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Production System
Production System: Meaning, Types-
Batch and Continuous Production,
TPS: Introduction, Overview of
Toyota Production Systems –
Focused Areas, Techniques: 5S, JIT,
POKAYOKE, Toyota Production
Production System
Production System

• Production system, any of the methods used in industry

to create goods and services from various resources.
• All production systems said to be “transformation
• Processes that transform resources into useful goods
and services.
Principles of Production System

• Its transformation processes

• Process uses labour, capital and space.
• Economists call above resources as “factors of
• Production managers referred them as “five
M’s” – Men, Machines, Methods, Materials,
and Money.
Production system further characterized by
• Physical flow of materials (work in process,
finished goods)
• Flow of information
• Inevitable paperwork
• The physical flows are subject to the
constraints of the capacity of production
• The planning and control of the system to
achieve acceptable outputs, is an important
task of the production manager
• The quality of a product, measured against
some objective standard, includes
Performance characteristics
• Durability
• Serviceability
• Physical characteristics
• Timeliness of delivery
• cost
• Appropriateness of documentation and
supporting materials.
Batch Production
Batch Production
Batch Production
What is Batch Production?

• Is a production methodology in which

products are manufactured in groups called
batches rather than in a continuous fashion.
• A group or set or batch of products are made,
and the same machinery is used to make the
next batch of goods.
• Batch production is usually used for making
group orders, and not used for mass
Importance of Batch Production
• Batch production is one of the three primary forms of
• Job and Flow being the others.
• Job system is used in cases where high level of
customization is required
• Flow is used where the same product is to be mass
• Batch production system offers flexibility in terms of
these two factors.
• It allows customization to some extent in order to meet
specific customer needs while ensuring higher
Characteristics of Batch Production System
Characteristics of Batch Production
1 Reuse
2 Group Customizations
3. Batch Size
4 Cost Effective
Characteristics of Batch Production
1. Reuse
• The same machinery can be re-utilized for producing
another batch of products which may be same or can have
minor changes like color, size or shape
2. Group Customizations
• Customizations can be done at a group level in batch
production. In batch production, the customization related
to minor changes can be done in groups to produce
batches as per production plan and market demand.
• These group customizations make the batch production a
more viable option and responsive to changing demands.
Characteristics of Batch Production
3. Batch Size
• Parts or products are made in smaller batches.
• These smaller batches are beneficial because the time
taken is less and also the quality control can be done
in a more efficient way.
4. Cost Effective
• It is cost effective as compared to every customized
job production product.
• Batch production because of its reusability and better
quality control is a more cost efficient method as
compared to continuous manufacturing.
Examples of Batch Production

• Batch production techniques are generally

used in Baking or meal preparation.
• Consider a bakery using its over to bake 50
white breads in the first batch.
• Then the same oven can be used to bake 50
brown breads.
• After this 30 buns can be baked.
• Hence the same machinery is used for making
different group of products in batches.
2. Manufacturing clothes also use batch
• Consider a t-shirt manufacturing company.
• In its first batch, it makes 100 blue t-shirts,
followed by 100 green & 100 red t-shirts in
the subsequent batches.
• All these t-shirts are made using the same
machinery, just by tweaking the colors &
Continuous Production
Continuous Production

