Hortatory Text - Group 6

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By class XI-1

Presentation by Group 6
“Teacher-Student Relationships: Building
Trust and Engagement”

Putri Naurah
Adilla Bilbina

Syaqra Azzahra Tiara Dina

Building closeness and being close to students does not hard at all. The wise teacher who
have a good relationship with students will create a sense of security and comfort for
students when the teacher does learning process directly. Students have a variety of
backgrounds and characters, it provide a challenge for a teacher to build closeness between
teachers and students. However, the wise teacher must have the ability understanding and
recognizing the potential of students to find the right guide in teaching.
Argument I
First recognize the character and needs of students. The needs of
different students is indeed a challenge in itself. Being a good
teacher means not only able to deliver the subject matter, but also
must be able to recognize character of each student they teach. This
is very important as a guide for the wise teacher to design the
learning material as well as determining the method in interacting
with these students.
Argument II
The second is always being patient. To maintain the harmony at school and also the
relationship between teacher and students, patience is needed. The wise teacher cannot
choose what type of students to deal with and not all students could be able to meet the
expectations of the the teacher. Therefore, the wise teacher must always remember that
each student has their own characteristics and uniqueness. In addition, being able to
recognize the student characters, the wise teacher must be able to control all forms of
emotions to approach the students. Also, Always shows a patient and friendly attitude will
make the students share a good perception of the teacher. This is very useful because
students will more easily accept the messages and lessons that have been delivered by the
Argu The third is appreciate the effort and student achievement. In terms
of maintaining close relationship with students, the teachers could
celebrate it with awards or appreciation that can encourage
students to keep learning and doing better than before. This is also

one of the way to increase student confidence. There are many
forms of appreciation that the wise teacher can give to students, the
example that the teacher could give to the students are include as
giving gifts, shoulder pats, smiles, or praises, and etc. The
appreciation that the wise teacher has given will make the students

III always do the repetitive successful that they achieved and also give
some motivations to the other students who may not have the
opportunity to have a good achievement.
Call to Action
In my opinion, the importance of building a good
relationship between teachers and students that teaching and
learning activities can take place smoothly. It will
automatically encourage academic success and achieve the
educational goals. A harmonious teacher-student relationship
will make students more eager to learn and they can follow
the learning process as well as possible. Hopefully the
students can learn through this learning process peacefully
and the goals of learning can achieved well.
Thank You
F o r Yo u r A t t e n t i o n
Presentation by Group 6

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