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Present by -
Suraj R. Maurya
Topics :
All About Pointers :
Declaring Pointer Variable
&(‘Address of’ Operator)
*(‘Value of’ or Indirection Operator)
Pointers Type
Pointer Arithmetic
 Pass by Pointer in function
 Array of Pointer
String of Pointer
Object of Pointer
this Pointer
Advantages of Pointer
Limitations of Pointer
Computer Memory
• Each variable is assigned a memory slot (the
size depends on the data type) and the
variable’s data is stored there
• Eg: int a=100;

Memory address: 1020 1024 1032

… 100 … 1024 …
Variable a’s value, i.e., 100, is
stored at memory location 1024
• Every byte in computer memory has an
• Addresses are numbers just like house
• Addresses start from 0 and go up as 1, 2,
3….e.g. in 640 KB memory addresses will
be 0 to 655359 I.e., (640 X 1024)-1.
• The moment a variable is declared,
memory is allocated in the RAM for its
storage. int X=100;.
• A variable in the RAM can be accessed
only if you know its address.
 A pointer is a variable which store the
memory address of another variable.
 It supports dynamic memory allocation
 A pointer variable and normal variable is
always same data type.
Declaration And Initialization Of
Pointer Variable

• Syntax :
• Datatype *variable_name;
• eg. int *x; float *y; char *z;

• Address of operator(&)- it is
a unary operator that returns the
memory address of its operand.
Here the operand is a normal
• Ptr_name=&variable_name;
• eg. int x = 10;
int *ptr ;
ptr= &x;
• Now ptr will contain address
where the variable x is stored x
in memory 10


of x
“*”(‘Value of’ or Indirection Operator)

 It is a unary operator that returns the value stored at

the address pointed to by the pointer.
 Here the operand is a pointer variable.
• eg.
• int x = 10;
• int *ptr = &x;
• cout<< ptr;// address stored at ptr will be displayed
• cout<<*ptr;// value pointed to by ptr will be
• Now ptr can also be used to change/display the value
of x.
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