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Clase 6.

Microorganismos: Arqueobacterias,
eubacterias, hongos, protistos y virus

I Curso de biología general

Marlon Múnera.
Biol, MSc Inmunología
PhD Ciencias Biomédicas
Forma celular de los procariotas
Cell Wall
•Some prokaryotes have external structures that extend beyond the cell wall.
Many are equipped with flagella, adaptations that enable them to move about in
response to chemical or physical signals in their environment. For example, a

Projections prokaryote can move toward nutrients or other members of its species or away
from a toxic substance. Flagella may be scattered over the entire cell surface or
concentrated at one or both ends of the cell. Unlike the flagellum of eukaryotic
cells (described in Module 4.18), the prokaryotic flagellum is a naked protein
structure that lacks microtubules. The flagellated bacterium
Los procariotas pueden adaptarse muy rápido al ambiente
Prokaryotes have unparalleled nutritional diversity
Biofilms are complex associations of microbes
Bacteria include a diverse assemblage of prokaryotes

are all gram-negative and share a particular rRNA sequence

Todas las proteobacterias son Gram negativas, con

una pared celular formada principalmente de
lipopolisacáridos, su morfología es muy variable,
desde bacilos, hastas cocos simples hasta géneros con
prosteca, y más e incluso cuerpos fructíferos. Muchas
se mueven utilizando flagelos, pero algunas lo pueden
hacer por deslizamiento bacterial. Entre estas se
encuentran las mixobacterias, un grupo único de
bacterias que pueden agruparse para formar cuerpos
Protists are an extremely diverse assortment of eukaryotes

Protists are a diverse collection of mostly

eukaryotes. Biologists used to classify all
protists in a king-
dom called Protista, but now it is clear that
these organisms
constitute multiple kingdoms within
domain Eukarya.
While our knowledge of the evolutionary
among these diverse groups remains
incomplete, protist is
still useful as a convenient term to refer to
eukaryotes that
are not plants, animals, or fungi.
Diversity of Fungi
Fungi absorb food after digesting it outside their bodies

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