

Registration of ResearcherID
You can visit http://www.researcherid.com and click on JOIN PUBLONS NOW to register a Web of Science ResearcherID.
Please check if you have an existing ResearcherID or Publons account before creating a new one. You can sign in with your
Web of Science or EndNote account credentials if you have already registered a ResearcherID or Publons account.
There are a number of ways to import publications to your ResearcherID:

Add Publications

i o n
1. Import from Web of Science : Publons will use your name, publishing aliases, and email address to query Web of Science
and allow you to claim the publications if there are any found in the database. Note that only publications indexed in Web
of Science can be added using this way.
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2.Sync with ORCID: If you have already set up a comprehensive ORICD profile, you can import publications directly from
ORCID. ​To do this, first you need to authorize Publons to pull records from your ORCID. Follow the steps here to grant
Publons permission to access your ORCID record. After this, you can proceed to sync your publications from ORCID to your
Publons profile.
3. Search and import by DOI or title: You can also manually add publications one-by-one by entering an identifier (DOI,
arXiv, or PubMed ID) or their title.
4. Import by file upload (RIS, CSV, or BibTeX): Simply select the file and click on “Upload”. You can read more about
requirements for publication file uploads here.
If you have imported publications via Web of Science, DOI/title search, or file upload, and you wish to add these
publications to your ORCID profile, you can integrate your ResearcherID with your ORCID account. This also allows you to
easily auto synchronize records between the two systems in the future. Find out more from Integrate with ORCID.

IIIT Bangalore 26/C, Electronics City, Hosur Road, Bengaluru - 560100

Google Scholar is a popular way to showcase your papers and the citations they’ve received. Google Scholar also
calculates a platform-dependent h-index, which many researchers love to track (for better or for worse).

In this week’s challenge, we’re going to get you onto Google Scholar, so you can up your scholarly SEO (aka
“Googleability”), more easily share your publications with new readers, and discover new citations to your work.

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Step 1. Go to Google Scholar. Sign in with your Google account, or create one if you do not have a Google
account. Then click on "My Profile".
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upryour profile.
Step 2. Complete the steps to set D
For the Name field, use a consistent name as it appears on your papers.
For the Affiliation field write the institute name
For the Email for verification, use an institutional email (eg. xyz@iiitb.ac.in). A verification email sent to this
address. This ensures your Google Scholar profile will be displayed alongside relevant Google Scholar search

Step 3. Your name will be added to a Google Scholar search and you will see articles possibly authored by you
placed in groups by Google.

IIIT Bangalore 26/C, Electronics City, Hosur Road, Bengaluru - 560100

Step 4. Select the whole group to add the group of articles to your profile at once. Alternatively, select "Add
articles" (in the left-hand menu) to add publications individually.

Step 5. Then, select how you wish your profile to be updated - either automatically or send email to review before
the update.

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Drremember to make it public so that it is searchable via Google Scholar.
Step 6. Once your profile is complete,

Step 7 (optional). Click the blue "Follow" button at the right of your profile to get alerts via email when you receive
new citations on your publications or when you get new articles being added to your profile.

IIIT Bangalore 26/C, Electronics City, Hosur Road, Bengaluru - 560100

VIDWAN Expert Database and National Researcher Network
VIDWAN is the premier database of profiles of scientists / researchers and other faculty members working at leading
academic institutions and other R & D organisation involved in teaching and research in India. It provides important
information about expert's background, contact address, experience, scholarly publications, skills and accomplishments,
researcher identity, etc. The database developed and maintained by Information and Library Network Centre (INFLIBNET)
with financial support from the National Mission on Education through ICT (NME-ICT). The database would be instrumental
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in selection of panels of experts for various committees, taskforce, established by the Ministries / Govt. establishments
for monitoring and evaluation purposes. ers
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IIIT Bangalore 26/C, Electronics City, Hosur Road, Bengaluru - 560100

IRINS is web-based Research Information Management (RIM) service developed by the Information and Library Network (INFLIBNET) Centre
in collaboration with the Central University of Punjab. The portal facilitates the academic, R&D organisations and faculty members, scientists
to collect, curate and showcase the scholarly communication activities and provide an opportunity to create the scholarly network. The IRINS
is available as free software-as-service to the academic and R&D organisations in India.

The IRINS would support to integrate the existing research management system such as HR system, course management, grant management
system, institutional repository, open and commercial citation databases, scholarly publishers, etc. It has integrated with academic identity
such as ORCID ID, ScopusID, Research ID, Microsoft Academic ID, Google Scholar ID for ingesting the scholarly publication from various
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IIIT Bangalore 26/C, Electronics City, Hosur Road, Bengaluru - 560100

Promote your research online with social media
Build your online presence with social media tools to communicate with local and international audience (scholars and
media, etc.)

connect with other researchers via:

LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/
Mendeley https://www.mendeley.com/
Research Gate https://www.researchgate.net/
i o n
Academia.edu https://www.academia.edu/
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Here you have the Summary of this presentation:
Create profiles on sites that rank highly in search results
Manage your name by getting an ORCiD identifier
Use and Need of IRINS and VIDWAN Database
Make your web addresses easy to find
Create a single home for your online presence
Link your online profiles together
Decide if you will have a personal and/or professional digital presence
Use appropriate images online
Maximise the potential of your profile biographies to make better connections
Measure your research impact online

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k You
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IIIT Bangalore 26/C, Electronics City, Hosur Road, Bengaluru - 560100

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