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BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology (BUFT)

Department of Textile Engineering

Course Title: Physics-I

Submitted Submitted to:

1. Ruhaniat Tasbi (222-166-801) Frijia Mortuza
2. Abir Hasan (222-167-801) Assistant professor, BUFT
3. Nadim Hossain (222-168-801) Department of Textile Engineering
4. Rasna Annona (222-169-801)
5. Asif Mahmud (222-170-801)
Section: 4, Batch: 222 Submission date : 17-01-23
Three types of thermodynamic system
1. Closed system
A closed system, also known as a control mass,
is a system that does not exchange matter with its
surroundings. However, it can exchange energy
in the form of heat or work. The total mass of a
closed system remains constant.

Example-When we boil water with a closed lid,

the heat can exchange but matter cannot
2. Open system
An open system, also referred to as a control
volume, is a system that can exchange both
energy and matter with its surroundings. It can
receive or release mass, energy, or both across its
3. Isolated system
An isolated system is one that does not exchange
either matter or energy with its surroundings. It is
a closed system that is thermally and
mechanically insulated from its environment. In
practice, perfectly isolated systems are rare, but
certain systems can be approximated as isolated
over short periods of time.
Thank you

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