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Ukraine is
situated in …

Our country WHAT

borders on … CAN YOU
It is washed ABOUT
by … THE
… is occupied GEOGRAP
by the HICAL
mountains. POSITION
The main
rivers are …
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m m u n i


Complete the word map below.

Beginning in the mid-1950s, outbursts of political protest against the totalitarian system gained
momentum in Ukraine. An increasing number of illegal literature was published, and several dissident
organisations and groups appeared. In late 1980s Gorbachev’s perestroika and glasnost served to develop
the society. In 1988 the Ukrainian Helsinki Union was organised. In 1989 the Rukh National Movement for
Perestroika in Ukraine was formed (since 1990 known as the Narodnyi Rukh of Ukraine).
On June 16, 1990 the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine passed the Declaration on State Sovereignty of
Ukraine. On August 24, 1991, the Ukrainian Parliament solemnly 1 proclaimed Ukraine’s independence and
the formation of the independent state of Ukraine, proceeding from the right to self-determination 2,
provided by the United Nations Charter and other international documents.

solemnly [ˊsɒlәmlI] — урочисто; 2self-determination [ˊselfdiˊtɜ:miˊneiʃn] — самовизначення
On December 1, 1991, the All-Ukrainian Referendum took place in the country, involving 84.18 percent of
citizens, of which number 90.35 percent supported the Independence Act of August 24.
Winning 61.6 percent of the votes, L. Kravchuk was elected the President of Ukraine. The nation
supported L. Kravchuk’s programme aimed at the construction of the New Ukraine with a strong state
system, genuine [9dzenjuin] democracy, material well-being and elevated spiritual awareness.
A new state, Ukraine, appeared on the world political map in 1991. It is a democratic state, ruled by
the law. It includes 24 administrative regions and the Autonomous Republic of the Crimea.
The state power in Ukraine is based on the division of authority into legislative, executive and
judicial. The Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine is the sole legislative and supreme authority. The
President is
vested1 with the highest executive authority of the Ukrainian state. He exercises it alongside with the
Government, the Cabinet of Ministers and through the system of central and local organs of state executive

vested [ˊvestid] —
Sitting Hall of the President’s
President’s Administration
наділений законом in Kyiv Administration
Judicial power in Ukraine is vested in the courts of law. The courts are independent and in all
their activities abide1 only by the rules of law.
The National Emblem of Ukraine is the Golden Tryzub (trident) on a blue shield. The National
flag of Ukraine is a rectangular cloth with two horizontal stripes of equal width, the upper coloured
blue and the lower — golden yellow. The National Anthem has been performed since January 1992
(music by M. M. Verbytskyi).
The National Holiday, the Independence Day, is celebrated on August 24.
Ukraine is making efforts to create an effective economic system, along with advancing of
institutions of democracy, and raising the country’s prestige in the international arena.
By voluntarily rejecting its recent status as the world’s third nuclear power, Ukraine took the
first historic step toward a nuclear-free, peaceful future, bringing mankind closer to the long-cherished
goal and total nuclear disarmament.

to abide [әˊbaid]
Building of the Cabinet Constitutional Court of Ukraine
— (тут) Constitutional Court of
керуватись Ukraine of Ministers in Kyiv
an anthem — гімн to declare — оголошувати,
awareness — усвідомлення to elect — обирати, вибирати
a court — суд to proceed — відновлювати,
disarmament — роззброєння to proclaim — проголошувати,
a division — відділ, дільниця executive — виконавчий
a law — закон judicial — судовий, законний
an official — службовець, legislative — законодавчий
чиновник, supreme — вищий, верховний
урядова особа
a self-determination — самовизначення,
long-cherished — довгоочікуваний
sovereignty — суверенітет, державність
a vote — голос, право голосу
Read the article again and complete the sentences. Key: 1 passed the Declaration on State
Sovereignty of Ukraine;
1 In 1990 the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine …
2 Ukraine’s independence;
2 In 1991 the Ukrainian Parliament proclaimed …
3 the United Nations Charter and other
3 The right to self-determination is provided by … international documents;
4 All Ukrainian Referendum involved … 4 84.18 %;
5 L. Kravchuk was … 5 was elected the President of
6 State power in Ukraine is based on … 6 the division of authority into
7 The President is … legislative, executive and judicial;
8 The Verkhovna Rada is … 7 vested with the highest executive
authority of the Ukrainian state;
9 Judicial power is …
8 the sole legislative and supreme
10 The National Anthem … authority;
11 Independence Day is … 9 is vested in the courts of law;
12 Ukraine took the historic step toward … 10 has been performed since January
1992 (music by M. M. Verbytskyi);
11 celebrated on August 24;
12 a nuclear-free, peaceful future,
bringing mankind closer to the long-
cherished goal and total nuclear
Do the quiz
1 The main legislative body of Ukraine is the Verkhovna Rada. The
elections to the Verkhovna Rada are held:
Verkhovna Rada
a) every four years of Ukraine
b) every five years
c) whenever the government
2 Members of the Verkhovna Rada are called deputies. How many
deputies are there?
a) 350 b) 300 c) 450
3 Each deputy represents an area of the country.
This area is called ...
a) a place b) a constituency c) a post
4 The head of the Ukrainian government is called ...
a) the Prime Minister b) the President c) the leader
5 How old do you have to be to vote in a general election?
a) 16 b) 18 c) 21 Verkhovna Rada
of Ukraine
Complete the chart

Governmental structure of Ukraine

Legislative Executive Judicial

branch branch branch

Verkhovna Cabinet of Courts of

President of Constitutional
Rada Ministers general
Ukraine Court
What kind of political system does Ukraine have?

How is the power of Ukraine organised?

How often are the elections held?

Who is the head of the executive authority in the state?

What questions are discussed at parliamentary sittings?

What are the national symbols of Ukraine?


On June, 1990, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted

Read and say which the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Ukraine.
articles are about: The Declaration has 10 Articles: 6 Economic independence.
1 Self-determination of 7 Ecological security.
Ukraine’s territory; Ukrainian nation. 8 Cultural development.
2 State sovereignty. 9 External and domestic
the rights of the
3 Government by people. security.
citizens of 4 Citizenship of Ukraine. 10 International relations
Ukraine; 5 Territorial supremacy1.
environmental These truths are hold to prove that people of all nationalities
protection; including the Ukrainian nation are created equal. So they should
the national wealth; build their relationships on the principles of equality, mutual
the national rights; respect and non-interference in each other’s internal affairs.
what the Declaration The Declaration guarantees to all citizens the rights
considers. endowed2 by their creator: among these are life, liberty,
equality and security. The Declaration is the basis for
the laws of Ukraine
supremacy [sjuˊpremәsi] — вищість, перевага
endowed [inˊdaud] — обдарований
Match a) the state of being a country with freedom to govern itself
b) to say something officially or publicly or to state
1. an anthem something clearly and definitely
2. an official c) a song that has a special importance for a country, an
organization or a particular group of people, and is sung on
3. a sovereignty
special occasions
4. a vote d) an idea, a hope or a pleasant feeling being kept in your
5. to proclaim mind for a long time
6. to declare e) highest in rank or position
7. long-cherished f) a person in authority
g) to choose somebody to do a particular job by voting for
8. supreme
9. to elect
h) a formal choice that you make in an election or at a
meeting in order to choose somebody or decide something
i) to publicly and officially tell people about something
What’s this?

the Golden
Tryzub (trident)
What’s this?

What’s this?


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