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A fifth of the population today is over 60 yrs

old (CDNA ,2003)

Abuse is often ignored and a hidden problem

To define Elder Abuse To identify the different types of Abuse To determine the Role of the Nurse

Elder Abuse
Elder abuse is a single or repeated act or lack of appropriate action occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust, which causes harm or distress to an older person. (Action on Elder Abuse, 1993).

1. Physical Abuse
Any act of violence

includes pushing, striking or hitting May include the use of physical or chemical restraint

2. Psychological Abuse
Causing mental

anguish Includes threatening, insulting, humiliating and isolating patients.

3. Financial Abuse
Includes stealing

for personal gain Coercion

4. Sexual Abuse
Intimate contact or

exposure without consent

5. Neglect
Failure to provide

a patients basic needs Can be physical, emotional and financial in nature

6. Institutional Abuse
Consists of repeated episodes of substandard care
privacy, dignity and

autonomy for patients are withheld

Recognize the PROBLEM

Identify the vulnerable adults

Recognize the signs of Abuse

ACT on the Problem

Take Appropriate Action
Report Review

Continuous education Appropriate training Immediate Intervention


Action on Elder Abuse (1993). What is Elder Abuse. Available from htm. (Accessed 05-Sept-2011)

Andrews, J. (2008). Travesty of Trust. Nursing Standard. Vol. 23, No. 7, pp. 20-21
Community And District Nurses Association (2003). Responding to Elder Abuse. Available from: (Accessed 15-Sept2011) Department of Health (2000). No secrets: guidance on developing and implementing multi-agency policies and procedures to protect vulnerable adults from abuse. The Stationery Office, London. Straughair , C. (2011). Safeguarding vulnerable adults: the role of the registered nurse. Nursing Standard. Vol 25, No. 45, pp. 49-56.

Pictures taken from:

Gross, J. (2009). Elder Abuse: All in the Family? The New York Times. Available from: National Association for Practical Nurse Education and Service, Inc. Available from: Professional crisis and negotiation training. Available from:

Medline Plus. Available from:

Mninno Law Office. Elder Abuse takes the form of Fraud and Theft. Available from:

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