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Sentiment Analysis of Tweets during Karnataka State Election 2023 Using Hybrid Approach

Pushpa , Department of Data Analytics, Dublin Business School

Hypothesis 3: Can a hybrid approach for sentiment analysis of tweets during Karnataka State Election 2023 improve the accuracy of sentiment
Abstract Results & Discussion
classification and provide insights into the public opinion and sentiment towards political parties and candidates?

The proliferation of smartphones, fast internet and Twitter forms an The comparative study critically analyses the results of traditional
iii.) Sentiment Analysis Using a hybrid approach which uses
absolute breeding ground for important political discussion and
Background Work lexicon-based techniques to pre-process the data and then and hybrid models, based on the appropriate performance matrix.
form an opinion. India is one of the largest democracies in the
world and it would be interesting to see if the opinion formed over applying appropriate machine learning algorithms to classify the Additionally, the study analyses the factors that contribute to the
social media is also reflected in elections. This proposal intends to sentiment of those tweets . accuracy of each model. The ultimate goal of the study would be
Sentiment analysis is a process of determining the polarity of a
study sentiment analysis of tweets related to the Karnataka State
text, which can be positive, negative, or neutral. Previous studies to identify the effectiveness of the hybrid approach for sentiment
elections 2023 using a hybrid approach. The approach combines iv.)Evaluation of the performance of the hybrid approach by
both lexicon-based techniques and Machine learning techniques to have employed both supervised machine learning techniques that measuring accuracy, precision, recall, and F-score using appropriate analysis of tweets related to the Karnataka State Election 2023.
improve the correct classification of sentiments. It involves evaluation metrics
rely on features extracted from corpora for classifier training and
lexicon-based techniques to pre-process the data and then apply
lexicon-based methods that use pre-defined lexicon resources such
Future Work
machine learning algorithms to classify its sentiment. It will be v.) Comparison of performance of the hybrid approach with other
analyzed if the hybrid approach will outperform both the lexicon- as sentiWordNet, AFFIN, Text Blob, and LIWC. sentiment analysis approaches used in previous studies to determine
based and machine-learning approaches individually in terms of F- its effectiveness in analysing sentiments of tweets during the The proposed approach relies solely on Twitter data for sentiment
A large number of the literature review is available in the public
1, accuracy, precision and recall. The findings of the study are Karnataka State Election 2023. analysis. Future work may integrate data from other sources, such
domain, and a few have been studied before proposing this
useful to understand the public’s overall opinion toward political as news articles to improve the accuracy of sentiment analysis.
parties, candidates and election issues. Therefore, the political proposal. Ligthart et al wrote a review paper “Systematic reviews vi.) Visualization of the sentiment analysis results using appropriate
charts and graphs to provide insights into the public sentiment Additionally, analysing the impact of sentiment on election
parties can monitor, evaluate and adjust their communication tactics in sentiment analysis: a tertiary study” where he referenced about
and tailor their campaign strategies. This study is extremely useful towards the election candidates and parties. outcomes, such as voter turnout or party vote share would further
200 research papers published between 2013-2019 presents an
to political analysts who can predict election results with a advance the field of sentiment analysis.
reasonable degree of accuracy. overview of the current application of machine learning models vii )Interpretation of results to provide insights into the strengths and
Index Terms— Sentiment analysis, Hybrid approach, lexicon- and corresponding challenges in sentiment analysis. Santos et al. weaknesses of different candidates and parties, the issues that matter
most to the public, and the overall sentiment towards the election.
based technique, Machine learning techniques
wrote a review paper “A Survey on the use of Data and opinion References
mining in social media to political electoral outcomes prediction
Introduction ” where they conducted a systematic review on social media-based Work Flow Diagram [1]A Ligthart, C Cata, B Tekinerdogan, “Systematic reviews in sentiment
analysis: a tertiary study” Artificial Intelligence Review (2021) 54:4997–5053,
India is the world’s largest and most vibrant democracy of the mechanisms used to predict political outcomes, the quantity of
world. The reason lies in the diversity with a population of 1.3 collected data, the specific social media used, the collection [2] P Chauhan, N Sharma, G Sikka,” The emergence of social media data and
billion with 28 states and 8 union territories, 22 official languages,
period, the algorithms and approaches adopted. And limitations sentiment analysis in election prediction “Journal of Ambient Intelligence
and 6 national and 57 regional parties. The motivation to carry out
and lines for further research on this topic. and Humanized Computing (2021) 12:2601–2627,
sentiment analysis for Karnataka State Election 2023 lies in the
complex electoral system of India where several political parties
and alliances competing for seats in parliament/ assembly making it Methodology [3] J S. Santos, F Bernardini1,·A Paes, “A survey on the use of data and
difficult to predict the outcome of the election. opinion mining in social media to political electoral outcomes
The methodology for the proposed study would involve the
prediction”, Social Network Analysis and Mining (2021) 11:103,
In the Indian political context, the Karnataka State election 2023 is following steps:
a significant event as Karnataka is one of the key states in India
i.) Collection of tweets related to the Karnataka State Election 2023 [4] I Gupta and N Joshi, ‘‘Enhanced Twitter Sentiment Analysis Using
with a total of 28 Lok Sabha seats. The upcoming state assembly
election will be held to elect the 224 members of the Legislative using Twitter API (Application Programming Interface) Hybrid Approach and by Accounting Local Contextual Semantic’’, J. Intell.

Assembly of Karnataka. The election is expected to take place in Syst. 2020; 29(1): 1611–1625
May 2023, and several political parties have already started ii) Data Pre-processing of collected tweets by removing noise, [5]J Budhwar and S Singh, ‘‘Sentiment Analysis of Customers Review
preparing for the same. In the light of the motivation to study the performing tokenization, stop word removal, and stemming to UsingHybrid Approach’’, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022
sentiment of tweets from Karnataka State Election 2023, the study obtain clear text data. D. Garg et al. (Eds.): IACC 2021, CCIS 1528, pp. 671–685, 2022.
proposes the following hypothesis – A detailed EDA of election tweets is proposed to answer the
following -
[6]U Yaquba, Vijayalakshmi Atluria, J Vaidyaa, “Analysis of political
Hypothesis 1: Will the sentiment expressed towards political parties a) Exploring tweets based on geo data
discourse on twitter in the context of the 2016 US presidential elections “,
in tweets during the Karnataka State Election 2023 be reflective of b) Languages used in tweets
the actual election results? c) State wise tweets in favor of various political parties

d) Count of tweets per day/week [7]N Jamal, Chen Xianqiao, J Hussain Abro and D Tukhtakhunov,
Hypothesis 2: How does the sentiment of tweets related to the e) Sentiment of tweets with regard to political parties “Sentimental Analysis based on hybrid approach of Latent Dirichlet
Karnataka State Election 2023 vary across different regions of the f) What are the most trending issues among the public during Allocation and Machine Learning for Large-Scale of Imbalanced Twitter
state? election? Data”,


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