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Writing as a Process and as a

Product: How to Teach and

Assess Writing in the Second
Prepared by:
Trixie Hyacinth L. Pelicano, MAEd
Purposes of Teaching
2. Language 3. Language 4. Writing as
1. Reinforcement
Development Style a skill

Writing is considered as one of the Writing, like other Students differ in the way It has to be taught for its being.
ways of helping language learners communication skills, is done in they learn. Writing as a skill cannot be
remember and even improve their stages or procedural steps. acquired or mastered overnight.
fluency in a target language
Major Schools of thought in viewing writing

Writing As

Cognitive Ability VS Sociological Problem Product VS Process

Cognitive Ability
Taking into account both the writing ability and the
linguistic proficiency of the learner.

Writing Ability
This refers to the learners’ knowledge and skills of the writing
process, which includes choosing a topic, generating and
organizing ideas.

Linguistic Proficiency
This refers to one’s knowledge of the linguistic codes, be it in
L1 or L2.
Writing is done for a purpose, is directed at a specific audience,
is part of a broader set of literacy practices . . . Shaped by a
particular culture and setting (Weigle, 2014).

Inculcation among learners that written text do not exist in

isolation and that they have to be a member of a discourse

Discourse Community
Defines the rules of writing or sets of expectations for a written
output. (Ex. Technical writing, creative writing, professional
writing, business writing, etc.
If writing is viewed as a product, then we are more concerned
about the students’ output. This is also called as Genre Writing

Genre Writing Approach

This perspective in teaching writing pays attention to the
correctness of the students’ grammar or their structure. (Ex.
Journal Writing, Biographical Writing, Letter Writing,
Expository, Narrative, Descriptive, Poetry, Persuasive Writing.

Teachers who use this approach usually asks learners to read

model texts for analysis and templates for writing (Zakime,
This view takes into account the different stages of writing as a
way of developing writing skills.


This involves choosing the topic and the generation of ideas for
writing. Choosing the topic is considered as very crucial,
especially if the writing activity is done within the given class

Some pre-writing suggested activities are free writing or

writing without restrictions, listing, brainstorming, and

Teachers assist their students in planning or outlining the ideas

they have generated during the pre-writing stage.

Writing the Draft

This refers to the development of the key ideas outlined in the
previous stage.

This stage asks the writers to check substance of their claims
and the smooth flow of the development of their ideas.

This stage in writing prepares the writing output for final

submission. This requires polishing of grammar, mechanics,
and style. This stage asks students to revisit the writing format
required by their teacher.
The following are the factors that needs to be considered in
effective writing


This is the idea that we want to talk or to write about. We

cannot produce anything, if our knowledge.

Influential writers purposely utilize their extensive collection of
ideas. Our writing purpose guides us in organizing our ideas
and choosing the language to use in writing.
The following are the factors that needs to be considered in
effective writing


A writer has an audience in mind. Just as your purpose

determines your language and style presentation, the audience
plays a crucial role in shaping your writing style and
The Mechanics of Writing

01 02 03
Letter Letter Discrimination Sound-to-letter
It is the ability to distinguish a letter It is the ability to distinguish similar- Correspondence
from the other letters in the alphabet looking letters like b and d or letters This refers to matching the sound
and is a foundation in learning to read like t and f. with the letter symbol.
and write the language.
The Mechanics of Writing

04 05
Word Recognition Basic Rules of Spelling
The complex sound-to-letter correspondence An effective writer demonstrates fluency in spelling,
often results in the learner’s problem in word but to some of our learners, this could be a tedious
recognition, which is the ability to quickly task, especially if they have not mastered the first four
identify and read the written word. of these mechanics.
Two Classification
of the Writing

01 Sound-based 02 Meaning-based
Using the alphabet where the symbol The use of graphic characters
represents a sound. This is observed in represents real-world meaning.
the English Language System. This is evident in the Chinese and
Japanese Kanji.
Writing Instruction for
Writing Instruction for
Intermediate and Advanced
Teaching L2 writing for beginners requires
understanding the context of the learner. For Teachers on this level must help students
instance, teacher needs to know if they already understand the relevance of writing not only in
have the skills sets like writing conventions, and fluency in the target language but also in
writing mechanics. learning successful other subjects.

