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Life Cycle Assessment of Solar Pv Panle

Under the Supervision : Submitted By:

Ajeet Kumar
Dr .Om Ji Shukla Roll No-2236011
Asst.Prof. NIT PATNA M.Tech (Thermal Engg.)

 Introduction
 Life Cycle Stages
 Enviroment Impact Assessment
 Literature Review
 Benefits of Solar Pv Panels
 Challenge of Future Direction
 Conclusion
 References
Introduction :

 We gather to delve into a critical topic that impacts not only our energy
landscape but the environment as a whole: the Life Cycle Assessment of Solar
Photovoltaic (PV) Panels.

 As we're all aware, the world is facing a dual challenge - the increasing demand
for energy and the urgency of combating climate change. Sustainable energy
sources are at the forefront of addressing this challenge.

 The purpose of our presentation today is to explore the environmental footprint

of Solar PV Panels through the lens of Life Cycle Assessment. We will uncover
the full spectrum of environmental impacts, from manufacturing to installation
and end-of-life disposal. By the end, we hope to gain a better understanding of
how solar PV panels fit into the broader sustainable energy landscape.

 Let me now guide you through the exciting world of Life Cycle Assessment for
Solar PV Panels.
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA): Cont.

 Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a systematic and comprehensive

methodology for evaluating the environmental impacts of a product,
process, or system throughout its entire life cycle.
 This life cycle typically includes the extraction of raw materials,
manufacturing, transportation, installation, use, and end-of-life disposal or
 LCA provides a holistic approach to assessing the environmental
sustainability of a product or technology by considering its impact from
cradle to grave. is a technique that tries to identify, measure and
characterize different potential environmental impacts associated to each
one of the stages of the life cycle of a product.
Importance of LCA for Solar PV Panels:

LCA is crucial for Solar PV Panels for several reasons:

1. Environmental Responsibility: LCA helps us understand the

environmental impact of solar panels, enabling manufacturers and
users to make informed decisions to minimize harm to the planet.
2. Comparison: LCA allows us to compare the environmental
performance of solar panels with other energy sources, aiding in
decision-making for sustainable energy solutions.
3. Improvement: It identifies hotspots and areas where environmental
performance can be improved, guiding research and development
4. Policy and Regulation: LCA findings can inform environmental
policies and regulations, ensuring the responsible use and disposal of
solar panels.
Stages of Life Cycle Analysis

 Extraction of raw materials from nature

 Product design and Manufacture of the product using the raw materials
 Transportation or distribution of the product to various sites
 Use or consumption and maintenance of the product
 Waste management (recycling process and final disposal)
Benefits of Solar Pv Panels :
 Solar PV panels have become a cornerstone of the renewable energy sector for several reasons:
 Sustainability: Solar energy is abundant and clean, with no greenhouse gas emissions during
electricity generation, making it a sustainable and environmentally friendly energy source.
 Reduced Energy Costs: The cost of solar panels has steadily decreased, making them more
accessible to residential and commercial consumers. Solar energy can help reduce electricity bills
and save money over time.
 Energy Independence: Solar panels empower individuals, businesses, and even entire regions to
become more energy-independent by generating their electricity.
 Grid Stabilization: Distributed solar PV installations can help stabilize the electrical grid and reduce
the risk of blackouts by providing power closer to where it's needed.
 Job Creation: The solar industry creates jobs in manufacturing, installation, maintenance, and
research and development, contributing to local economies.
 Government Incentives: Many governments offer incentives, rebates, and tax credits to encourage
the adoption of solar PV, making it more financially attractive.
 Environmental Benefits: Solar energy significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions, helping
combat climate change and air pollution.
 Technological Advancements: Ongoing research and development have improved the efficiency
and performance of solar panels, making them an even more attractive energy source.
Solar PV Panels Work:

 Solar Photovoltaic (PV) panels, commonly known as solar panels, convert

sunlight into electricity.
 They are made up of many solar cells (typically made of crystalline silicon)
that contain semiconductors.
 When sunlight (photons) hits these cells, it excites electrons, creating an
electric current (direct current, DC).
 An inverter then converts the DC electricity into alternating current (AC)
electricity, which can be used to power homes and businesses.
 The electricity generated can either be used immediately or stored in
batteries for later use.
Circular Economy

 The main concept in circular

economy is changing materials
use from linear – a straight line
from materials extraction to
product use to landfill or
incineration – to circular, where
materials can be used again and
again. This is called 'closing' the
Phases of Life Cycle Analysis

The four main phases of LCA are:

 Goal and scope definition
 Inventory analysis
 Impact assessment
 Interpretation
Goals and Purpose of Life Cycle Analysis

 Analysing the quality of input and output of materials during the life cycle of a
 Quantifying the inputs and outputs
 Assessing the various environmental implications
 Using the information collected to improve the various processes involved in
life cycle of a product.
 Making public policies
 Achieving sustainability
Impact Assessment and Interpretation

