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Fall Semester 2020

Variables and Types of Variables

International Graduate School

Prof. Muhammad Aftab

International Graduate School Masters in Global Techno Entrepreneurship

Fall Semester 2020


 Quiz
 Introduction
 Types of Variables?
 Relationship of Variables
 References
 Discussions

International Graduate School Masters in Global Techno Entrepreneurship

Fall Semester 2020

Define the following terms: Time: 15 Minutes

1- Proposition 2- Theory

3- Concept 4- Operational Definition

5- Observation 6- Variable

International Graduate School Masters in Global Techno Entrepreneurship

Fall Semester 2020

What is Variable?.
-A central idea in research
-Variable is concept which is variable
-Constant cannot be variable
-If a concept have 2+ values
-If a concept have not more than 2 values we cannot consider as
-It should be variable in different aspects and situations


Job Satisfaction, religion, gender, nationality


Some situation where all students have one religion, all are male then ?

International Graduate School Masters in Global Techno Entrepreneurship

Fall Semester 2020

What is Non Variable?.

-Any thing which is not variable

-Concept cannot be divided in different aspects


Same religion, same age, same gender, same nationality.

Every variable is a concept but every concept may not be variable.

We may call it constant.

International Graduate School Masters in Global Techno Entrepreneurship

Fall Semester 2020

Types of Variables
Continuous Variable?.

-The values can be divided in to fractions

Time, age

Discontinuous or Discrete Variable:

The values which cannot be divided into fraction.


Gender, religion

International Graduate School Masters in Global Techno Entrepreneurship

Fall Semester 2020

Types of Variables
Dependent Variable?.

It is also called outcome variable, If it is changing due to any other

variable. Also called effect variable.

I.V = X that influence the Y

So, here “Y” is dependent variable

Independent Variable?.

Variable which causes any change in to the other variables..

D.V = X that influence the Y
So, here “X” is independent variable
International Graduate School Masters in Global Techno Entrepreneurship
Fall Semester 2020

Types of Variables
Comparison of Variables:

X Variables (Independent) Y Variables (Dependent)

Presumed cause Presumed effect

Predicted from Predicted to
Antecedent Consequence
Manipulated Measured outcome
Predictor Criterion

The Variance:

To know how much variance x produced in y. The variance of y is

accounted by x.

International Graduate School Masters in Global Techno Entrepreneurship

Fall Semester 2020

Types of Variables
Moderating Variables:

-A variable that moderating the strength of X-Y relationship.

-That modify the existing relationship.
-If there is certain level of strength and strong relationship between
-X-Y, if that association is modified by some other factor.
-The association does not remain the same as it was hypothesized.
-It can strengthen or weaken the relationship.

If a library has strong effects on students learning, then there
are some other factors like, students interest. Which may effect this rela-
tionship. So student interest is moderating variable.

Library ------------------------Students learning

Students interest
International Graduate School Masters in Global Techno Entrepreneurship
Fall Semester 2020

Types of Variables
Mediating or Intervening Variables:

-Where X and Y has relationship through any other intervening

-It actually appears when X starts influencing the Y, it intervene in
the middle before the actual influence on Y starts.
Like a time factor in between.

We can say:
IV may be DV for IVV in the first place then it is IV for DV.

Marital status Social integration Suicide
ii- 4 days work week (IV) will leads to higher productivity (DV) by
increasing job satisfaction (IVV).

International Graduate School Masters in Global Techno Entrepreneurship

Fall Semester 2020

Types of Variables
Extraneous Variables:

-Infinite number of extraneous variables exist that may effect “X

and Y” relationship. They have confounding external factors.

In some situations we can control these variables but most of the time we
cannot control. If study is based on experimental then it must be
controlled. If we could control these external variables we may get good
results between X and Y variables.

There is no mechanism which makes variables dependent or inde-

“ It all depends on researcher which variable he takes as DV, IV, IIV

or MV.

International Graduate School Masters in Global Techno Entrepreneurship

Fall Semester 2020

Relationship of Variables
-Establishing relationship among variable is based on theory
-Logically and observable relationship
-A statement concerned with the theoretical relationship among
variables is a proposition.

If a relationship refers to an observable reality then the proposition

may be testable.
Which is called “ Hypothesis”

International Graduate School Masters in Global Techno Entrepreneurship

Fall Semester 2020

Learning Outcome
So We talked about,

1- Variable
2- Non variable
3- Dependent variable
4- Independent variable
5- Moderating variable
6- Mediator/intervening variable
7- External/Extraneous variables
8- variables relationship and
9- finally, variable relationship

International Graduate School Masters in Global Techno Entrepreneurship

Fall Semester 2020


1- Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches

Author: Neuman, W. L.
Publisher: Pearson; 7th edition
2- Research Methods for Business Students
Author: Mark Saunders, Philip Lewis, Adrian Thornhill
Publisher: Pearson; 5th edition
3- Wikipedia
4- Google scholar
5- By others.

International Graduate School Masters in Global Techno Entrepreneurship

Fall Semester 2020

International Graduate School Masters in Global Techno Entrepreneurship

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