20-Salivary Glands@

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Salivary Glands

 Salivary glands are exocrine glands whose

secretions flow into oral cavity.
 3 pairs of large glands located extraorally


 There are Small glands in mucosa &

submucosa known as Minor Salivary Glands.

 Both the glands are composed of Parenchymal

elements invested and supported by

Connective Tissue.

 Parenchymal elements derived from oral
epithelium & consists of terminal secretory
units leading into ducts & open into oral
 Connective tissue forms a capsule & divides

glands into Lobes & Lobules.

 Blood, lymph & nerve supply are seen in

connective tissue.
 Saliva contains more inorganic components than

that organic.
Salivary glands are of two types:
 Major Salivary Glands:
 Parotid (Serous)

 Submandibular (mixed)

 Sublingual (mucous)

 Minor Salivary Glands:

 Von ebner's glands (serous)

 Post lingual glands

 Glands of soft & hard palate ‑ Mucous

 Glossopalatine glands

 Glands of lip & cheek (mixed)

Structure & Function
 Terminal secretory units composed of:
 Serous
 Mucous
 Myoepithelial cells.
 These units are linked to oral cavity by
epithelium lined ducts.
 Secretory epithelium is parechymal
 Supporting connective tissue is called as
Secretory Cells: Are of two types
 Serous

 Mucous

Mucous cells:
 Produce a viscous fluid containing Mucin.

Serous cells:
Produce thin serous fluid containing:

 Salts

 Proteins

 Amylase

Salivary glands have extensive branching ductal


Glands are Comprised of:

 Acini
 Intercalated ducts
 Striated Ducts
 Collecting ducts
 Stroma:
Secretory Cells
Serous Acini:
a. Synthesis, storage and secretion of proteins
b. Consists of numerous cells bordering a
lumen whose size varies with activity.
c. Cells are pyramidal in shape with prominent,
round nucleus situated in the basal third.
d. Cells show granular appearance with
refractile or secretory granules in cytoplasm
near distal end – Zymogen Granules.
Serous Acini- contd..
e. Distal part of cells show microvilli.
f. Basement membrane present basally.
g. Appearance of cells varies with activity.
h. Stimulated cells show decrease of granules
which are secreted into lumen by exocytosis.
i. Lumen shows invagination into cells - in
active secretion called - Intercellular secretary

Mucous Acini
 Synthesis, storage and secretion of secretary
 Pyramidal in shape with flattened nuclei basally
placed, less prominent large antral lumen.
 Cytoplasm filled with pale staining Mucin
 Sometimes serous cell Demilunes situated at
 After secretion the cell becomes smaller with few
granules & round nucleus.
 The serous cell demilunes placed basal to
mucous cells & secreting through minute
channels in between mucous cells and some
times directly into lumen.
Myoepithelial or Basket Cells

a. Lie in between basal lamina and basal

membrane of parenchymal cells
b. Body of cell is small with flattened nucleus with
numerous long branching processes.
c. Have contractile power involved in flow of
secretion into duct.
Smallest are intercalated ducts and connect to
larger duct is striated duct. In the interlobular
connective tissue the ducts join one another
increasing in size until main excretory duct is
 Interlobular - Collecting ducts.

 Intralobular - Intercalated & Striated

Intercalated Ducts

a. Several acini drain into one intercalated duct.

b. Lined by single layer of cuboidal small cells,
small nucleus and little cytoplasm & poor
endoplasmic reticulum & few granules.
Striated Duct

 Lined by single layer of columnar cells.

 Cells lining have large amount of eosinophilic

 Large spherical & central nucleus.

 Cell surface adjacent to lumen show short

 Basal portion of cell show deep folding with large

number of mitochondria leading to striated

 Larger than Intercalated Duct.
Collecting or Excretory Ducts.

a. Shows transition of single layer of cells to

pseudostratified squamous epithelium.
b. Epithelium of main duct becomes stratified as it
merges with epithelium of oral cavity.
 Loose connective tissue, fibers running in
all directions containing fibroblasts,
macrophages, plasmacells.
 Fat around gland forms basement
membrane .
 Rich blood supply.
 Rich Nerve supply branch in basement
membrane & end in bud like structure in
between cells.
Arrangement of cells
Terminal secretory units
Entirely serous:
i. Spherical acini
Juntion complexes:
Zonula occludens
Zonula adherens
maculae adherens.
i. Holds cells together.
ii. prevents leakage.
Intercellular Canaliculi

 Entirely Mucous
i. Tubular secretory end piece.
ii. Central lumen more patent.
Mixed Glands
Those containing both types of Secretary cells.
Separate serous and mucous units.
Demilunes of Gianuzzi.
Intra lobular
Striated ‑
Collecting ducts - inter lobular
Daily rate of secretion: = 1500ml/day.

