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Keerthy Anna Abraham


Genetic explanation of unipolar depression
• Higher risk of depression if
someone in your family has
been diagnosed
• Depression might be inherited
through genes
• Hyde et al. (2016)- 17 different
gene variations linked to

Keerthy Anna Abraham

Genetic explanation of unipolar depression
Twin studies
• Research comparing behavior in groups of
twins to see similarities
• Peter Mcgruffin et al.(1996)- if MZ twin
became depressed, 46% chance that
co-twin would be depressed
• 20% only in DZ twins
• Shows depression might be genetic

Keerthy Anna Abraham

Genetic explanation of unipolar depression
• Not all family members of depressed
patients will become depressed; needs a
trigger from environment
• Those with genetic predisposition(biological
tendency to develop a particular behavior
as a result of genes) have higher risk
• Diathesis- stress model- an explanation for
depression which claims that people can
have genes that make them likely to develop
depression, but only if they face a stressful
situation that triggers depressive thoughts

Keerthy Anna Abraham

Strengths & weaknesses of genetic
Strengths Weaknesses
Takes away stigma of depression Deterministic-doesn’t consider
diagnosis free will; only genes
Lot of research evidence Reductionist-fails to take other
Eg: Caspi et al.(2003)- serotonin factors into consideration
transporter gene variation- react Doesn’t consider situational
negatively to stressful situation factors

Keerthy Anna Abraham

Cognitive theory as an explanation of
• Behavior can be explained by looking at how
brain processes information
Beck’s cognitive triad
• Tried to explain depression through 3 negative
thought patterns
• Cognitive bias(bias in the way people think)-
see themselves negatively
• Negative triad- develops from bad experiences
from past. This leads to negative self schema.
This might make them prone to magnification
(seeing problem as far worse than reality)
Keerthy Anna Abraham
Ellis’s ABC model
• Different view from Beck
• 3 stages :

Keerthy Anna Abraham

Strengths & weaknesses of cognitive
Strengths Weaknesses
Takes the environmental factors Difficult to understand whether
into consideration(not just irrational thought is cause or
genetics) symptom
Combination of nature and
Applied to therapy (CBT) Some activating events cannot be
Has been found to reduce use of easily explained by cognitive
antidepressants approach
Eg: post-natal depression

Keerthy Anna Abraham

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) as a
treatment for depression
• CBT- used to treat many disorders
• Aim of CBT:
• Help patients change the way they think(cognitive part of therapy)
• Help patient change the way they act to improve symptoms they are having
(behavioural part of therapy)
How we think→ how we feel →how we behave
• Beck and Ellis both developed their versions of CBT; Ellis’s known as
REBT(Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy)

Keerthy Anna Abraham

Steps in CBT
• Stage 1: patient should discuss all symptoms with therapist
• Eg: someone who lost their job
• Stage 2: challenging irrational ways of thinking
• Should replace irrational thoughts with rational positive ways of thinking
• Look at reason why they lost job

• Stage 3: many sessions of CBT; homework about how they are trying
to change behavior in their diary
CBT along with antidepressants is an effective treatment for depression

Keerthy Anna Abraham

Keerthy Anna Abraham
Strengths and weakness

Strengths Weaknesses

• Evidence suggests it is • Relies on patient’s want to

effective get better; 1 symptom of
• Longer lasting treatment depression- lack of
• Feeling of helplessness in motivation
patients reduced • Ethics- too much control for

Keerthy Anna Abraham

Drug therapy
for depression
• Antidepressants- medicines
given to reduce symptoms of
• It works by raising levels of
neurotransmitters such as
serotonin, noradrenaline etc
Types of antidepressants
• Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRIs)-
• Blocks reuptake of serotonin & increases its level in
brain, thus improving mood
• Serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors(SNRIs)-
• Blocks reuptake of serotonin & noradrenaline, thus
improving mood
• Monoamine Oxidase inhibitors(MAOIs)-
• Prevents the enzyme MAO from its function(MAO- break
down serotonin & noradrenaline);
• Thus, MAOIs keep higher dose of neurotransmitters in
• Tricyclics(TCAs)
• Used since 1950s
• Prevents absorption of serotonin & norepinephrine
Keerthy Anna Abraham
Keerthy Anna Abraham
Strengths Weaknesses
• Improve symptoms so that they can • Unpleasant side effects
go for other treatments- by improving • MAOIs- dangerous when
motivation consumed with some food
• Useful for depression with moderate • Antidepressants can make you
to severe symptoms drowsy, nauseous & dizzy &
disturb sleep
• Can also lead to diabetes and
suicidal feelings
• Decreases quality of life for some
• Tricyclics- dangerous if too many
• Only tackle symptoms & not cause
• Long term effect is lesser- likely to
Addiction: Symptoms, features,
incidence and influence
Addiction- a mental health problem where people
need a substance or activity in order to be able to go
about their normal routine

