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First Conditional

Умовні речення 1 типу

Розпочати тест
Fill in the gaps

1 If Mary cleans her room, she … (go) to

the cinema.

A go

B will go

C goes

D is going

Fill in the gaps

2 If you … (finish) your homework you can


A shall finish

B will finish

C finishes

D finish

Fill in the gaps

3 If I arrive early ,I … (give) him a call.

A am giving

B gives

C will give

D give

Fill in the gaps

4 If he … (join) the club, he’ll do a lot of fun


A joins

B will join

C join

D won't join

Fill in the gaps

5 If I see her, I … (send) her your love.

A will send

B will sent

C send

D sends

Fill in the gaps

6 We will be late if we … (not hurry).

A won't hurry

B will not hurry

C doesn't hurry

D don't hurry

Fill in the gaps

7 If it rains tomorrow, we … (not go) to the


A don't go

B won't go

C doesn't go

D not go

Fill in the gaps
If you don’t take a taxi, you … (miss) your
8 train.

A will miss

B miss

C misses

D are missing

Fill in the gaps

9 If he comes here now, …(what, say, we)?

A we what say

B what we say

C what do we say

D what will we say

Fill in the gaps

10 If he … (come) to the party, he … (see) her.

A will come ... will see

B will come ... sees

C comes ... will see

D come .. will see

• 1) B
• 2) D
• 3) C
• 4) A
• 5) B
• 6) D
• 7) B
• 8) A
• 9) D
• 10) C

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