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Religion In Islam

Pemateri : Dr. Nasrudin,M.A

Ibn Taymiyyah
emphasized the importance of sincerity and true worship in
defining religion. He defined religion as "a comprehensive
system of beliefs and practices that govern the relationship
between humans and their Creator." For him, religion involves
recognizing God's sovereignty, submitting to His will, and
adhering to His guidance.
Khaled Abou El Fadl: Khaled Abou El Fadl, a
contemporary scholar, defines religion as "a path to inner
and outer transformation that encompasses ethical
conduct, spirituality, and social responsibility." He
emphasizes the need to critically engage with religious
texts and traditions to address modern challenges.
Philosophical perspective

Al-Ghazali viewed religion as a means of achieving ultimate salvation. He defined religion as "the path to God's pleasure through recognizing His
signs, obeying His commands, and seeking closeness to Him." Al-Ghazali emphasized the importance of inward devotion and purification of the

2.Muhammad Iqbal
Muhammad Iqbal defined religion as "a dynamic and evolving spiritual force that guides individuals and towards self-realization and the
fulfillment of societiestheir unique potential." He emphasized the importance of Ijtihad (independent reasoning) in adapting religious principles to
contemporary challenges.
3.Abdolkarim Soroush
views religion as "a continuous process of interpretation and understanding that evolves over time." He emphasizes the importance of
rational engagement with religious texts and the need to address the challenges of the modern world.

4. Mohammad Arkoun
viewed religion as "a historical phenomenon subject to human interpretation." He emphasized critical engagement with religious
texts and traditions, advocating for a contextual and intellectually rigorous approach to understanding religion.
1. Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya
considered religion as "the
comprehensive system that
guides humans to attain
happiness in this world and
the hereafter." He emphasized
the practical aspects of
religion, including acts of
worship, ethical behavior,
and cultivating a strong
connection with God.
Rashid Rida
02 defined reliigon as "the comprehensive system that governs all aspects of
individual and collective life." He emphasized the importance of applying
Islamic principles to modern challenges while preserving the essence of faith .

Sayyid Qutb
03 considered religion as "the comprehensive way of life based on divine
guidance." He emphasized the integration of all aspects of life under the
framework of Islamic teachings, encompassing political, social, economic, and
personal spheres.
2. Jalaluddin Rumi, saw religion as "the path of love
and devotion leading to union with the Divine
Beloved." Rumi's poetry often emphasizes the
transformative power of love and the spiritual journey
as a quest for closeness to God.

1. Ibn Arabi offered a more esoteric

perspective on religion. He saw religion as "the
path of divine realization and direct experience
of the Divine Reality." Ibn Arabi focused on
3. Shah Waliullah al-Dihlawi defined religion as "a set
the inner journey and the spiritual
of principles that guides individuals to fulfill their
transformation that leads to union with God. duties towards God, themselves, and society." He
. emphasized the interplay between individual spirituality
and social responsibility, highlighting the importance of
balance and harmony.
Ali Shariati: sociologistAli Shariati, an
Iranian and thinker, viewed religion as "the
consciousness of oppression and the
struggle for liberation." He emphasized the
role of religion in inspiring social justice,
advocating for the empowerment of the
oppressed, and fostering a sense of self-
1.Ayatollah Khomeini: Ayatollah 2. Maulana Maududi viewed religion as "a
Ruhollah Khomeini, the leader of the comprehensive way of life encompassing all
Iranian Revolution, defined religion as "the aspects of human existence." He emphasized
ultimate source of authority and guidance the integration of political, social, and
for all aspects of life." He advocated for economic dimensions under the umbrella of
the establishment of an Islamic state based Islamic teachings, aiming to establish an
on the principles of Sharia, where religious Islamic state based on Sharia.
leaders hold a central role in governance.
2. Hamid Enayat: Hamid Enayat, an Iranian scholar,
defined religion as "a system of beliefs, values, and
practices that provide meaning, purpose, and guidance to
human life." He emphasized the significance of the
individual's relationship with the divine and the social
implications of religious teachings.

Comparative methodological
1. Zakir Naik views religion as "a complete way of life
that guides individuals in every sphere of existence." He
emphasizes the compatibility of Islam with modern
science and encourages Muslims to seek knowledge and
engage in rational discourse.
lamiIc Thinker
02. Seyyed Hossein Nasr
defines religion as "the framework that guides humans
to realize their ultimate purpose, which is to know and
serve God." He highlights the role of religion in
providing a coherent worldview, ethical guidance, and a
connection to the divine.

01. . Fazlur Rahman 03. Hamza Yusuf Hanson

viewed religion as "a dynamic force that addresses the defines religion as "the framework that provides
existential needs of humanity within the context of changing individuals with guidance for navigating the challenges
historical circumstances." He emphasized the adaptability of of life, aligning their actions with divine teachings, and
Islamic principles to contemporary challenges and the role of cultivating virtues that lead to spiritual growth."
religion in promoting justice and human welfare.

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6. Fethullah Gülen emphasized
4. Tariq Ramadan views religion as the transformative aspect of
"a source of ethical principles and religion. He defined religion as "the
moral values that guide individuals constant endeavor to transform the
towards justice, compassion, and the 5. Nurcholish Madjid defined religion as
human soul into the divine
common good." He emphasizes the "a way to reach human perfection by
balancing individual spirituality with
presence." Gülen emphasized
importance of engaging with spiritual growth, education, and
social responsibility." He promoted the
modernity while remaining rooted in idea of Islam as a source of moderation social service as integral to a true
Islamic ethics. and tolerance, emphasizing the need for religious life.
contextualized interpretation.
Gender perspective
Fatima Mernissi, a Moroccan feminist
scholar, explored the intersection of
Islam and gender. She defined religion
as "a complex social and cultural
phenomenon that reflects power
dynamics and shapes gender roles."
Mernissi's work highlights the
evolving nature of religious
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