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Task 1

• This part of the IELTS exam is intended to test how

well you can:
• Organize your ideas
• Respond appropriately to a task
• Use a range of grammar and vocabulary with accuracy
What you need to do:

You need to look at one of the following:

• Table
• Graph
• Chart
• Map
• Process diagram
And describe what you see. You must select and report the main features, making
comparisons where necessary.
Here is a sample line graph that accompanies
the question
Pie chart

Bar charts

Maps Other examples

Process diagrams
Task achievement:
You will always be required to describe what you see. You should:
• Report the main features
• Look for trends
• Make comparisons

• Describe everything
• Add anything extra
The structure for task one is simple:
 Introduction
• Paraphrase the question
• Describe the general trend
 Paragraph 1
• Describe some of the important data
 Paragraph 2
• Describe the rest of the important data
What to describe
• What is
Let’s look at an
How to describe
When you have identified
the key features and trends,
you need to
choose which to include and
prepare a structure.
How to describe
• To structure this, you
could describe one line
for each paragraph as
there are only two lines.
You should
• Line graphs are the most common, but pie charts, tables, and bar charts
are also frequently included.
• Maps and process diagrams are less common, but sometimes appear. Be prepared.
• The language required for all of these is slightly different.
• Always use formal language and avoid personal pronouns
( I,you,we,she,etc.)
Do’s and Don’ts for the IELTS Writing
tasks 1
• Question – The graph below shows the consumption of fish and some different kinds of
meat in a European country between 1979 and 2004.
• Paraphrase – The line chart compares and contrasts data on the changes in the amount
of beef, lamb, chicken and fish consumed in a country in Europe from 1979 to 2004.
 Question -> Paraphrase
• The graph -> The line chart (synonym)
• shows -> compares and contrasts data on the changes (synonym)
• -> in the amount of (added information – grams per week per person)
• the consumption(n) -> consumed(v) (change of form)
• fish and some different kinds of meat -> beef, lamb, chicken and fish (added information)
• in a European country -> in a country in Europe (change of form)
• between 1979 and 2004 -> from 1979 to 2004 (change of form)
• Question – The chart below gives information about birth and death rates in
Switzerland from 1970 to 2020 according to United Nations statistics.
• Paraphrase – The bar chart compares and contrasts data from the United
Nations on the changes in the numbers of Swiss births and deaths between
1970 and 2020.
Question -> Paraphrase
• The chart -> The bar chart (synonym)
• gives information -> compares and contrasts … on the changes (synonym)
• birth and death rates in Switzerland -> numbers of Swiss births and
deaths (change of form)
• from 1970 to 2020 -> between 1970 and 2020 (change of form)
• United Nations statistics -> data from the United Nations (change of form)
• Question – The charts below give information about world spending and
• Paraphrase – The two pie charts compare and contrast the share of four
major items in global expenditure as well as how global population is
• Question -> Paraphrase
• The charts -> The two pie charts (added information)
• Give information -> compare and contrast the share of (synonym)
• -> four major items (added information)
• World spending -> global expenditure (synonym)
• population -> global population is distributed (added information)

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