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Adjetives and adverb

Julieth paniza

An adjective modifies a noun. It describes the quality, state or action that a noun.
The adjective is always written before or after the subject.
types of adjectives
in english
Qualifying adjectives

They bring a quality to the name that accompanies it. Examples: good, smart, short...

Demonstrative adjectives

They indicate a place relationship. Examples: this (this), that (that), these (these),
those (those)..
Quantitative or extensive adjectives

They determine a quantity on something. Examples: many (much/s), much (much), some
(some/s), any (some/s, none)…

Interrogative adjectives

They express questions by identifying the name. Examples: what? (what why?
(because when? (when)...
Possessive adjectives

They indicate ownership. Examples: mi (my), tu (you), she (her), hers (his hers,

numeral or numerical adjectives

They determine a numerical quantity in the name. Examples: uno (one), primero (first),
ten (ten)...

An adverb is a word that modifies the meaning of a Verb; an Adjective; another adverb; a
Noun or Noun Phrase; Determiner; a Numeral; a Pronoun; or a Prepositional Phrase and
can sometimes be used as a Complement of a Preposition.
tipos de adverbios
De modo (adverbs of manner): careful – carefully (cuidadosamente), easy – easily

De lugar (adverbs of place): around (alrededor), far (lejos), here (aquí)

De tiempo (adverbs of time): again (otra vez), before (antes), soon (pronto), late
De frecuencia (adverbs of frequency): always (siempre), never (nunca)

De cantidad (adverbs of quantity): little (poco), much (mucho), too (demasiado

Relativos (relative adverbs): where (donde), why (por qué), cuando (when)
Ordinales (ordinal adverbs): firstly (en primer lugar), secondly (en segundo lugar)

De grado o intensidad (adverbs of degree): completely (completamente), extremely

(extremadamente), greatly (grandemente)

De probabilidad (adverbs of probability): maybe (quizá), perhaps (quizá, tal vez),

probably (probablemente)

De afirmación (adverbs of affirmation): certainly (ciertamente), naturally

(naturalmente), of course (por supuesto), surely (seguramente), etc.
What do you think is the difference that exist between an adjective and
an adverb when making comparisons?

If there is a noun, what you say before is an adjective. But, if that adjective appears
after the verb and has -LY at the end, then it is an adverb.

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