• Continuous production is a type of production

system in which materials being processed
are continuously in motion.
• Continuous production, like mass production, is
a flow production method.
• A manufacturing method in which the materials
(dry bulk or fluids) that are being processed are
continuously in motion, undergoing
mechanical, thermal, and/or chemical
• During continuous processing, distinct parts flow
from one machine to the next to make a finished
• There are no interruptions between the stages of
• It’s a very organized system involving advanced
machinery and producing high volumes.
• Continuous production is characterized by:
– Equipment dedicated to specific tasks
– Automated material handling
– Identical products
– Use of specialized machinery and tools
• Companies must have high capital to run a
continuous production operation.
• Continuous production requires a large floor
space and advanced machinery.
Continuous production Advantages
• Standardization: Continuous production is a carefully
monitored, consistent process that uses advanced
machinery to produce standardized goods.
• Higher production rate: Continuous production never
stops running. Without the need to shut down or reset
machinery, manufacturers can produce large quantities
in less time than a factory that only runs one or two
Continuous production Advantages
• Increased worker safety: It’s an automatic process that
doesn’t put workers in strenuous or dangerous
• Economies of scale: Economies of scale refers to a
decrease in overall costs due to increased production.
• Standardization: Continuous production is a carefully monitored, consistent
process that uses advanced machinery to produce standardized goods.
Manufacturers can expect less risk of human error and products that are
identical in quality. This also leads to reduced waste and less downtime.
• Higher production rate: Continuous production never stops running. Without the
need to shut down or reset machinery, manufacturers can produce large
quantities in less time than a factory that only runs one or two shifts. Continuous
production ensures a company can keep up with increasing consumer demand.
• Increased worker safety: With continuous production, materials are handled
fully by machinery and flow through a sequence by conveyors or other transfer
equipment. It’s an automatic process that doesn’t put workers in strenuous or
dangerous situations.
• Economies of scale: Economies of scale refers to a decrease in overall costs due
to increased production. For example, machinery is most efficient when running
at one speed. When machinery slows down or stops, it can cause financial loss to
a company. A large manufacturer who produces continuously only slows down
for certain occasions, such as scheduled maintenance. Otherwise, they can
produce 24/7 without the expense of stopping machinery. They can turn raw
materials into consumer goods efficiently, and charge consumers affordable
prices as a result.
Disadvantages of Continuous Production

• Requires a high investment

• Lack of flexibility: Continuous production
plants are usually designed to produce a single
• Products are the same: Continuous
production produces identical items. More
consumers want custom or personalized
Disadvantages of Continuous Production

• Requires extremely careful planning and

design: Manufacturers must work with
engineers and other design specialists to very
carefully. Any failure in equipment in an
assembly line stops the entire manufacturing
• May lead to excess inventory: Continuous
production creates high volumes.
• Requires a high investment: Setting up a continuous production plant requires a
substantial amount of capital. Automated machinery and robotics are not cheap –
nor is the floor space needed to hold such equipment. For this reason, smaller
companies typically do not start with a continuous production method.
• Lack of flexibility: Continuous production plants are usually designed to produce a
single product. As consumer needs frequently change, this lack of flexibility can be
risky. To produce different items, a continuous production manufacturer would have
to redesign their whole system.
• Products are the same: Continuous production produces identical items. More
consumers want custom or personalized products, but many manufacturers with a
continuous processing method are incapable of designing and producing custom
items. Although new technology, such as 3-D printers, may help large companies
keep up with consumer trends, customization may not be a viable option for all
• Requires extremely careful planning and design: Manufacturers must work with
engineers and other design specialists to very carefully plan and create a continuous
production operation. Any failure in equipment in an assembly line stops the entire
manufacturing process.
• May lead to excess inventory: Continuous production creates high volumes. If
consumer demand drops, manufacturers may not be able to sell enough of their
products. This can lead to an inventory buildup.

• Oil Refineries
• An oil refinery converts crude oil into
common petroleum products
such as gasoline and diesel fuel.
• A refinery also produces liquids used in
chemicals and plastics.
• Oil refineries are large, complex facilities that
use multiple units to break down crude oil and
reconfigure it into new products through
various chemical processes.

• Finished products are stored in large tanks

near the refinery before being transported
across the country.
• It’s a continuous process that operates 24/7
every day of the year.
Food and Beverage Manufacturers
• Consider Hershey. In 2012,
• Hershey invested $300 million in expanding its plant in
Hershey, Pa.
• The plant contains computers that control the
manufacturing process and robotics to handle heavy
cases of finished candy.
• There are more conveyors and machines than human
workers in the plant.
• Those who do work at the plant spend time monitoring
computers and production output.
• This Hershey plant is capable of producing 70 million
Hershey’s Kisses a day due to continuous production.
Food and Beverage Manufacturers
• Coca-Cola provides another example of
continuous flow. One of their facilities in
Baton Rouge runs 24 hours a day, five days a
week, and
• Manufactures over 4 million servings each
• This Coca-Cola plant is a massive facility
equipped with automated machinery to
rapidly produce Coke products.
Paper Manufacturers
• Paper manufacturing is a complex process that
involves various machines and processes to turn logs
into paper.
• First, logs are put through machines to remove the
bark and then ground into wood chips.
• Wood chips are then cooked in a special solution
inside a large vat called a digester.
• A digester is designed to handle large volumes and
run continuously.
• As it runs, it efficiently turns wood chips into a pulp.
• The pulp is then pumped into automated machines
and moves through rollers to be pressed and dried.
Cement Manufacturers
• Cement manufacturing requires a continuous process to
ensure the right chemical transformations take place.
• Cement manufacturing must run 24/7.
• The usual method of making cement is to crush raw
materials such as limestone and clay.
• These crushed rocks are combined with other materials such
as iron ore then ground together, mixed thoroughly and sent
into a kiln.
• Inside the kiln, the materials are heated
to approximately 2,700 F.
• After chemical changes take place, the materials move from
the kiln and undergo other automatic processes until the
final product is reached.
Here are a few other examples of industries
that may use continuous production methods
in their facility:
• Steel
• Chemicals
• Glass
• Electronics
• Automobiles

