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4: Private and Public Sector Businesses

1.2.4: Private and Public Sector Businesses
Lesson objectives :
• We are learning to classify business enterprises
between private sector and public sector in a mixed

Success Criteria:
 I can understand the terms Private sector and public sector
 I can distinguish between a private sector organization and a
public sector organization
 I can analyze the major aims and importance of both sectors.
HOT Question – Higher Order Thinking
Explain why there is a huge distinction
between the 2 universities in the plenary.

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• Who do you feel owns these businesses? And how do they pay for it?
New Learning: Private and Public Sector
AFL: Do we need the public sector?

• If there was no public sector what would happen to the

following goods and services? Use 3 connectives to explain
your answer.

• Education

• Carpets

• Police
AFL 2:Would you like to push yourself even further?

Read the comments on the left and decide

what sector and type of business
organizations each one of them are talking
about. And leave your own comment
about each of them
At A glance
Key points
The private sector of the economy consist of firms
Most economies consist that are owned by private individuals including
of a mix of both private
and public enterprises.
Which makes it a “MIXED

The Public sector of the economy is the state-run


In recent years there has been a tendency in

many economies for a reduction in the number of
state-run enterprises
Class Task for All
2. Classify the following according to
1. Read the following statements
whether they are primary, secondary
and then suggest whether the
or tertiary, and private or public
organization is more likely to be
in the private or public sector.
A. A state-run mining company
A. Our goal is to make a profit for
B. A telecoms company owned by
our owners. We will achieve
this by providing excellent
C. A small family run hotel company.
customer service
D. A Government owned steel
B. Our goal has always been to
make a profit. If we provide
E. A joint Venture between a family
additional benefits to the wider
business in China operating in
community, this is a bonus
insurance and foreign company

3. Explain how the goals of

public sector organizations
may differ from those of the
private sector.
Plenary- Feedback
Lesson Review
What did you learn in today’s Lesson?
Write in any 3 statements

 State-run

 Private sector

 Public sector

 Organizations

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