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Globalization Debate and Contentions

By Saqib Hussain
• Introduction
• Theories of World Politics and
Globalization: Myth & Reality
• Hyperglobalist Thesis
• Sceptical Thesis
• Transformationalist Thesis
• Sources of Contention in the
Globalization Debate
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The globalization debate has been a prominent and
ongoing discussion for several decades.
Proponents: Economic Growth, Efficiency,
Consumer Benefits, Cultural Exchange, Peace and
Opponents: Inequality, Exploitation of Labor,
Environmental Concerns, Cultural Homogenization,
Dependency on Global Markets, Loss of National
Sovereignty, Social Dislocation
The debate continues to evolve as new economic,
social, and political developments unfold on the
global stage

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Theories of World Politics and
Globalization: Myth & Reality
Theories of world politics and globalization
explore the complex relationship between
global forces and international relations.
The discussion of "Myth & Reality" in this
context can be interpreted as an examination of
how different theories characterize the effects of
Hyperglobalist Thesis

In 2011 by Dani Rodrik, book “The Globalization Paradox”

The hyperglobalist thesis, also known as hyperglobalization theory, is a perspective in the
field of international relations and globalization studies that asserts the following key points:
Globalization as All-Encompassing
Economic Integration
Decline of the Nation-State
Global Governance and Institutions
Convergence of Cultures
Positive and Negative Consequences
Critics argue that it may oversimplify the complexities of globalization and underestimate the
continued importance of nation-states and local contexts.
Sceptical Thesis

Hirst and Thompson (1996)

The skeptical thesis, also known as the globalization skepticism or skeptical perspective, is a
viewpoint in the field of international relations and globalization studies that questions the extent
and impact of globalization.
Limited Globalization
Nation-State Resilience
Regional Variation
Globalization's Limits
Backlash and Resistance
Political and Cultural Differences
Economic Interdependence vs. Political Independence
Skeptics argue that globalization is a complex and nuanced phenomenon with both positive and
negative consequences. They emphasize the enduring importance of nation-states and regional
variations in the globalization process.
Transformationalist Thesis

David Harvey and Wallerstein Marxist theorist of globalization.

A theory which holds that globalisation is a complex process involving a number of different two-
way exchanges between global institutions and local cultures; it can be reversed and controlled.
Globalization is a transformative force, but its outcomes and impacts are highly contingent on
various factors, including politics, policies, and social dynamics.
Complex and Varied Outcomes
Impact on Nation-States
Global Governance
Economic Transformations
Cultural Dynamics
Political Responses
Policy Choices
Continued Uncertainty
The transformationalist thesis recognizes that globalization is an ongoing and dynamic process that
can lead to significant changes in the world but does not assume a linear or one-size-fits-all model of
Sources of Contention in the Globalization Debate

Sources Sources
• Economic Inequality • Social and Cultural Integration
• Labor Rights and Exploitation • Technology and Automation
• Environmental Concerns • Economic Growth vs. Sustainability
• Cultural Homogenization • Global Health and Pandemics
• Loss of National Sovereignty
• Global Governance
• Trade and Protectionism
• Nationalism vs. Globalism
• The globalization debate is marked by various sources of contention, reflecting the diverse perspectives and interests of
stakeholders involved. These sources of contention highlight the complex and multifaceted nature of globalization and its
impact on different aspects of society.
Key points of contention include
economic inequality, labor rights,
environmental concerns, cultural
homogenization, loss of national
sovereignty, global governance
effectiveness, trade policies, nationalism
vs. globalism, social and cultural
integration, technology and automation,
balancing economic growth and
sustainability, and global health
challenges. These sources of contention
reflect diverse perspectives and interests,
making it crucial to engage in informed
discussions and negotiations to address
the challenges and opportunities posed
by globalization.
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