Toyota Production Systems (TPS)

TPS - Inroduction
• The Toyota Production System (TPS) is an
integrated socio-technical system
• Developed by Toyota (automotive manufacturer)
• To efficiently organize manufacturing and logistics,
including the interaction with suppliers and
customers, to minimize cost and waste.
• Nampachi Hayashi claims that TPS should have
been called “Toyota Process Development System.”
• Most uses of the word “Lean” are actually referring
to TPS.
Overview of TPS
• The philosophy is to work intelligently and
eliminate waste so that only minimal inventory is
• This increases cash flow and reduces physical space
• Makes it easier to deliver the required results
smoothly through internal processes one piece at a
time (single piece flow) to the end customer.
• The system is also known by the more generic “
lean manufacturing” and “just-in-time production”
or “JIT Manufacturing.”
• The majority of the system was originally
developed beginning in 1948 through 1975,
• Major influences from Taiichi Ohno, Eiji Toyoda,
and Shigeo Shingo.
• A visit by Eiji Toyoda (an engineer and member
of the founding family of Toyota) to the River
Rouge Ford Plant in 1950 sparked the creation of
the Toyota Production System.
• He famously stated to his colleagues at Toyota
upon his return that “there are some possibilities
to improve the production system”.
• The purpose is to identify and reduce three
primary obstacles or deviations from optimal
allocation of resources within the system:
1. Overburden (muri)
2. Inconsistency (mura)
3. Waste (muda)
TPS is grounded on two main conceptual
• Just-in-time – meaning “Making only what is
needed, only when it is needed, and only in
the amount that is needed”
• Jidoka – (Autonomation) meaning
“Automation with a human touch”
The underlying principles of TPS
(called the Toyota Way)
• Continuous improvement
– Challenge
• We form a long-term vision, meeting challenges with courage
and creativity to realize our dreams.
– Kaizen
• We improve our business operations continuously, always
driving for innovation and evolution.
– Genchi Genbutsu
• Go to the source (gemba) to find the facts to make correct
• Respect for people
– Respect
• We respect others, make every effort to understand
each other, take responsibility and do our best to build
mutual trust.
– Teamwork
• We stimulate personal and professional growth, share
the opportunities of development and maximize
individual and team performance.
TPS Techniques
• Seiri (Sort)
• Seiton (Straighten, Set)
• Seiso (Shine, Sweep)
• Seiketsu (Standardize)
• Shitsuke (Sustain)
• Video
Straighten (seiton)
Shine (seiso)
Standardize (seiketsu)
Sustain (shitsuke)
• The just-in-time (JIT) inventory system is a
management strategy that minimizes
inventory and increases efficiency.
• Just-in-time manufacturing is also known as
the Toyota Production System (TPS) because
the car manufacturer Toyota adopted the
system in the 1970s
Just-in-Time (JIT)

• Inventory system is a management strategy

that aligns raw-material orders from suppliers
directly with production schedules.
• Companies employ this inventory strategy to
increase efficiency and decrease waste by
receiving goods only as they need them
for the production process, which
reduces inventory costs.
• This method requires producers to forecast
demand accurately.
Benefits of JIT
• Minimizes inventory and increases efficiency.
• Known as the Toyota Production System (TPS)
because the car manufacturer Toyota adopted
the system in the 1970s.
• Kanban is a scheduling system often used in
conjunction with JIT to avoid overcapacity of
work in process.
• Process relies on steady production, high-
quality workmanship, no machine
breakdowns, and reliable suppliers.
• The terms short-cycle manufacturing, used by
Motorola, and continuous-flow
manufacturing, used by IBM.
How Does Just-in-Time Inventory Work

• Minimizes inventory and increases efficiency.

