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Physics for surveyors

Facilitator: Mr. Male Emmanuel

BSc. Surveying & MSc. GIST - MUK,

MSc. Min - Minnesota
Tel: 0779210619/0704210619
Course Content
• Optics
• Waves
• Lasers
• Electricity
• Quantum Mechanics
Course Objectives
• Relate principles in physics to Geomatics
• Understand and relate the physical laws which form
the basis of measurement in Geomatics

Learning outcomes
• Appreciate the fundamental Principles of Physics
• Relate principles in physics to Geomatics
Course References
1. Berg, R. And Stork, D., 2004. Physics of Sound, 3rd Ed.
2. Bransden, B. H. And Joachain, C. J., 2003. Physics of Atoms and
Molecules, 2nd Ed.
3. Griffiths, D.J., 2005. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, 2nd Ed.,
Pearson Prentice Hall
4. Hartle, J.B., 2003. An Introduction to Einstein’s General Relativity,
illustrated Ed., Addison-Wesley
5. Hecht, E., 2003. Optics, 4th Ed.
6. Jenkins. F.A. and White, H., E., 2001. Fundamentals of Optics, 4th
Ed., Mcgraw- Hill
7. Muncaster, R., 1995. Relativity and quantum physics, illustrated
Ed., Thornes
Physics: the study of the world around us.
As with all sciences, physics operates by
− Making an observation of some phenomenon
− Creating a model which describes the phenomenon
− Predicting new observations based on this model.
The new observations lead to new or improved models
which continue the cycle.
• The observations are carried out in a series of
experiments, in which as many of the parameters that
affect the observation are measured or controlled as
• The model is called a theory, and in physics it is
based on mathematics.
• A model describes the expected results of an
• Since ancient times, the nature and properties of light
have been intensively investigated in an attempt to
address many of our needs for a better life on Earth.
• Today, scientists view the behavior of light as waves
(electromagnetic waves) in some situations and
particles (photons) in other situations.
• In this chapter, we briefly introduce aspects of light
that are understood best when using wave models, as
applied to geometrical and physical optics.
• When we study light reflection from mirrors, refraction
between two media, and propagation through lenses, we
approximate light propagation by defining rays that travel
in straight lines perpendicular to the wave fronts.
• This ray approximation technique is referred to as
geometrical optics.
• On the other hand, when we study interference,
diffraction, and polarization of light and need to get
satisfactory descriptions of these phenomena, we treat
light as waves. Such a study is referred to as physical
Geometric Optics
• Definitions
• Nature of Light (particle or waves)
• Reflection
• Refraction
• Dispersion
• Total Internal Reflection
• A ray of light is the path taken by light.
• A beam of light is a collection of light rays.