Writing Prompts
Scaffolds in Teaching Along with the strategies, the teachers can also

Writing motivate the learners to write by giving clear

prompts. A prompt is anything that moves the
student to write. It could be incomplete
Creating engaging writing statements or thought-provoking triggers like
classroom activities. images, quotes, or songs.
Writing Instructions for Beginners

01 02 03

Engaging Activities Developmental Instruction Conducive Environment

The recursive pattern of the process approach helps the Teachers should provide varied reading materials
Writing as a skill can be developed through constant and
learners to develop not only the habit of planning and of that could serve as their source or model of
correct practice, and it is best achieved when more senses
organizing but the ability to monitor their own writing content and authentic opportunities for writing.
are involved.
Summarized Strategies for Teaching Writing
in Elementary Years
Strategies for Intermediate and Advanced
A skill in interacting and recording relevant information from
Note Taking
different types of texts for future use.

An ability to recount and write the events that transpired –

experiment, field trip, and group activity.

A skill in “looking for patterns across a range of events and ideas”

and presenting information concisely.

An ability to break down ideas, note details, and determine


Journal Writing Often a means of self-expression and reflection

Literary writing – short stories and poetry the provides personal and
Creative Writing
imaginative ways of exploring ideas.
Scaffolding activities in
Teaching Writing
Teaching writing mechanics
a. Tracing letters, words, and sentences
b. Letter Recognition
Teaching writing mechanics
(Pre-Writing Activities)
a. Freewriting
b. Questioning
c. Clustering
d. Making a list
Purposes of Writing Assessment
1. Reflect the students’ growth as a writer
2. Inform students and parents about students’ achievement
3. Guide writing instruction
4. Substantiate the grade-level standard met by the learner
5. Evaluate the effectiveness of the instructional program
How to Assess Writing

Written Comments Individual Conference Recorded Feedback

The most commonly used feedback mechanism where teachers This is useful for process writing, where teachers have to The teacher will check the outputs and audio-
write their corrections either on the texts using symbols for assist student writers in every stage of the writing process. record her comments to students for students to
editing or indicate comments. listen and follow.
How to Assess Writing

Observation Collection of Writing Samples Anecdotal Records

Can be used in monitoring the learner’s writing habits, The collection includes the drafts and the final output as Note down the teacher’s comments on what
problems in executing the process, and interaction with peers well as the one they consider the worst and the best- they have observed or read form the students’
during collaborative or peer writing activity. written output to be placed in a portfolio. outputs as evidence of learning.
How to Assess Writing


For students and teachers to assess if the

outputs have responded to the given
prompts or defined objectives.
Other Strategies to Assess Writing
Focus on Specific Agree on the List of Written
Aspect or Competency Symbols
This strategy adheres to the principle of ‘less is Teachers can tell the students the codes used in
more’ and requires the teacher to orient the correcting the errors.
students on the target competencies that the
writing activity aims to achieve.
10 symbols to use for correcting students
Symbol Meaning
writing Symbol Meaning

SP Spelling error “ Missing word

[] Incorrect word
WO Error in word order
WF Error in word form
P Punctuation error or problem
Error in combining two
words into one
T Tense of the verb
/ Signal for run-on sentences
WW Wrong word
Other Strategies to Assess Writing
Peer Correction and Utilize Technology
This strategy is not only time-efficient but Turnitin and Grammarly are word processors
promotive as well of the ‘self-regulation’ in that are equipped with editing features that can
writing. Self-regulation refers to self-initiated be helpful in polishing the text in terms of
thoughts, feelings, and actions that writers use grammar, structure, and mechanics.
to attain various literary goals, including
improving their writing skills.
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