Lea 4 Report

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 Police Planning - is an attempt by police administrators in trying to allocate
anticipated resources to meet anticipated service demands. It is the systematic
and orderly determination of facts and events as basis for policy formulation
and decision affecting law enforcement management.
 Operational Planning - is the use of rational design or pattern for all
departmental undertaking rather than relying on change in an operational
environment. It is the preparation and development of procedures and
techniques in accomplishing of each of the primary tasks and functions of an
 Police Operational Planning - is the act of determining policies and guidelines
for police activities and operations and providing controls and safeguards for
such activities and operations in the department.
 Objectives - are a specific commitment to achieve a measurable result within
a specific period of time. Goals are general statement of intention and
typically with time horizon, or it is an achievable end state that can be
measured and observed.
 Strategic planning - is a series of preliminary decisions on a framework, which
in turn guides subsequent decisions that generate the nature and direction of
an organization. This is usually long range in nature.
The Process of Strategic Planning

 Task 1 - Develop Mission and Objectives

 Task 2-Diagnose Environmental Threats and Opportunities
 Task 3-Assess Organizational Strengths and Weaknesses
 Task 4-Generate Alternative Strategies
 Task 5- Develop Strategic Plan
 Task 6- Develop Tactical Plan
 Task 7- Assess Results of Strategic and Tactical Plan
 Task 8 - Repeat Planning Process
In the process, the police administrator can use the potent tool of
alternatives. Alternatives (options) are means by which goals and objectives can
be attained. They maybe policies, strategies or specific actions aimed at
eliminating a problem.
The plan is to train the officers on militaristic
and combat shooting. The alternatives could be:

 Alternative 1 - modify police vehicles

 Alternative 2-issuing bulletproof vests
 Alternative 3-utilizing computer assisted
dispatch system
 Alternative 4-increasing first-line
supervision, etc
Objectives of Police Planning

 1. To increase the chances of success by focusing on results and

not so much on the objectives.
 2. To force analytical thinking and evaluation of alternatives
for better decisions.
 3. To establish a framework for decision making consistent with
the goal of the organization.
 4. To orient people to action instead of reaction.
 5. To modify the day-to-day style of operation to future
 6. To provide decision making with flexibility
Characteristics of a Good Police Plan

 1. With clearly defined Objectives or Goals

 2. Simplicity, Directness and Clarity
 3. Flexibility
 4. Possibility of Attainment
 5. Must provide Standard of Operation
 6.Economy in terms of Resources needed for
The Guidelines in Planning
 The five (5) W's and one (1) H
 1. What to do - mission/objective
 2. Why to do-reason/philosophy
 3. When to do - date/time
 4. Where to do - place
 5. Who will do-people involve
 6. How to do - strateg
Factors affecting Police Planning

 1. Condition - a consideration of political atmosphere, public opinion; ideological

aspirations; peace and order; national/ community ethics, behavior and discipline in the
area where the plan will be implemented.
 2. Time - It is the period available to establish plan before putting it into effort. Consider
the time of execution/ implementation, the time interval and time allowed for
the revisions and modifications of plan.
 3. Resources Available - Allocation of manpower, money and materials
 4. Skills and Attitudes of Management - Refers to the level of experiences of the
personnel who are involved in the preparation of the plan and those who will execute
the plan. Applicability of good management principles shall be exploited.
 5. Social and Political Environment - Refers to social and political practices, which will
be affected b the plan or plan affecting these practices, beliefs and norms of society.
 6. Physical Facilities - Refers to machinery, instrument or tools in the attainment of the
goals of the plan. A certain system or structural designs in order to meet expected results.
 7. Collection and Analysis of Data - Ready sources and basis of good decision-making by
the makers of the plan may be properly obtain through research and other means of
information gathering techniques.

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