Can be with substance such as alcohol or tobacco

ICD-10 calls addiction a dependence disorder

People with addiction often show withdrawal

symptoms(a set of unpleasant physical or
psychological symptoms someone gets when trying
to quit or cannot satisfy addiction)
Symptoms of addiction
Features of • Records state that in 2014-15- 141,646 adults are treated
addiction for substance misuse; most treated for addiction to
opiates & alcohol
• Difficult to understand number of people affected
with addiction as they might not be aware
• NHS(National Health Service) reports that almost 2
million people suffer and so addiction is not a rare
• ICD-10(International Classification of Diseases)- does
not currently recognize internet addiction as a mental
health problem; almost 6% of people have addiction to
• Highest rate of internet addiction in Middle East(10.9 %
of population) lowest rate in Northern & Western
• 2014 survey- 18–24-year-olds using almost for 15
How does incidences of addiction change over time?
• Addiction now includes internet addiction
& video game addiction
• Change in use of drugs also. Earlier
opiates were used as medicines
• Newspapers are reporting more cases of
drinking and it is now considered a social
• The sources of addiction are becoming
cheaper each day; 2008 survey, 27 %
agreed to using illegal drugs
• 2014 study- 31% agreed to using illegal
How does addiction affect
individuals & society
• Ignore family, work & school
• Spend their money on addictive
substance; quality of life & health is
• Impact on society by influencing
• Every year substance misuse costs
488 million pounds, including
• Addictions can turn to criminal
behaviour, NHS claims drug related
crimes cost 13.9 million pounds
Explanations of addiction
• Addiction can be due to genetic factors
• Carmelli et al.(1992) found that a MZ twin of a
smoker have higher chance of smoking than a DZ

Genetic • Goodwin et al.(1973) – adopted children with atleast

1 biological parent showing addiction are likely to be
explanation • Cadoret et al.(1987)- supported the findings of
Goodwin study and found that when 1 adoptive
of parent is addict, the chances are higher
• DDR2 gene and it’s variant A1 gene found to be

addiction responsible for addictions - affects the way brain

reacts to pleasure(requires higher “buzz” than
normal people)
• Martinez et al (2004)- heavy cocaine users were
more likely to have a particular variation of
dopamine receptor D2
Strengths and weaknesses
Strengths Weaknesses

• Lot of scientific evidence- • Reductionist approach- fails

many twin and adoptive to account for social factors
research- thus more • Not able to find a single
reliable gene relating to addiction-
• Helps understand why only DDR2 found to be linked
some people get addicted with autism as well

Keerthy Anna Abraham

Learning theory as an explanation
• Classical conditioning
• Learning through associations
• Eg: feeling sick after eating a food can cause you to experience negative
feelings the next time also
• Operant conditioning
• Behavior repeated through positive consequences
• Eg: positive reinforcements(rewards) such as feeling good while drinking
alcohol can get you addicted
• Social learning
• Behavior learned through observation of others
• Eg: growing up with a parent who smokes
Treatments of addiction
CBT as a treatment
for addiction
• Initially started as a method for
depression but now used for many
• Occurs in 2 key stages when treating
• Functional analysis
• Skills training

Particularly useful when used

alongside other treatments such as
drug therapy (in case of heroin
addiction) or nicotine gums (for
Strengths Weaknesses

• Aims to give patient • Addict has to be motivated

control to overcome to change behavior; relies
Strengths addictions. on addict using the skills
• Supported by learned & whether patient
and research evidence. wants to overcome
weaknesses Eg: Young’s study on addiction
internet addiction • Addicts can learn better
coping skills but might not
reduce addiction. Eg:
Morgenstern and
Longabaugh(2000) study

