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Sophio Zghenti
Leopards are graceful and powerful big
cats closely related to lions, tigers, and
jaguars. They live in sub-Saharan Africa,
northeast Africa, Central Asia, India, and
China. However, many of their
populations are endangered, especially
outside of Africa. Leopards usually rest
during the heat of the day in bushes,
rocks, caves, or even up in a tree,
depending upon their habitat.
Leopards are mostly found in woodland, grassland savanna and all forest
types, semi-desert and desert. Most leopards like to live in areas with trees for
them to hide in. Their two main habitats are rainforest and savanna. However,
they also live in temperate forests, river forests, woodlands, desert edges, and

Leopards are predators. It grabs prey, using

its sharp claws. Prey is killed with a bite to
the throat. Leopards are carnivores and eat
any meat item they can find: monkeys,
baboons, snakes, amphibians, large birds,
fish, antelope, cheetah cubs, and many
more. Leopards can also hunt from trees,
where their spotted coats allow them to
blend with the leaves until they spring with
a deadly pounce.
why are they endangered

These beautiful big cats are hunted

for their fur, and are also losing their
habitat. The main reason snow
leopards are endangered is habitat
loss. More and more of its habitat is
being developed into farmland.The
answer to how many Amur leopards
are left in the world is, sadly, only
around 100 in the wild. About 200
leopards are killed every year
How humans have harmed leopards
Leopards are being effected by humans. They cut down forests, where they
live. They hunt for leopards’ beautiful, thick fur. They are using leopard in
illegal trades. Leopards are also kept in zoos and in circus and there they are
being harmed. In contrast there are humans who try to protect endangered
animals like leopards.
What can we do to help
We can help leopards. There are several ways:
● We should stop hunting for their fur
● Donate to organizations created to help our zoo animals and wildlife
● Stop cutting down forests where they live
● Don’t start fire in the forest
● Stop illegal trading
5 interesting facts:
1. They are pregnant for 90 – 105 days
2. They die at the age of 12 – 17 years
3. When they are born the mother hides her cubs and moves them from one safe location
to the next
4. Female leopard is called leopardess
5. Male leopard is called leopard
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