Dry Cell

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PetroVietnam University


Name: Lê Thanh Phong

Class: K9-CE
Content 1. What is a cell?

2. How a cel works?

3. History dry-cell?

4. Part of dry-cell?
What is a cell? Dry-cell a cell is the It generates electricity
simplest unit for making from chemical reactions
electricity. it pumps electrons along
wires two or more cells
form a battery .
How a cell works?
Substances such as acids dissolve in water to form
charged particles namely positive ions or cations and
negative ions or anions.
These types of solutions form the electrolyte of a cell
metal rods immersed in electrolytes act as electrodes the
positive electrode is the anode and the negative electrode
is the cathode these electrodes attract oppositely charged
ions resulting in flow of electrons.
History dry-
Part of dry-cell:
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