water ‑ 99%
Inorganic and organic material ‑1%

PH: - 6.7 - 7.4

Specific gravity: 1.003

mg/100ml. Rest
Range Mean Range
Inorganic Constituents
Sodium 15 0 -20
Potassium 80 60-100 80
Thiocynate - Smokers 9 6 -12
non - Smokers 2 1-3
Calcium 5.8 2.2-11.3
Phosphate 16.8 6.1-71 12
Chloride 50 100
Flouride (ppm) 0.028 0.015 - 0.045
Relative Contributions of 3 pairs of major salivary
Composition of Saliva
Range Mean Range
Whole (mixed)
Total Solids 500 300-
860 560 400-900
250 170-350
Organic Constituents
Protien 220 140-
640 280 170-420
Amino Acids
Amylase 38
Lysozyme 22
11 0.4- 62
Ig A 19
Ig G 1.4
Ig M 0.2
Glucose 1.0
1.0 0.5- 3
1 - 12
Urea 20 12 -
13 .6 - 30
Uric Acid 1.5 0.5 -
3 3 1 - 21
Creatinine 0.1 .05 -
0.2 ?
Cholesterol 8 2.5 - 50
Oraganic Constituents

1. Salivary Protiens
amylase (parotid)
glycoprotiens (mucin)
Ig A.
Amino Acids
Glucose in traces
Higher concentration after eating Carbohydrates
Other orgainc constituents


Agglutiogens A,B and O found in saliva of 80%

People whose cells contain them (secretors)

Activity in saliva is multifold when compared to non

secretors - Medicolegal application
Salivary Enzymes:
Mainly salivary amylase.
Inorganic Constituents
- Crystal portion persents precipitation.
 If concentration of Ca and P in saliva exceeds
saturation levels precipitation is prevented by:
1. Tyrosine rich acidic proteins
2. Proline rich salivary proteins - Statherin.
Saturation of saliva by Ca and P is important in:
Dental Caries
Calculus formation
Rate of dissolution of apatite in acid depends on:
1. PH
2. Concentration of Ca and Phosphate
ions in solution.
Factors Controlling the
Composition of Saliva

Variation In Composition of Saliva Effect rate

of Flow:
Salivary flow --> Salivary constituents
PO4, Mg --> flow.
Conc.of HCo3 with time of flow.
Conc. of Protein with 2-3 minutes of
stimulation.with subsequent stimutlation
Circadian Rhythms:
Unstimulated Saliva
Rate of flow is at about 15 - 30 hours.
Conc. of Na,Cl2 in saliva 05.00 hours
Conc. of Pr.Ca, K, Po4, ures --> No rhythmic
Stimulated Saliva
Conc.of Na at 5.00 hours
Conc. of Cl2 at 5.00 hours
Conc. of K at 17.00 hours
No rhythmic for Po4 and
Conc. of Pr. at 06.00 hours urea.
Conc. of Ca slight changes at 19.30 hours.
Relative Contributions From the
Different Glands
At resting submandibular gland gives flow
When stimulated --> parotid gives flow.
The rate flow differs with the type of stimulus,
size of stimulus and duration of stimulus.
Wax stimulated saliva comes from parotid.
Stimulus of food --> response from both
size of stimulus ---> flow.
Pilocarpine stimulates flow from all glands.
Effect of Nature of Stimulus
Dry and sand evoked watery secretion.
Meat evoked thick saliva.
Acid stimulant --> alkaline saliva
Effect of Diet on the composition of Saliva.
High carbohydrate diet --> salivary amylase
Spinch vegitable --> - HCo3 content.
Effects of individual dietary constituents on salivary
Dietary Po4 --> salivary Po4
Carbohydrate --> Po4 conc.of saliva.
Effects of Fatigue
If the duration and vigorous stimulation is
more -->
saliva secretion perminute , Ig --> urea, K, Na,
Cl2 -No change organic constituents --> |
Effects of Hormone :-
Acth, cortisone --> Na in saliva.
Conc. of Na in saliva --> in 2nd half of the
menstrual cyle.
Properties Of Saliva

Viscosity and Spinnbarkeit

Viscosity, spinnbarkeit instimulated saliva is
Viscosity, spinnbarkeit in resting saliva is
Buffering power of Saliva
Buffers of saliva are --> -HCo3, Po4, Proteins.
Diurnal Variations in Buffering
Power of Saliva

1. In early morning it is high, but rapidly falls.

2. It increases about a quarter of an hour after
meals but usually falls within half to one hour
3. There is an upward trend in the buffering power
through out the day untill eveing, when usually it
tends to fall.
Reducing Power of Saliva

Saliva reduces bacteria.

Reducing agents in the saliva are:

 Carbohydrates

 Nitrites

 Unidentified Substances of low mol.wt.