Keerthy Anna Abraham

Drug therapy as a treatment for addiction
• Treatment depends on what type of addiction & severity
Drug addiction
• Medication can help cope with symptoms of withdrawal during
detoxification(when addict stops taking substance they are addicted to)
Reducing cravings
• Many addicts have craving once they stop using the substance
• Their nervous system has become used to the effects of the substance
• Medication can help control the cravings
• Methadone for addiction of opiates etc
• Smokers- nicotine patches, chewing gum etc
Drug therapy as a treatment for addiction
Treating other underlying mental health problems
• Some addiction associated with other disorders like depression, anxiety
• Anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medication can be given along
substance addiction medication
Behavioral addiction
• Medication given for behavioral addiction also
• Naltrexone- used for gambling also as it helps reduce cravings
• Anti-depressants such as SSRI is also used; still unclear how it effects addiction
• Winder et al. (2014)- SSRI helps reduce thoughts about sex in sex addicts
Drug therapy as a treatment for addiction
Strengths and weaknesses
• Research supported
• Kim et al.(2001)- found that 75% showed improvement in gambling when
treated with naltrexone
• Helps them access other therapies that last longer; initially controls
• Research evidence is mixed
• Patients might become dependent on medication
Caspi et al.(2003)- Influence of Life Stress on Depression:
Moderation by a Polymorphism in the 5-HTT Gene
Background of the study
• Not everyone gets depressed through stressful life events
• The study tries to find whether a gene linked with neurotransmitter
serotonin can cause depression
• To investigate why stressful life events lead some to depression and not
• To study whether stressful life events lead to depression in people with
gene variation of 5-HTT gene(a gene linked to serotonin levels in brain)
• Dunedin multidisciplinary health
and development study(group of
children studied since birth)
• 847 participants divided to 3 groups
• longitudinal study- completed
questionnaire about life events that
occurred between 21st to 26th
• Money, health & relationships
• Another questionnaire used to
assess whether they had depression
before 26 years
• Participants with at least 1 short version of 5-HTT gene along with
stressful life events before ages 21 and 26 years showed significant
increase in symptoms of depression
• Participants with short version of 5-HTT gene and who experienced
stressful life events were more likely to be diagnosed with depression
than those with 2 long versions
• Short version gene- more suicidal thoughts
• 2 short version gene- report severe depression
• Suggest that there is some interaction between life events and
genetic influence
• Both nature and nurture work together to increase likelihood of
Strengths and weaknesses
Strengths Weaknesses

• Large sample- 847 participants • Some people were naturally more

• The information from this study can likely to put themselves in stressful
be useful for doctors situations
• Self-report data and can be biased
Young (2007) Cognitive Behavior Therapy with Internet
Addicts: Treatment outcomes and implications
Background to the study
• Internet addiction has been seen as mental health disorder only
recently; thus treatment methods are also less known
• Young wanted to assess whether CBT can be effective for internet
addiction also
• To investigate the effects of using CBT to treat internet addicts & to
assess how their problem behaviours improved
• 114 participants; completed Internet Addiction Test(IAT) & has been
diagnosed addicts; those with any other psychological problems were
not chosen as participants
• Online CBT sessions given
• Functional analysis
• Skills training
• Participants filled questionnaires on 3rd, 8th & 12th online therapy
session & again at 6 months after treatment
• Client outcome questionnaire- used to assess whether CBT was
effective; included 12 questions; used 5-point likert scale(1- not at all
to 5- extremely good)
• Males (58 %) and Females(42 %) used in
• 30% males addicted to pornography; 30%
females addicted to online chat rooms
• 96% said their biggest problem was time
taken up by using online apps
• Client’ attitude towards CBT was also
• CBT can be effective treatment for internet
addiction as clients can control their
problem behavior
• CBT gives long term effects
Strengths & weaknesses
Strengths Weaknesses
• Easy access to treatment as it • Self-report scale & thus might
can be done online not be reliable
• Same questions & rating scales • Different types of online
used at 3rd, 8th, 12th session & addictions(online gambling,
after 6 months – increases pornography, internet chatrooms
reliability etc) were identified; but not
clear whether all types received
same effects from treatment.
Issues &

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