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Lokmanya Tilak Jankalyan Shikshan Sanstha’s






Submitted By : Guided By :
Nayan Kohare Ms. Pinky .R .Tiple
[ Roll No : 0254 ] [ Assistant Professor ]
( Department of applied chemistry )
INDEX Acknowledgement


Bad Effect

Table Diseases cause by garbage dumping

Of Solution

Contents Good Effects




 To all the individuals who participated in

surveys or provided data for study your
willingness to share experience was essential
for it success.
 The cooperation and engagement of the local
community played crucial role in the success
of this project and our team thankful for
 We appreciate the thoughtful discussions ,
advice, and camaraderie offered by my
colleagues and peers, which significantly
enhanced the quality of this work. FIG 1 : Regional Map of Study Area, Bhandewadi

 The Nagpur Dumping Ground is like a big area on the edge of

the city where they put all the garbage and is located into
 Over time , this garbage area has become bigger because more
and more garbage needs a place to go.
 The average collection was 22,600 metric tonne per day in this
 The NMC owns around 77 acres in Bhandewadi of which 52
acres is being used for dumping garbage, while 25 acres is for
the sewage treatment plant. FIG 2: Open Landfills at Site
 In the country where almost 91% of the collected waste is
dumped in open lands.
 Over the years, the garbage started pouring out of the scientific
landfill and slowly neighboured closer to those who generated
Bad Effects

 Air Pollution

 Water Pollution

 Soil Contamination

 Public Health Issues

 Impact On Nearby Communities

 Legal Violations and Regulatory Concerns

FIG 3 : Animal Hazards
 Land And Property Devaluations

 Odor Nuisance

 Animal Hazards
Diseases cause by garbage dumping
 Malaria:- Transmitted by mosquitoes breeding
in Stagnant water, which can result from
improperly and managed garbage dumping.
 Dengue Fever:- Also transmitted by
mosquitoes, improper waste disposal can
create breeding site for this vectors.
 Cholera:- Contaminated water sources due to
waste dumping can lead to cholera outbreaks. FIG 4 : Leachate
 Leptospirosis:- Spread through contact with
water or soil contaminated with the urine of
infected animals, including rodents often
attracted to garbage.
 Gastroenteritis:- Contaminated food and water
due to poor waste management can lead to
gastrointestinal infections.
 Respiratory Infections:- Pollutant released due
to burning of garbage can lead to respiratory
problems, such as bronchitis and pneumonia.

FIG 5 : Disease Cause by Contaminated Water

 Improved Waste Segregation:-Implement a
Comprehensive waste segregation program to
separate recyclables, organic waste, and
Hazardous material at the source. This reduces
the amount of waste sent to the dumping
 Advanced Waste Management Technologies:-
Invest in modern waste management
technologies such as a waste-to-energy plants,
composting facilities, and biogas generation to
reduce the environmental impact of waste
disposal. FIG 6 : This is the BIOMINING plant a project by NMC
 Enhanced Regulatory Compliance:- Strengthen
and strictly enforce environmental regulations
related to waste management to ensure proper
waste disposal practices and containment.
 Leachate Treatment Systems:- Establish
effective leachate treatment systems to
prevent the contamination of ground water
and surface water sources by treating the liquid
waste generated in the dumping ground.
 Community Awareness and Education:-
Conduct Educational Programs to raise
awareness among the local community about
the importance of proper waste disposal and
recycling. Encourage participation in waste
reduction efforts.
 Alternate Landfills:- Identify suitable locations
for new, engineered landfills with modern
containment systems and environmental
safeguards, reducing the pressure on existing
 Landfills Gas Capture:- Install systems to
capture and utilize landfills gas, such as
methane, for energy generation rather than
allowing it to escape into the atmosphere.
 Green Landscaping and Buffer Zones:- Create
green buffer zones around the dumping ground
to improve aesthetics and mitigate the visual
and odor impact on nearby resident. FIG 7 : This is the BIOMINING plant
 Continuous Monitoring:- Implement continuous
monitoring and reporting systems to track the
environmental and health impact of the
dumping ground and ensure timely
 Community Engagement and Consultation:-
Involve local communities in decision making
processes related to waste management,
allowing them to provide input and express
 Recycling and Circular Economy Initiatives:-
Promote recycling programs and the
development of a circular economy to reduce
waste generation and maximize resource
 Long-Term Sustainable Waste Management
Planning:- Develop and implement long-term
waste management plans that focus on
sustainability, resource recovery, and
minimizing and environmental footprint of
waste disposal.

FIG 8 : A diagram of Bio-Gas plant from waste [i]

FIG 8 : A diagram of Bio-Gas plant from waste [ii]
Good Effect

 Employment Opportunities
 Revenue Generation
 Waste to Energy Initiatives
 Recycling Efforts
 Resource Recovery
 Environmental Education
 Community Engagement
 Research and Innovation
 Circular Economy Promotion
 Funding For Local projects
 Creation Of Green Spaces
 Waste Diversion Programs
The Nagpur Dumping Ground Serves as a Crucial
component of waste management In the city.
While it offers employment opportunities,
revenue generation, and potential for resource
recovery, it also presents challenges related to
environmental and public health impacts.
Solutions include improved waste management
practices, regulatory compliances, and
community engagement. This case study
highlights the need for sustainable waste
management to balance efficiency and
environmental responsibilities which has
relevance beyond Nagpur to urban centers
Sr.No Name Of References URLURL (Uniform Resource Locator)

1). Nagpur flouting e-waste handling guidelines

2). Electronic Waste-Maharashtra Pollution Control Board

3). Census Nagpur-Nagpur Population Census

4). Guidelines for Swachh Bharat Mission

5). Municipal solid waste management and disposal

“International journal of engineering research and
Technology(IJERT) ISSN:
6). A.O> Coker , C.G. Achi , M.K.C. Sridhar, C.J. Dennett
“The current institutional solid waste management in a
Nigerian private institution of higher learning” Journal
Of engineering research and studies.

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