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• It isn’t always possible for a human resources manager to provide the right
human resources effectively for a business that needs to succeed if they do
not properly understand what qualities a successful Human Resource
manager must possess.
• Successful managers are those people who are skilled enough for fulfilling a
wide variety of roles and also those who can effectively encourage their staff
to be at their best.
• Not every person can be capable of being a good Human Resource Manager.
• A Human Resource manager is an individual who is always
involved in a wider and various aspects of management in an
organization, from framing the different HR policies and their
strategies for reaching out to the employees personally for sorting
his or her concerns or their issues.
• A manager should retain dynamic, excellent, qualified, and skilled
employees by constantly motivating them.
• It is also important that the HR manager needs to have the
potential to carry out various duties that are given to him in the
organization. Before we look at the qualities of human resource
manager, let us understand their role.
• 1. Knowledge and Expertise In HR
• A successful HR manager should always have a
proper or strong educational foundation
regarding the functions of human resources. In
SOME OF THE KEY addition to their qualifications, like having a
bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree, an HR
QUALITIES OF A manager must always display a willingness to
HUMAN RESOURCE remain alongside the latest trends, ethics, and
best practices in their profession, which requires
MANAGER ARE discipline and dedication.
GIVEN BELOW: • Learn hr management course and enhance your
knowledge and expertise in Human resources.

10/31/2023 S a m p l e F o o t e r Te x t 4

• An excellent presenter is a person who can capture their audience’s

attention, and also maintain their engagement, deliver the message
in an effective and also in a positive manner. Effective presenters
are lively, and they are also engaging. Presentation skills are
particularly important to HR managers since they should always
conduct training sessions for new employees. They should also
present a wide variety of information to management on all the
different levels in the organization.
• On an average workday, a Human
Resource manager must deal with many
different problems such as employee’s
personal complaints or answering
maternity leave questions. Then he
should also develop an effective
recruiting strategy for a difficult
position to fill the vacant job positions.
In human resources, if it is not one
problem they are dealing with, then it is
another problem that has to be dealt
with simultaneously.
• Every employee has issues that are
3. THE ABILITY most important to them. A business’s
priorities are constantly shifting and
TO MULTITASK evolving every day.

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W I T H “ G R AY. ”
• As HR managers, they will be surprised at the
number of issues they have to deal with that fall into
“the gray area.” Is it harassment? Was it
discrimination? How do you define “reasonable”
accommodation? How much time are they willing to
devote to securing intermittent leave for the
employees? Human resource managers are often
required to make decisions with their best available
information. They must also possess the wisdom to
know when to seek advice from different lawyers,
experts, or colleagues of HR professionals.

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• Similarly, HR managers often serve as the conscious for their

organization. When it comes to following their company policies and
maintaining confidential information, they must have a strong sense
of ethics. To effectively do their job, they must earn the trust of both
employees and also managers. Discretion and honesty are always the
two main critical components of any successful Human Resource
• A key skill that is required by all HR managers must have
been the ability to communicate with both employers and
also employees. Both their written and oral communication
skills must be clear, concise, and also effective to the
individuals on all levels of the organization. Effective
communication will sometimes include negotiation. When
conflicts arise between co-workers or with the management
and their employees in the organization, an HR manager
must always assist both sides in finding their middle ground
so that a compromise is always reached between them.

• As an HR director, they are said to be a leader, not a business

partner. HR must be at the forefront of all that your company
does. However, there is no instruction booklet, and there are
no other benchmarks to measure yourself against any others.
If the organization is the first to be trying something new in
the industry, it will always be difficult, and also there will be
a certain amount of risk involved.

• The only effective workforce is said to be the motivated

one. HR must understand what does and does not motivate
the employees in the organization. Motivation is not about
just offering incentives but creating sustainable reasons to
maintain a quality of work and fostering employees’ belief
in the organization’s cause and team.
• Dealing with conflicts will never be pleasant.
Conflicts within the workplace can always do one
of two things like a.) working themselves out b.)
been blown out of proportion or the organization.
Being human resources managers, it will be up to
us to employ our critical thinking skills to
appropriately manage the conflicts inside the
organization. We must always gather all the
required and useful information to pinpoint the
issue, devise possible solutions, and then negotiate
for compromise.
• There are sometimes when your career calls for you to stand firmly in the
face of fierce opposition, that is, whether it may be having to conduct
layoffs or opposing poor ideas from the management side. When faced with
different decisions or actions, we must stand firm in our convictions and
beliefs regarding what is best for our organization. These ten qualities are
crucial for the modern-day, which makes a successful HR director.

• A human resources manager with the before mentioned attributes will have
the skills that are needed for successfully guiding, supporting, and also
helping their employees, which can ultimately pave the way for the
organization’s success.

• A good personnel manager must have a

very good approach to human resource
problems. Regardless of the problems
faced by all the employees, they must
have a sympathetic attitude while dealing
with other employees.

• He should have the ability to make quick decisions on his ability, not
depend on others. Let us take an example of a conflict between a
superior and an employee in the organization.

• When the HR manager tries to mediate between them and tries to end
the conflict, he might have to make some quick decisions. HR should
always be mentally alert, and therefore they should not get caught
because of their unawareness.

• HR is said to be the head of the personnel or human resource department, and he

should always display integrity towards the organization. Honesty and frankness
are said to be the hallmarks always for a good human resource manager.

• HR Manager should be an extremely patient person and not lose his temper
easily on others. When dealing with other employees, he should have a skill that
is important to be a good listener, especially when an employee is voicing his
concerns or problems.

• The human Resource Manager should always depend on his formal authority
alone, not dependent on anyone else. However, an effective HR manager earns
his informal authority by influencing people through his interpersonal skills.
• Good leadership skills are always essential for guiding the employees towards
achieving the organization’s objectives or goals. HR should also keep people
motivated and encourage them to use their skills for the overall good of the

• HR should have a sense of social responsibility. And then, he must also

encourage employees to discharge their social obligations to different segments
of society. However, a good human resource manager is not only about the
organization. He should also need to look at the different broader human
resource elements.
• One more essential quality of a human resource manager that everyone must
possess is good communication skills. However, since a major part of the
Human Resource Manager role involves interacting with different employees,
unions, and management, being a good communicator is necessary for every
• The role of an HR manager is said to be always very challenging as it involves
managing people. Managing people is said to be the toughest task, and a good
HR manager should do this effectively. He cannot afford to get awareness in his
work. Always Exploring and learning new ways to handle and deal with the
concerns of different people should be his talent or skill.
• Human Resource Manager often plays a pivotal role in achieving organizational
goals. A Human Resource manager is always said to be a path-finder, problem
solver, guide, philosopher, leader, friend, identifier, and competence maker for
all the members in an organization of the human resource.
• A good HR manager’s role helps in the growth and development of all the
organization’s employees, both directly or indirectly.
What skills should be possessed by the HR Manager?

According to Henri Fayol, a Human Resource manager should always

possess human relations skills much more than any other managerial skill.
He always divided the qualities that are required or should be possessed by
an HR manager into the following categories given below:

1.Good health, strength, and effort.

2.He should have Mental-ability to understand and learn, judgment, and
also adaptability he should possess.
3.To be an HR, one should possess all the qualities like Moral-energy,
firmness, willingness to accept, responsibility, initiative, loyalty, tact, and
4.He should have Educational-general acquaintance with matters not
belonging exclusively to the function performed.
5.He should be characteristic.
6.He should have the Experience-arising from work.

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