Factors Controlling the Rate of Flow:

1. Resting flow :
Dehydration --> Resting flow
Resting flow --> rate of flow
2. Psychic flow: Mouth watering --> attention
to food.
3. Unconditioned Reflexes:
4. Nervous Control of Secretion.
Enamel Recalcification

Saliva contains high concentrations of various ions

including Ca+ and P-
1. Flushing of debris from tooth crevices and
inter dental spaces.
2. Induction of enamel pellicle formation by
calcium binding proteins.
Reported functions of uncertain status
Nerve growth factor: NGF
 Related to growth of sympathetic ganglia and
sensory nerve.
 Epidermal growth factor: EGF a peptide
Stimulates epidermal growth
 Parotin : A hormonic life substance from parotid
Blood Ca enhances mineratization.
Iodine Metabolism:
Concentration of Iodide in saliva is 20 - 100 times
that of plasma.
Iodinc concentration done by striated duct cells

Protective / Lubricant:
Mucin / Glycoprotien.
Protects lining mucosa.
Moistening of bolus of food.
Facilitates swallowing
Water Balance
Drying of mouth Reflex Sal. flow --> thirst is
In dehydration.
Drying of Mouth Absence of Reflex intake of
Taste Perception :
Saliva dissolves out the flavoured constituents -->
taste perciered.
1. makes eating more pleasurable
2. detection of food contaminants.
Route of Excretion

Mercury lead --> in heavy metal poisoning

Rabies Poliomyelitis Mumps --> Viruses.

1. Digestive Function:
- Digestive Enzyme - Ptyalin or amylase.
2. Antibacterial Function:
- Lysozyme.
- Leucotaxin.
- Opsonin.
3. Buffering Power of Saliva
4. Saliva and Water balance - thirst and its role
5. As a Lubricant
6. Saliva and Taste
7. Saliva as a route of excretion
Reported Functions of uncertain Status
1. Nerve growth factor (N.G.F.)
2. Epidermal Growth factore
3. Parotin -- A hormone - like substance isolated
from parotid gland.
4. Iodine metabolism.
Total Amount - 1.2 - 1.5 ml/day
Consistency - cloudy --> cells & mucin
PH - 6.02 - 7.05
Specific gravity - 1.002 - 1.012
Freezing point - 0.07 - 0.34 degree C
Properties of Saliva
1. Viscosity & spinnbarkeit --> the ability to be
drawn out into long elastic threads.
2. The buffering power
- Bicarbonate
- Phosphate
- Proteins
3. Reducing power.
- Substances with reducing properties
- Unidentified sub. of low mol. wt.
- Nitrites.
H2O - 99.5%
Solids - .5%
1. Cellular constituents:
- Epithelial cells
- Leukocytes:
- PMNLS - 95 - 97%
- 1 -2% lymphocytes
- 2 - 3% monocytes
- Bacteria
- Yeast
- Protozoa
2. Inorganic salts: - 0.2%
- Na - 15mg%
- K - 80
- Thiocyanate - 9 / 2 (n.s)
- Ca - 5.8
- P - 16.8
- Cl - 50
- Fluoride - 0.028
3. Gases:
O2 - 1ml/100ml
N2 - 2.5ml/100ml
Co2 - 50ml/100ml
4. Organic: - .3%
- Ptyalin (S.Amylase)
- Lipase
- Carbonic anhydrase
- Phosphatase
- Bacteriolytic - lysozyme
- Mucin - glycoprotiens
- Blood group substances
IgG, IgA, IgM, glucose, Citrate, Lactate, Ammonia,
Urea, Uric acid, Creatinine, Cholesterol.
Function of Saliva
Mechnical Function:
- Keeps mouth moist & helps in speech
- Helps in mastication.
- Dilutes irritants & hot substances & prevents
- Washes down food & prevents bacterial
II. Digestive functions:
a. ptyalin - splits starch up to maltose
b. maltase - maltose to glucose
III. Excretory functions:
Saliva excretes - urea, heavy, metal (Hg,Pb,As,B1)
- Thiocyanate
- Drugs like iodide,
- Alkaloid like - Morphin
- Antibiotics
– Penicillin & Streptomycin.
( Excretion of ethyl alcohol - medocolegal purposes)
- Microorganisms - mumps
- Viruses Polyomyelitis & Hydrophoboea.
 Saliva acts as solvent and is essential for taste.
 Helps in heat loss - mainly in animals.

Saliva & Water balance:

 When body water is lost saliva is reduced.
 When thirst is felt - subjects feels the necessity of

drinking water & balance is restored.

- Antibacterial action
- Mechanical action
- Leukotaxins & Opsonins
- Antibacterial substances like:
- lysozyme
- thiocyanate & salivary protein
- h2o2 - peroxidase & thiocyanate
- immunogloblins (IgA,IgG, IgM)
- globulin.
- Bacterial antagonism
Buffereing Action:
Bicarbonate - releases weak carbonic acid when an
acid is addec which soon decomposed to Co2 &
Reported functions of uncertain status:
- nerve growth factor
- epidermal growth factor
- parotin - hormone like substances
- Iodine metabolism
Saliva & Blood Coagulation

- Reduces C.T. 1`0% of normal.

- Saliva contains coagulation factors.
- Whole saliva could replace platelet factor.

- Whole saliva contains factors.

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