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Introduction to Curriculum

Curriculum in Indonesia has gone through complex and multidimensional

development. It encompasses the learning experiences of students from start to
finish. This presentation will explore the components, roles, and importance of
curriculum in the education system.

by Elli Nur Indah Sari

Kurikulum Components
Objectives Content

Identifying the goals and outcomes of Determining what knowledge and skills
education. should be taught.

Methods Evaluation

Selecting the appropriate teaching Assessing how students are progressing and
strategies and techniques. achieving the set objectives.
The Role and Function of Curriculum

Guidance for Learning Cultural Transmission

Curriculum provides a roadmap and It helps to preserve and transmit the values
framework for the teaching and learning and culture of society.

Social Control Preparation for the Future

Curriculum ensures that education aligns It equips students with the skills and
with societal norms and values. knowledge needed in the present and
Education Projection 2030

Competency Transformative Inclusive Education

Development Learning
Ensuring that every student
OECD emphasizes the Education needs to shift has equal access to quality
development of cognitive, towards reinforcing essential education regardless of
attitudinal, and psychomotor skills and knowledge through background or ability.
competencies for students. innovative teaching methods.
Inquiry-Based Learning Cycle

1 Inquiry Question

Formulating open-ended questions to trigger curiosity and engage students in the

learning process.

2 Investigation

Encouraging students to explore and gather information to find answers to their

inquiry questions.

3 Analysis

Helping students analyze and interpret their findings to draw meaningful conclusions.

4 Reflection

Guiding students to reflect on their learning experiences and evaluate their

Transformative Student Learning

Project-Based Learning Community Impact Collaborative Learning

Developing students'
Encouraging students to take character and values by Promoting teamwork and
an active role in their learning fostering a sense of collaboration among students
process by engaging in responsibility towards to enhance their critical
meaningful projects. themselves and their thinking and problem-solving
communities. skills.
The Need to Adapt Curriculum

1 Changing Global 2 Preparing Future 3 Aligning with

Landscape Generations Society's Needs

Adapting to address Ensuring that the

contemporary issues Equipping students curriculum reflects the
such as climate with the skills changing demands and
change, digital necessary for their expectations of
technology, and personal and society.
cultural professional success in
transformations. a rapidly evolving
Ki Hadjar Dewantara
Ki Hadjar Dewantara believes that education aims to guide children towards their
highest potential, happiness, and well-being. His principles emphasize the
importance of considering students' needs and interests in curriculum design.
Collaboration in Curriculum
Teacher Facilitation Parental Understanding

Teachers play a crucial role in facilitating Parents need to understand their children's
appropriate learning experiences. developmental needs and support their
learning journey.

Institutional Support Student Empowerment

Government institutions must adapt Encouraging students to actively participate

policies and provide necessary resources to in shaping their own educational
meet the needs of students. experiences.
Curriculum Adaptation
1 Individualization 2 Flexibility

Adapting the curriculum based on the Ensuring that the curriculum can
diverse backgrounds and abilities of incorporate new knowledge and respond
students. to changing needs.

3 Engagement

Creating a curriculum that engages students' interests and fosters their curiosity.
Implementing Curriculum Development

1 Vision and Mission

Defining the guiding principles and goals for curriculum development.

2 Organizing Learning

Structuring the learning process and resource allocation for effective implementation.

3 Evaluation and Development

Continuous assessment and improvement of curriculum based on student outcomes.

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