• Cuts inventory costs because manufacturers receive
materials and parts as needed for production and do not
have to pay storage costs.
• Manufacturers are also not left with unwanted inventory if
an order is canceled or not fulfilled.
• One example of a JIT inventory system is a car
manufacturer that operates with low inventory levels but
heavily relies on its supply chain to deliver the parts it
requires to build cars on an as-needed basis.
• Consequently, the manufacturer orders the parts required
to assemble the vehicles only after an order is received.
Advantages of JIT

• JIT inventory systems have several advantages over

traditional models.
• Production runs are short, which means that
manufacturers can quickly move from one product
to another.
• This method reduces costs by minimizing
warehouse needs.
• Companies also spend less money on
raw materials because they buy just enough
resources to make the ordered products and no
Disadvantages of JIT
• The disadvantages of JIT inventory systems
involve potential disruptions in the supply chain.
• If a raw-materials supplier has a breakdown and
cannot deliver the goods promptly, this could
conceivably stall the entire production line.
• A sudden unexpected order for goods may delay
the delivery of finished products to end clients.
Advantages and Disadvantages of JIT
• History of Jidoka
• Machines are built with the capacity to identify
problems and stop when something goes wrong.
• We have Jidoka to thank for that.
• This concept originated with an automatic loom
invented by Sakichi Toyoda in the late 19th century.
• Toyoda’s machine would stop when a thread broke.
• When the machine stopped, a person would step in
and work to find the root cause of the problem
before any other defective products were made.
• Jidoka sometimes is called “autonomation,” “intelligent
automation,” “automation with a human touch” or
“automation with human intelligence.”

• It provides machines and operators the ability to detect when

an abnormal condition has occurred and immediately stop
work when a problem first occurs.

• This enables operations to build in quality at each process by

eliminating the root causes of defects.

• It also increases work efficiency by separating workers and


• Eliminates the need for operators to continuously watch

machines, as they can handle several machines at once.
JIDOKA: follows four principles
• Detect the abnormality
• Stop
• Fix or correct the immediate condition
• Investigate the root cause and install a
Kanban board
• A Kanban board is a visualization tool that
enables you to optimize the flow of your work.
• Using a Kanban board to manage work across
your team or organization can:
1. Promote focus
2. Boost productivity
3. Increase visibility
Kanban board
Why Kanban Board
• A Kanban board offers a way to visually
manage your work.
• A well-designed Kanban board can consolidate
all the information in disparate tools, helping
you save time, stay focused, and get more
What are Kanban Boards?

• Kanban boards are a shared space where

teams and organizations can visually manage
their work.
• Harnessing our brains’ innate preference for
consuming visual information,
• Kanban boards help teams:
1. See work in progress
2. Streamline their processes
3. Keep work flowing from “To Do” to “Done”
Who Uses Kanban Boards?

• First embraced by IT managers and software

development teams,
• Kanban boards have been widely adopted by
all types of teams and organizations.
• Kanban boards are especially popular among
teams who practice Lean and Agile
• They enable the kind of
visibility and transparency necessary to
achieve business agility. – Kanban card
Team that follows a repeatable process can
use Kanban boards to:
1. Clarify their process
2. Improve their workflow
3. Work more efficiently
Reasons for Using Kanban Boards
Look at a team Kanban board and get a sense of

• How many work items are in progress

• Where each of those work items are in their
• How many items have been completed
• Which team members are assigned to which
• Where bottlenecks might exist in the process
• If any items are blocked
• If any items are past their planned due date
What Is a Kanban Card?

