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Heping Buyers Buy

Group 24
Nguyễn Phương Trâm
Vũ Ngọc Thu Trâm
Trần Hoàng Minh Trí
What is marketing?
• “The activity, set of institutions, and processes for
creating, communicating, delivering, and
exchanging offerings that have value for
customers, clients, partners, and society at large.”
– The American Marketing Association.

• In the past marketing focused almost entirely on

helping the seller sell.

• Today, much of marketing is instead about helping

the buyer buy.
Evolution of Marketing

• Production Era – up to early 1900s

• Selling Era – 1920s-1950s
• Marketing Concept Era – 1950s-1980s
• Customer orientation
• Service orientation
• Profit orientation
-> Lead to focus on customer relationship management (CRM) that
has become very important today.
• Customer Relationship Era – 1990s-2000s
• CRM is the process of learning as much as possible about
customers and doing everything you can over time to satisfy them-
or even exceed their expectations-with goods and services.
• Today, a new era is emerging: mobile/on demand marketing.
Find a productive board of trustees (directors)

Make marketing the focus, not short-term sales

Nonprofit Know your mission and review mission strategy

Organizati regularly

ons and
Practice strategic planning

Carefully segment target market

Marketing Train and develop volunteers for long-term

Be frugal- know how to manage finances

Marketing Mix

Product designing a want-satisfying Price setting a price for product


Place putting product in a place where Promotion promoting product

people will buy it (four factors called the four Ps)
Find research
Identify target

Build Design
relationship with Marketing Process product

promotionalpro Product testing
Develop Brand name,
distribution design and
system price
Providing marketers with information
Marketing research is the analysis of markets to determine opportunities and challenges, and to find the
information needed to make good decisions.

It helps identify what products customers have purchased in the past, and what changes have occurred to alter
what they want now and in the future.

Marketers also conduct research in business trends, the ecological impact of their decisions, global trends, and
Marketing Research Process
• Defining the question and determining the present
• Collecting research data
+ Secondary data
+ Primary data
• Analyzing the research data
• Choosing the best solution and implementing it
Marketing Environment
Environmental scanning is the process of identifying the factors that can affect
marketing success

Global factors Technological factors

Sociocultural factors

Competitive factors Economic factors

Two different markets
Consumer and Business-to-Business(B2B)

Consumer B2B
personal consumption or use use in producing other goods and services
to sell, rent, or supply to others
Market Target marketing


Segment Demographic

ation Psychographic


Decision-Making Process

• Problem recognition
• Information search
• Alternative evaluation
• Purchase decision
• Consumer behavior: learning, references group, culture,
subculture, cognitive dissonance.
Business-to-Business (B2B)
• Number
• Size
• Geographic concentration
• Rational
• Direct sales
• Personal selling
"Understanding Bussiness" Book
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