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Unit 1

Scaling the Heights

Generation (n)
• all the people who were born at about
the same time

Ex: My generation has grown up with the internet.

discriminate (v)
• Treat a person or group differently
from another in an unfair way.

Ex: Racial discrimination is a terrible thing.

distinguish (v)
• Notice or understand the difference
between two things; make one person or
thing seem different from another.
Evolution (N)

• Gradual development.

EX: The evolution of the computer has been rapid.

Revolution (N)

• A complete change in ways of

doing things.

EX: The technological revolution has completely changed

the world of communications.
Aim high(Exp)
• To try or plan to achieve something

EX: The team is aiming for the top this season.

Reach (V)
• to achieve a particular aim.

EX: We will not stop until we have reached our goal.

Realise (V)
• to understand or become aware of
a particular fact or situation.

EX: I finally came to realise that he would never change.

• the state of being rich in something

EX: Like the Greeks we value richness of life and toleration.

Insist (V)
• Say firmly or to demand that
something happen or that somebody
agree to do something

EX: She insisted on turning off the TV even though I wanted to

watch the film.
Persist (V)
• Continue doing something
even though is difficult.

EX:He persisted in arriving late for work so he was asked to leave.

Resolve (V)
• Solve or end a problem or difficulty

EX: They resolved their differences and now get on marvelously.

Solve (V)
• to find a way of dealing with
a problem or difficult situation.

EX: You can't solve anything by just running away.

admit defeat (expr)
• Accept that you have failed
and give up .

EX: The athlete had to admit defeat when he finished fourth.

Bold (adj)
• Not afraid .

EX: The bold student made a speech at the demonstration.

Gusty (Adj)
• Brave and determined .

EX: ● The gutsy boy did a stunt on his skateboard.

Mediocre (Adj)
• Not very good

EX: The mediocre film received neither good nor bad reviews.
vain (adj)
• Too proud of oneself .

EX: Rob is so vain that he is always telling us how clever he is.

virtuous (adj)
• Good and honest.

EX: The virtuous woman never cheated or told a lie.

pitiless (adj)
• Cruel and having no pity

EX: His pitiless cruelty made her cry.

ruthless (adj)
• Without pity, feeling or guilt

EX: The ruthless businessman sacked ten employees to save

crafty (adj)
• Clever and dishonest .

EX: That crafty man cheated me out of twenty pounds.

cunning (adj)
• Clever at planning to get what you
want, especially by tricking other

EX: It was cunning of you to get me to do your homework.

upbeat (adj)
• Hopeful and happy.

EX: ● The dance music created an upbeat mood at the party.

impetuous (adj)
• Acting suddenly and without
thinking .

EX: The impetuous player kicked the ball without aiming and
missed the goal.
rash (adj)
• Careless or unwise; not thinking what
the result of one's actions may be.

EX: It was rash to swim where you know there are sharks.
reckless (adj)
• Doing something dangerous and
not worrying about the risks
and the possible results.

EX: The reckless driver caused a serious accident.

candid (adj)
• Open, honest .

EX: ● His candid manner made everyone trust him.

headstrong (adj)
• Determined to do what you want
without listening to others.

EX: he is a headstrong child who rarely listens to good advice.

obstinate (adj)
• Determined to act in a particular way
despite what anyone else says.

EX: I can’t understand your obstinate refusal to go to university.

stubborn (adj)
• Determined not to change your
opinion, ideas, plans, etc.

EX: Jack is far too stubborn to change his mind.

triumphant (adj)
• Someone who is Successful.

EX: He felt triumphant when he won the gold medal.

• worried or frightened that something
unpleasant may happen.

EX: You have no reason to be apprehensive of the future.

See you next class!

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