• A Kanban card represents an individual work

item, which allows teams to view important
work information.
Example of Kanban card
Planning Meetings using Kanban
The Purpose of Kanban Cards

• Is to represent a work item and communicate

its status as it moves through the workflow.
• Teams track work in one place, and
communicate status in another
• By simply moving a Kanban card from one step
(vertical lane).
• A team member communicates to their team
where that work item is in the process,
without any additional work.
Kanban cards can help teams
• Gain a quick understanding of work item details
• Facilitate handoffs between team members as
the work progresses through different stages in
the team’s process
• Document and communicate critical
information about each work item
• Record important work attributes and metrics
that teams can later use to improve their
Face of a Kanban Card

• A unique identifier or title

• Who is assigned to the work
• Due dates
• Work type (often communicated by the color
of the card)
• Estimated effort (communicated through
numeric “T-shirt” sizing, or other methods)
Back of a Kanban Card

• Card description – What exactly is involved in this

work? What is the goal?
• Project scope – What is the definition of “done?”
What is or is not included in this work?
• Attachments and links – Project briefs, templates,
useful resources, drafts, and key deliverables
• Comments / comment history – What have team
members said about the project so far?
• Subtasks – What are the individual tasks involved in
completing this card?
Other Benefits of Kanban Cards

• Start date
• Blocked days
• Finish date
• Lead time
• Cycle time
• Throughput
• From the Japanese words “kai-” which means
“change” and “-zen” which means “good.”
• The popular meaning from Toyota is
“continuous improvement” or “small
incremental improvements” of all areas of a
company, not just manufacturing.
• Kaizen means all personnel are expected to
stop their work when they encounter any
abnormality and, along with their supervisor,
suggest an improvement to resolve the

What is Kaizen?

• Kaizen is an approach to creating continuous

improvement based on the idea that small, ongoing
positive changes can reap significant improvements.
• Typically, it is based on cooperation and
• Kaizen is core to lean manufacturing and
the Toyota Way.
• It was developed in the manufacturing sector to
lower defects, eliminate waste, boost productivity,
encourage worker purpose and accountability and
promote innovation.
• It has been adopted in many other industries,
including healthcare.
• It can be applied to any area of business and even
on the individual level.
• Kaizen can use a number of approaches and tools,
such as value stream mapping --
• (which documents, analyzes and improves
information or material flows required to produce
a product or service)
• Total Quality Management -- which is a
management framework that enlists workers at all
levels to focus on quality improvements.
10 principles of Kaizen

1. Let go of assumptions.
2. Be proactive about solving problems.
3. Don't accept the status quo.
4. Let go of perfectionism and take an attitude of iterative, adaptive
5. Look for solutions as you find mistakes.
6. Create an environment in which everyone feels empowered to
7. Don't accept the obvious issue; instead, ask "why" five times to
get to the root cause.
8. Cull information and opinions from multiple people.
9. Use creativity to find low-cost, small improvements.
10. Never stop improving.
How Kaizen works

• Kaizen involves identifying issues and

opportunities, creating solutions and rolling
them out
• Then cycling through the process again for
inadequately addressed issues and problems.
• A cycle made up of seven steps can be
implemented for continuous improvement
and can provide a systematic method for
executing this process.
This systematic method includes the
following steps:
• Get employees involved. Seek the involvement of employees,
including soliciting their help in identifying issues and
problems. Doing so creates buy-in for change. Often, this is
organized as specific groups of individuals charged with
gathering and relaying information from a wider group of
• Find problems. Using widespread feedback from all
employees, gather a list of problems and potential
opportunities. Create a list if there are many issues.
• Create a solution. Encourage employees to offer creative
solutions, with all manner of ideas encouraged. Pick a winning
solution or solutions from the ideas presented.
• Test the solution. Implement the winning solution
chosen above, with everyone participating in the rollout.
Create pilot programs or take other small steps to test
out the solution.
• Analyze the results. At various intervals, check progress,
with specific plans for who will be the point of contact
and how best to keep ground-level workers engaged.
Determine how successful the change has been.
• If results are positive, adopt the solution throughout the
• These seven steps should be repeated on an ongoing
basis, with new solutions tested where appropriate or
new lists of problems tackled.
Additional approaches to the Kaizen cycle exist: PDCA.
(Shewhart cycle or Deming cycle)
Types of Kaizen events

