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( 620018)
Malnutrition remains one of the major public health problems in Indonesia.
The prevalence of malnutrition in children under five in Indonesia is still
quite high. Malnutrition in children under five not only increases morbidity
and mortality rates but can also cause impairments in physical growth, mental
and thinking abilities which will ultimately reduce work productivity.
What is Malnutrition ?
• Malnutrition is a state of malnutrition caused by low consumption of
energy and protein in daily conditions. (Depkes RI,1999)
Causes of Malnutrition
Direct causes :
● Lack of food intake
● Presence of disease

Indirect causes :
a. Lack of family food security
b. Quality of maternal and child care.
c. Poor health services.
d. Poor environmental sanitation.
e. Population Factors
Malnutrition due to protein energy deficiency is divided
into :
Kwashiorkor is a disease caused by protein Marasmus is a disease caused by a lack of
calories and protein. Marasmus is
deficiency both in terms of quality and quantity.
characterized by tissue atrophy, especially
Children may develop eye problems due to vitamin the subcutaneous layer and the body looks
A deficiency. Mineral deficiencies especially iron, thin like an old man.
calcium and zinc.
Signs and symptoms of malnutrition

Low immune
Slow growth

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Fatigue and lack Underweight Weakness in
of energy muscles
Prevents child malnutrition :
1) Provide exclusive breastfeeding (only breast milk) until the child is 6 months old. After that, the child is
introduced to age-appropriate complementary foods, and weaned after 2 years of age.
2) Children are given a varied diet that is balanced in terms of protein, fat, vitamins and minerals.
3) If the child is already suffering from malnutrition, then immediately provide high calories in the form of
carbohydrates, fats, and sugars. Protein can be given after other sources of calories have been shown to increase
the child's energy.
Two Types of Malnutrition
Thin and brittle hair Thin and
brittle hair

Moon face Simian


Loss of muscle
Bulging mass
Malnutrition in children not only increases morbidity and mortality
rates but can also cause impairments in physical growth, mental and
thinking abilities which will ultimately reduce work productivity.
Malnutrition needs to be detected early through intensification of
growth monitoring and identification of risk factors and must be treated
quickly and carefully.
Thank You

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