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Exclusive breastfeeding.


Senior Public Health Officer

(UNICEF 2018)
Breastfeeding and its importance

Global Panorama

Kenya and Breastfeeding

Baby Friendly Hospital Iniciative

Breastfeeding and its Importance

“Exclusive breastfeeding means

“Exclusive breastfeeding -that is the feeding your baby only breast milk,
infant only receives breast milk not any other foods or liquids
without any additional food or drink, (including infant formula or water),
not even water” (WHO, 2023) except for medications or vitamin
and mineral supplements.” (CDC,

“Exclusive breastfeeding. Giving a baby only breastmilk either directly from the breast
or expressed and no other liquids or solids, not even water for the first 6 months of
life. Drops or syrups consisting of vitamins, mineral supplements or medicines are
permitted as prescribed by health care worker.” (Republic of Kenya Ministry of
Health. Implementation Framework for securing a breastfeeding friendly environment
at work places. 2020-2024, p.12).
Breastfeeding and its Importance
• Helpful practice in child health: Survival and well-being.
• Increasing the breastfeeding could save 820.000 children´s lives under 5 per year.
• Early initiation: reduce in 22% overall causes of neonatal mortality.

• Breastfeeding Moments:
 Within the 1st hour.
 Exclusively for 6 months.

United Nations Chilndren´s Fund & World Health Organization (2018).Implementation Guidance: Protecting, promoting and supporting
breastfeeding in facilities providing maternity and newborn services: the revised BABY - FRIENDLY HOSPITAL INITIATIVE.
Child Mother
• Healthy growth. • Post-partum haemorrhage
• Infectious diseases and • Postpartum depression
chronic illnesses. • Ovarian and breast cancer
• Brain development: IQ • Heart disease
increase 3-4 points. • DM 2

United Nations Chilndren´s Fund (2018) Breastfeeding A Mother´s Gift, for Every Child.
(Republic of Kenya Ministry of Health. Implementation Framework for securing a breastfeeding friendly environment at work places. 2020-2024).
Breastfeeding and SDG

United Nations Children´s Fund & World Health Organization (2018).Implementation Guidance: Protecting, promoting and supporting breastfeeding in facilities
providing maternity and newborn services: the revised BABY - FRIENDLY HOSPITAL INITIATIVE
Global panorama
• 95% of babies are breastfed at some point in
their lives.
 LMIC: 4% are never breastfed.
 HIC:21% are never breastfed.

• Globally: <50% are breastfed in the first hour

after birth.
• Only 48% of infants <6 months are exclusively

World Health Organization (2022) Global Breastfeeding Scorecard
Kenya and Breastfeeding
• Kenya Government Target 2022: 80% exclusively breastfed
• 2008: 32% of infants < 6 months were exclusively breastfed
• 2020: 61% of infants < 6 months were exclusively breastfed

• Factors affecting breastfeeding

 Socio-economic variables: economic status
employment, education.
 Psychosocial factors and Cultural factors. (UNICEF 2018)

(Republic of Kenya Ministry of Health. Implementation Framework for securing a breastfeeding friendly environment at work places. 2020-2024).
(Republic of Kenya Ministry of Health. Implementation Framework for securing a breastfeeding friendly environment at work places. 2020-2024).
Baby Friendly Hospital Iniciative

• WHO and UNICEF initiative : Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding.

• Mothers who do not experience any of the steps are 8 times more likely to stop
breastfeeding before 6 weeks.

• URGENT: Women need information and support.

United Nations Children´s Fund (2018) Breastfeeding A Mother´s Gift, for Every Child .
Baby friendly Hospital Initiative

(UNICEF 2018)
• Exclusive breastfeeding is one of the most effective practices and investments in child
health with direct health, economic and educational benefits.

• The government should align its efforts with the WHO and UNICEF: Baby Friendly
Hospital Initiative, to ensure the increase of the exclusive breastfeeding rates.

• It is imperative that we continue to provide clear and important information about the
benefits of exclusive breastfeeding to future mothers and their families.
Ministry of Health, Republic of Kenya, (2020-2024). Implementation Framework for
Securing a Breastfeeding Friendly Environment at Work

[Accesed: 31st January 2023].

Shealy KR, Li R, Benton-Davis S, Grummer-Strawn LM.(2005) The CDC Guide to

Breastfeeding Interventions. Atlanta: U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services,Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

[Accesed: 31st January 2023].

United Nations Chilndren´s Fund (2018) Breastfeeding A Mother´s Gift, for Every Child.

[Accesed: 31st January 2023].

United Nations Children´s Fund & World Health Organization (2018).Implementation

Guidance: Protecting, promoting and supporting breastfeeding in facilities providing
maternity and newborn services: the revised BABY - FRIENDLY HOSPITAL
INITIATIVE. Available:

[Accesed: 31st January 2023].

World Health Organization (2022) Global Breastfeeding Scorecard 2022.Available
from: .int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/365140/WHO-HEP-NFS-22.6-eng.pdf?

[Accesed: 31st January 2023].

World Health Organization (2017).Guideline: Protecting, promoting and supporting

breastfeeding in facilities providing maternity and newborn services.

[Accesed: 31st January 2023].

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