Types of beams
i. Parallel beam
ii. Convergent beam
iii. Divergent beam
Nature of Light - particles?
• Until the end of the 19th century, light was considered
to be a stream of particles.
• The particles were either emitted by the object being
viewed or emanated from the eyes of the viewer
• Isaac Newton (1642-1727) was the chief architect of
the particle theory of light
– He believed the particles left the object and stimulated the
sense of sight upon entering the eyes
– This was the view at the end of the 18th century
Nature of Light - waves?
• Christian Huygens (1629-1695) argued that light might
be some sort of a wave motion
• Thomas Young (1801) provided the first clear
demonstration of the wave nature of light
– He showed that light rays interfere with each other
– Such behavior could not be explained by particles
• During the 19th century, other developments led to the
general acceptance of the wave theory of light
Nature of Light - waves?
• Maxwell asserted that light was a form of high-
frequency electromagnetic wave
• Hertz confirmed Maxwell’s predictions – This was the
view at the end of 19th century!
Justifications for light
a) As an electromagnetic wave
b) A collection of particles
Nature of light - particle or wave? - or both?
But: new problems arose just as everything seemed fine!
• Some experiments could not be explained by the wave
nature of light
• The photoelectric (electricity generated by light) effect
was a major phenomenon not explained by waves
– When light strikes a metal surface, electrons are
sometimes ejected from the surface
– The kinetic energy of the ejected electron is
independent of the frequency of the light
Geometric Optics
Deals with properties of light.
• Light is a form of energy which helps us to see objects.
• When light falls on objects, it reflects the light and
when the reflected light reaches our eyes then we see
the objects.
• Light travels in straight line.
Geometric Optics
The common phenomena of light include
− formation of shadows
− formation of images by mirrors and lenses
− bending of light by a medium,
− twinkling of stars,
− formation of rainbow
etc. etc.
Ray approximation
Reflection of light
The phenomenon of sending the incident light rays back.
• Figure above shows a beam of light of wavelength λ1 and
speed v1 represented by a light ray traveling in a straight
line in medium 1.
• The beam encounters the smooth boundary surface (or
interface) of the transparent medium 2, which is more
dense than medium 1.
• Part of the incident light is reflected by the surface &
another part penetrates medium 2 with λ2 & speed v2.
• Unless the incident beam is perpendicular to the surface,
the ray that enters medium 2 is bent at the boundary and is
said to be refracted.
Laws of Reflection
• The incident, reflected, and refracted rays are all in a
plane perpendicular to the boundary surface.
• The incident, reflected, and refracted rays make angles
θ1, θ1΄, and θ2, respectively, with the normal to the
boundary surface.
• Experiments and theory prove that: θ1’= θ1
Types of Reflection
1. When light reflects from a smooth surface, it
undergoes specular reflection, parallel rays will all be
reflected in the same direction
2. When light reflects from a rough surface, it undergoes
diffuse reflection (parallel rays will be reflected in a
variety of directions.
Why does a rough surface diffuse a beam of light?
• For each type of reflection, each individual ray follows
the law of reflection.
• However, the roughness of the material means that
each individual ray meets a surface which has a
different orientation.
• The normal line at the point of incidence is different
for different rays. Subsequently, when the individual
rays reflect off the rough surface according to the law
of reflection, they scatter in different directions.
Why does a rough surface diffuse a beam of light?
• The diagram below depicts this principle. Five incident
rays (labeled A, B, C, D, and E) approach a surface.
The normal line (approximated) at each point of
incidence is shown in black and labeled with an N. In
each case, the law of reflection is followed, resulting
in five reflected rays (labeled A,, B,, C,, D,, and E,).
Refraction of light
• When light travels obliquely from one transparent
medium into another it gets bent. This bending of light
is called refraction of light.
• When light travels from a rarer medium – (speed of
light is more) to a denser medium – (speed of light is
less), it bends towards the normal.
• When light travels from a denser medium to a rarer
medium to a rarer medium, it bends away from the
Refraction of light
Refraction of light
• Experiments and theory prove that: v2 sin = v1 sin
(Law of refraction)
• The speed of light V in any material is less than its
speed in vacuum C.
• A dimensionless quantity known as the index of
refraction n of a material is defined at: n = c/v
• Snell’s Law of refraction can be derived from:
v2 sin = v1 sin
• Snell’s law: n1 sin = n2 sin
Refraction of light
Example: A beam of monochromatic light traveling
through air strikes a slab of glass at an angle θ1 =60◦ to
the normal, see Fig. The glass has a thickness t =1 cm
and refractive index n=1.52.
a) Find the angle of refraction θ2.
b) Show that the emerging beam
is parallel to the incident beam.
c) At what distance d does the
beam shift from the original?
Indices of Refraction
Refraction in a Prism - Dispersion
• Since all the colors have different angles of deviation,
white light will spread out into a spectrum
– Violet deviates the most
– Red deviates the least
– The remaining colors are in between
The Rain Bow
• At the back surface the light is
• It is refracted again as it returns to
the front surface and moves into
the air
• The rays leave the drop at various
angles – The angle between the
white light and the most intense
violet ray is 40° – The angle
between the white light and the
most intense red ray is 42°
Total Internal Reflection
• When light is directed from a medium having a higher
index of refraction n1 toward one having a lower index
n2, i.e. n1 >n2, the refracted ray is bent away from the
• At some particular angle of incidence , called the
critical angle, the refracted ray 4 moves parallel to the
boundary, i.e. =90◦.
• All rays having angles of incidence greater than are
entirely reflected at the boundary, see ray 5 in fig
Total Internal Reflection
− For those rays, the angle of incidence must be equal
to the angle of reflection.
• To find θc, we use Snell’s law & then substitute θ1= θc
and θ2 =90◦, to find that:
n1sin θc = n2 sin 90◦ = n2.
Example: Total Internal Reflection
Part of a fish tank made of glass is shown in the Fig.
below. A ray starting from the left passes through the
glass and is totally internally reflected at the water-air
interface. Take the index of refraction for the glass and
water to be 1.5 and 1.33,respectively.
a) Find the critical angle for the total internal reflection at
the water-air boundary.
b) Find the angle between the light ray and the normal
inside the glass wall.
c) Find the incident angle between the light ray and the
normal to the glass.
Total Internal Reflection
Application of total Internal Reflection
Fiber optics: An application of internal reflection
• Plastic or glass rods are used to “pipe” light from one
place to another
• Applications include:
– medical use of fiber optic cables for diagnosis and
correction of medical problems
– Telecommunications
Thank You

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