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Coherent optical communication using coherence-

cloned Kerr soliton micro combs

Sharashti Saxena (2022EEZ8479) Under the supervision of

SQN LDR. Sayyam Gadhok(2022JOP2830) Prof. Amol Choudhary
SQN LDR. Himanshu Bhatt (2022JOP2829)
• Motivation: 1.68 Tbps coherent communication using DKS frequency cloning over 50 km.
• The paper proposes 1.68 Tbps coherent communication using DKS-frequency cloning over 50 km.
• Dissipative Kerr soliton (DKS).
• Four-step process.
• One-point locking vs. two-point locking.
• Coherence cloned re-generation of DKS micro comb.
• Experimental setup.
• Results of Experimental setup.
• Conclusion.

Motivation: 1.68 Tbps coherent communication using DKS-frequency cloning over 50 km
❑ Coherent Communication system
• Intensity and phase both can be modulated in order to improve
• Sources like WDM increase the communication system's capacity
and spectral efficiency.
❑ Main parameter to contribute to the performance:
• Coherence between the incoming signal and local oscillator.

❑ Possible way to establish mutual coherence:

• Use independent laser as a carrier and LO (to date, the most commercial
system uses).

❑ Challenges with independent laser:

• Always weak mutual coherence due to different lasers.
• Frequency and phase uncertainties. How to resolve it?
Presented in paper
• Require more Power consumption and DSP. 3
Yong Geng,Heng Zhou, “ Coherent optical communication using coherence cloned kerr solution micro combs”,(2022)
The paper proposes: 1.68 Tbps coherent communication using DKS-frequency cloning
over 50 km

❑ How to resolve it?

✓ DKS Combs !!!!
✓ Cloning with two-point locking !!!!!

❑ Paper includes
✓ Use DKS combs as a multitude laser for carrying massive parallel data.
✓ Re-generating a comb at the receiver side over 50 km.
✓ Two-point locking for reducing frequency offset and DSP requirement.
✓ Reducing carrier phase estimation and power consumption.
✓ 50-km coherent optical communication with a high bit rate of 1.68 Tbps.
✓ Promised results and conclusion.
Yong Geng,Heng Zhou, “ Coherent optical communication using coherence cloned kerr solution micro combs”,(2022)
Dissipative Kerr Microcombs (DKS)

 Recipe of DKS
 Light circulates in cavity….
 Power build up…….
 Goes nonlinear……
 Maybe create a soliton……..

 DKS main parameter

 Source central frequency(fc ), mode

spacing (fspc ) micro combs lines (Φm ).

 Mode spacing of DKS can be adjusted by
frequency detuning……

Tobias J.Kippenberg, Alexander L.Gaeta, “ Dissipative Kerr soliton in optical micro resonator” (2018). / Bill Corcoran talk.
Four-step process

 Four steps
 Create DKS combs at the transmitter side
using the auxiliary method due to the CW
 Re-generate the DKS comb at the receiver
end using the ALH method.
 Locking the soliton modes.
 One-point locking & Two-point locking.

Yong Geng,Heng Zhou, “ Coherent optical communication using coherence cloned kerr solution micro combs”,(2022)
Two point locking vs One point locking

Coherence cloned re-generation of DKS microcomb

• Two micro-resonator of silicon nitride

• CTX(0) and ring generate the DKS micro

comb with CTX (m).

• CTX(0) & CTX(m) sent through SMF over

• CRX generated at the other end using the
same method auxiliary laser heating
• CTX and CRx are only one-pointed locks.
❑ How these two-point locked highly coherent micro
• Why need two points lock?
• To reduce jitter and frequency offset. combs transmit data…?
• Two-point locked using an optical phase 8
Yong Geng,Heng Zhou, “ Coherent optical communication using coherence cloned kerr solution micro combs”,(2022)
Experimental setup

• DKS microcombs used as Txr and Rxr • At Rxr, Crx generated, two point locked with
• Wavelength selective switch selects 20 lines of comb to Txr @17th comb line
• 16 QAM data is superimposed on comb lines
• 17th channel of Txr and laser line sent towards Rxr over
50km fiber

Yong Geng,Heng Zhou, “ Coherent optical communication using coherence cloned kerr solution micro combs”,(2022)
Results of Experimental setup

• SNR and BER of CTX and CRX

• With two Point locking, Freq offset is locked and jitter is minimum
• Frequency offset in two point locking 3 times smaller, less DSP and
power consumption
• During Demodn, need to retrieve the offset between phase of signal
and LO using carrier phase estimation

Yong Geng,Heng Zhou, “ Coherent optical communication using coherence cloned kerr solution micro combs”,(2022)

• Using single source is beneficial, reduced power consumption

• Better SNR and BER

• Lesser frequency offset with two point locking

• Potential solution for coherence communication with high data rate and capacity,

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