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Second: Actors in IR

?Who Are the Actors in IR

 Traditionally, States were the only actors in
 Nowdays sovereignty is no more the only
determinant to be an Actor in IR. The ability
to influence IR & other actors is more
important: NGO’s & MNC.
 Thus we can differentiate between State
Actors & Non- State Actors.
:I- State Actors
 What is a State?
 Characteristics of States.
I- State Actors: ( Important
 States’ actions/decisions are the actions/
decisions of their decision makers (i.e. those
acting in the name of the States: Presidents,
Prime ministers….)
 Most States are Nation-States: i.e. their
population share the same language, culture,
& have a sense of national identity.
 Some states are not considered nation-
states as there is a mismatch between
the nations in these states & their
actual boarders( ex: some states in
Africa & states of the former SU &
 States vary in their size, population,
economic & military power.

 There are political entities referred to

as states but not formally recognized
as states ( Taiwan, Hong Kong… &
would be states or states in waiting:
:Non-State Actors
They can be classified to:
1- Sub state Actors
2- Intergovernmental Organizations
3- Transnational Actors
:Sub State Actors

a- Interest groups active in western

democracies especially in USA..( Ex:…)

b- National Liberation Organizations

(What is the difference between NLO & terrorist
Inter Governmental -2
(Organizations (IGO

 Their members are national

 They can be classified according to:
a- Their function
b- Geographic scope
:A- Functions

 IGO having multiple functions: Ex…

 Specialized IGO: concerned with

specific tasks: Ex….
:B- Geographic scope

- Universal IGO in their membership & tasks:

- Regional IGO: Ex…
- Some regional IGO are multipurpose in their
functions: Gulf Cooperation Council, EU, or
have specialized tasks: OAPEC, NATO,
- (Question of independent authority of IGO:
UN versus WTO & EU).
:Transnational Actors -3
 Their membership is private (not
 They perform their functions across the
boarders and often in disregard of
a- Non governmental Organizations
b- Multinational Corporations
A- Non Governmental
:(Organizations (NGO’s

 They have several purposes,, humanitarian,

economic, scientific, environmental….
 They are growing in number & influence as
the technological advances enable them to
operate & communicate effectively across
the boarders.
 They are recognized by UN & other forums(
International Civil Society).
B- MNC/Transnational

What are MNC?

How do they affect IR?
:Actors in IR: Conclusions
 Although states are the most important
Actors, they are being pushed aside by other
actors especially with globalization and
advance in communications.
 However states will still be the most
important actors:
- other actors can’t compete with super
- They can vanish, but states don’t.

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