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Communication Aids and

Strategies using Tools of

•The essence of the stories we tell may
remain the same, the ways in which
we can now share these stories have
changed dramatically with the
development of digital
communication technologies.
What does creating multimodal texts mean?
• Creating is defined in the Australian Curriculum as
‘the development and/or production of spoken,
written or multimodal texts in print or digital forms’
and is an embedded literacy expectation across all
• Multimodal is defined in the Australian Curriculum as
the strategic use of ‘two or more communication
modes‘ to make meaning, for example image,
gesture, music, spoken language, and written
Remember …
The choice of media for
multimodal text creation is
therefore always an important
•A multimodal text can be paper – such as
books, comics, posters.
•A multimodal text can be digital – from
slide presentations, e-books, blogs, e-
posters, web pages, and social media,
through to animation, film and video
•A multimodal text can be live – a
performance or an event.
A multimodal text can be transmedia
• This is where the story is told using ‘multiple delivery
channels’ through a combination of media platforms, for
example, book, comic, magazine, film, web series, and
video game mediums all working as part of the same story.

• Henry Jenkins ( provost professor in communication)

argues that transmedia is more than just multiple media
platforms, it is about the logical relations between these
media extensions which seek to add something to the
story as it moves from one medium to another, not just
adaptation or retelling.
Development of multimodal literacy knowledge and

•Skilled multimodal composition requires

new literacy design skills and
knowledge to enable students to make
informed choices within and across the
available communication modes to
effectively construct meaning.
Designing an effective power point

Making Effective Powerpoint Presentations.ppt

What is a web – based
online presentation?
It is a web- based
presentation that can be
played (viewed or presented
using a web browser.
• Online presentations as alternatives to Ppt. What is
good about these online presentations is that they offer
free access.
• There are actually more online presentations available
given the popularity of digital media.
1. Slideshare ( For support,
access this link:
2. Prezi ( to learn more access the URL
• References

See The world’s worst research presentation”

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