Spices S

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Diana, An, Benji, AbolFazel, Kaya

Caption: this is the Sydney Harbor Bridge
This is relevant to the concept because it’s organised into different parts, the sea is
in the middle, there’s a little park behind the Sydney opera house, then the building
is on the sides, the harbour bridge in the middle of the sea.

Why have people built the buildings on the side of the opera house, why not on the
other side?
Eiffel Tower – Paris, France

Write a short caption to introduce what the image is telling us about.

This image is an aerial view of the Eiffel Tower, located in the centre of the city in Paris, France.

Explain how it is relevant to the concept.

This image is related to the ‘SPICESS’ concept due to it being a place. It also shows the natural and manmade buildings,
bodies of water etc.

Question about the concept.

What was the reason the Eiffel Tower was built and how did it affect people living in the city?
Create a short caption to introduce what the image is telling us.

Human actions create pollution.

Explain how it is relevant to the concept.

This image shows us how human actions can affect the environment. People have
dumped waste into the natural environment without thinking about the

Create a question related to the concept and the image.

If this human action continues, how bad will the environment be?

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