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By: Ahmad Sameer “Ahmadi”

 To show ability use can, could & be able to.

o Present ability:
1. Can + base verb
2. Be (is, am are) able to + base verb

e.g. She can dance better than you. “ability”

e.g. She is able to speak English very well. “ability” uncommon
oPast ability:
1. Could + base verb
2. Be (was/were) able to + base verb
e.g. I could not run fast when I was a child.
“past ability”
e.g. I am sorry that I wasn’t able to phone you
yesterday. “past ability”
oFuture ability:

1. Will + be able to + base verb

e.g. She will be able to manage the problem.

“future ability”
e.g. Will you be able to help them tomorrow?
“future ability”
Was/Were able to versus Could
 Could shows general ability in the
 Was/Were able to shows specific
ability at a specific time, or in other
words, it means to manage.
e.g. I could drive when I was a child.
e.g. I was able to escape from police. (Not could)
e.g. He was able to rescue the child. (Not could)
e.g. We were able to answer the questions. (Not Could)
e.g. When he attacked, I was able to defend
myself. (Not Could)

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