 Impact Assessment:
This phase is required for the evaluation of how significant the potential
environmental implication is.
The impact is a set of consequences on the human health and welfare of flora
and fauna and future availability of resources which attributes to the input and
output of the system.
 Interpretation:
It is a method to identify, quantify, check and evaluate the information collected
from the LCI (life cycle inventory) and LCIA (life cycle impact assessment).
Interpretation phase includes the summarisation of the results in the above two
phases. Interpretation is required to check the accuracy of the results and
communicate them accurately.
Advantages of LCA

 LCA allows analysis of all steps within the life cycle of a product.
 LCAs offer valuable quantitative comparisons.
 LCAs can serve as an effective marketing tool when used
 LCAs are currently becoming a hot button issue in industry and
regulatory organizations alike.
Disadvantages of LCA

 Completing a full life cycle analysis on complicated products is much easier said
than done (the larger your scope, the more complicated the LCA).
 Requires complete data which sometimes are very daunting.
 LCAs depending on the specific product or process, can be very time intensive.
 Lack of Global Strandards.
Literature Review:-
S No. Author's Name Year Material Used CONCOLUSION

1 Sultan Bus¸Ra Artas, 2023 copper, silver, As cheap conventional energy sources are
Emrullah Kocaman, Hasan aluminium, silicon still plentiful, a breakthrough in
Hüseyin Bilgic, Hakan and glass, rare photovoltaics is only possible with low
Tutumlu , materials production costs.Based on
Hüseyin Ya glia, Recep such as tellurium, all these studies, the world should be
Yumrutas indium,film solar prevented from turning into a PV
panel,semiconductor panel dump in the coming years

2 Maria Herrando , Daniel 2022 Photovoltaic Photovoltaic panel,solar collector,heat

Elduque , Carlos Javierre , panel,solar pump,water ,tank,inverter,pump,pipe
Norberto Fueyo collector,heat insulation
pump,water ,tank,inv

3 Muhammad Saad Khan, 2020 Si- solar panels This study mainly focuses
ShahNawaz Soomro, Wahaj (Polycrystalline, On two types of solar panels
Asif, Arsal Mehmood, Suhail Monocrystalline (Monocrystalline and Polycrystalline),In this
Ahmed study life cycle of
solar panels is mainly divided into three

S No. Author's Name Year Material Used CONCOLUSION

4 Vincenzo Muteri , Maurizio 2020 MG-Si,F-gas, such The aim of this work was to focus on
Cellura , Domenico Curto , as SF6 and environmental hotspots, key parameters
Vincenzo Franzitta NF3,CIGS/Si and and methodological insights through the
CZTS/Si analysis of LCA studies of PV systems,
from first to third generation.

5 S ade K. Cromratie 2020 galvanized steel or Renewable energy is crucial to reducing

Clemons ,, Coleman R. aluminum,pontoons greenhouse gas emissions
Salloum, Kyle G. Herdegen, made of high-density and helping to curb the effects of global
Richard M. Kamens , Shabbir polyethylene warming. the way toward their goal of
H. Gheewala having 30% of their energy mix
come from renewable energy by 2036.
6 Maria Milousi , Manolis 2019 Crystalline(sc-Si,mc- The energy and environmental profile for
Souliotis , George Si),Thin-film(cis,asi) photovoltaics and solar thermal collectors
Arampatzis and Spiros were presented
Papaefthimiou in the previous sections of the paper.
S No. Author's Name Year Material Used CONCOLUSION

7 H M Yudha, T Dewi, P Risma, 2018 silicon, the the PV system application in Indonesia,
and Y Oktarina monocrystalline or best option of material choice, the best
polycrystalline,indiu method of application, the energy payback
m, gallium and time, and finally the possible after life
phosphide recycle of PV materials.

8 Marina M. Lunardi , J. P. 2018 crystalline silicon,(c- other possible scenarios for all categories.
Alvarez-Gaitan , J. I. Bilbao Si) solar modulesc-Si With the assumptions made in this LCA, all
and Richard Corkish PV module recycling
materials: d lead- processes produce improved environmet.
containing solder

9 Jinqing Peng,LinLu nu, 2012 mono-crystalline The life cycle assessment of five common
Hongxing Yang (mono-Si),multi- types PV systems
crystalline (multi-Si), (say mono-Si,multi-Si,a-Si,Cd Te thin
amorphous silicon(a- film,and CIS thin film)and
Si),Cd Te thin film some advanced solar cells systems
(Cd Te) and CIS thin

 Life Cycle Analysis helps to improve the environmental conditions by proper analysis
and proper steps taken.
 Extending product life
 substituting materials
 improving collection efficiencies and improving waste management.
 LCA is undoubtedly an essential tool for achieving sustainability
Thank You

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