• Kaizen blitz,
• Kaizen burst,
• Kaizen workshop,
• Focused improvement workshop,
• Continuous improvement workshop and
• Rapid process workshop
• 5S framework
• Value stream mapping
Kaizen Blitz
• A Kaizen Blitz is a rapid improvement
workshop designed to produce
results/approaches to discrete process issues
within a few days.
• It is a way for teams to carry out structured,
but creative problem solving and process
improvement, in a workshop environment,
over a short timescale.
Kaizen burst
• A Kaizen burst event is a short duration
improvement project with a specific aim for
Value stream mapping
• Value stream mapping (VSM) is defined as a
lean tool that employs a flowchart
documenting every step in the process.
• Many lean practitioners see VSM as a
fundamental tool to identify waste, reduce
process cycle times, and implement process
Kaizen advantages

• Kaizen's focus on gradual improvement can

create a gentler approach.
• Kaizen encourages scrutiny of processes so
that mistakes and waste are reduced.
• With fewer errors, oversight and inspection
needs are minimized.
• Employee morale improves because Kaizen
encourages a sense of value and purpose.
Kaizen advantages…

• Teamwork increases as employees think

beyond the specific issues of their
• Client focus expands as employees become
more aware of customer requirements.
• Systems are in place to ensure improvements
are encouraged both in the short and long
Kaizen disadvantages

• Companies with cultures of territorialism and

closed communication may first need to focus
on cultural changes to create a receptive
• Short-term Kaizen events may create a burst
of excitement that is shallow and short-lived
and, therefore, is not sustained.
Examples of Kaizen

• Lockheed Martin. The aerospace company is a well-

known proponent of Kaizen. It has used the method to
successfully reduce manufacturing costs, inventory and
delivery time.
• Ford Motor Company. When lean devotee Alan Mulally
became CEO of Ford in 2006, the automaker was on the
brink of bankruptcy. Mulally used Kaizen to execute one of
the most famous corporate turnarounds in history.
• Pixar Animation Studios. Pixar applied the continuous
improvement model to reduce the risks of expensive
movie failure by using quality control checks and iterative
• The term Poka-Yoke (poh-kah yoh-keh) was
coined in Japan during the 1960s by
Shigeo Shingo, an industrial engineer at
• Shingo also created and formalized
Zero Quality Control – a combination of Poka-
Yoke techniques to correct possible defects
and source inspection to prevent defects.
• Poka-Yoke means ‘mistake-proofing’ or more
literally – avoiding (yokeru) inadvertent
errors (poka).
• Its purpose is to eliminate product defects by
preventing, correcting, or drawing attention
to human errors as they occur.
Examples of Poka-Yoke Application

• The washing machine that does not start if the

door is not closed properly to prevent
• Sockets
Why is Poka-Yoke Important?

• They help people and processes work right

the first time, which makes mistakes
impossible to happen.
• Improves the quality and reliability of
products and processes by eliminating defects.
• This approach to production fits perfectly the
culture of continuous improvement, which is
also part of the Lean management arsenal.
When and How to Use it?
• Processing error: Process operation missed or not
performed per the standard operating procedure.
• Setup error: Using the wrong tooling or setting machine
adjustments incorrectly.
• Missing part: Not all parts are included in the assembly,
welding, or other processes.
• Improper part/item: Wrong part used in the process.
• Operations error: Carrying out an operation incorrectly;
having the incorrect version of the specification.
• Measurement error: Errors in machine adjustment, test
measurement, or dimensions of a part coming in from a
How to apply POKAYOKE
• Identify the operation or process.
• Analyze the 5-whys and the ways a process can fail.
• Choose the right Poka-Yoke approach, such as using a shutout
type (preventing an error being made) or an attention
type (highlighting that an error has been made).
• Take a comprehensive approach instead of thinking of Poka
Yokes just as limit switches or automatic shutoff.
• Determine whether a contact (use of shape, size, or other
physical attributes for detection), constant number (error
triggered if a certain number of actions are not made), or
a sequencing method (use of a checklist to ensure completing
all process steps) is most appropriate.
• Test the method and see if it works.
• Train the operator, review performance, and measure success.
• Why did your car stop?
– Because it ran out of gas.
• Why did it run out of gas?
– Because I didn’t buy any gas on my way to work.
• Why didn’t you buy any gas this morning?
– Because I didn’t have any money.
• Why didn’t you have any money?
– Because I lost it all last night in a poker game.
• Why did you lose your money in last night’s poker
– Because I’m not very good at “bluffing” when I don’t
have a good hand

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