A Clinical Study To Evaluate Madhumehahara Karma ( (Autosaved) (Autosaved)

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Dr.Sahana T
Final year PG scholar
Department of Dravyaguna
IEC No-SDM/IEC/42/2021

Guide Co-Guide
Dr.Anuradha K N Dr.Prakash L Hegde
Assistant professor HOD,Professor
Department of Post Graduate Studies in Dravyaguna Vijnana
Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Ayurveda and Hospital ,Hassan

02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 1

Contents of the slide
• Introduction
• Research Question
• Aims and objectives
• Hypothesis
• Review of literature
• Materials and methods
• Observations and Results
• Discussion
• Conclusion
• Limitations of the study
• Scope of the study
02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 2
• Diabetes-According to International Diabetes Federation
-Global scenario:463 million ,and 88 million people in south east Asia
-In India:77 million

• Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder

-Defective insulin secretion
-Defective insulin action
Global estimates of Diabetes prevalence for 2017 and projections for 2045. Diabetes research and
clinical practice
02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 3
• Kakamaci - Solanum nigrum Linn
• English – Black night shade
• Kannada – Ganike soppu
• Kakamaci(Solanum nigrum Linn.) is an annual herb grown common throughout
• It is easily available and cost effective.
• As one of its karma is Pramehahara, and Madhumeha is a type of vataja
prameha,this drug has been taken to evaluate Madhumehahara karma.
• This drug possess certain karma like Swarya, Sukravardhaka, Rasayana,
Sothahara, Kustagna, Arshagna, Jwaraghna, Pramehahara, Netrya.

02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 4

Research Question

• Whether kakamaci possess Madhumehahara karma?

02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 5


• Null hypothesis(Ho):

There is no significant Madhumehahara karma of kakamaci panchanga

choorna in Madhumeha .

• Research hypothesis (Ha):

There is significant Madhumehahara karma of kakamaci panchanga

choorna in Madhumeha
02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 6

1.To carry out Pharmacognostic evaluation of kakamaci panchanga


2.To evaluate madhumehahara karma of kakamaci panchanga choorna.

02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 7

Review of literature –Drug-Kakamaci

• Botanical name-Solanum nigrum Linn

• Family – solanaceae

• Sanskrit name-Kakamaci

• English-Black night shade

• Part used – berries , leaves, panchanga

02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 8
Fruits of
Solanum nigrum Linn.

Inflorescence of
Solanum nigrum Linn. Root of
Solanum nigrum Linn.
Twig of Solanum nigrum Linn.
02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 9
Rasapanchaka by different authors
Padarthas BPN D.N K.N S.N P.N R.N Charaka Sushrutha
Rasa Tikta ,katu Tikta katu Tikta katu Tikta Tikta Tikta katu Tikta katu Kashaya
Guna Snigdha Sara, Snigdha - Snigdha - - -
laghu laghu

Virya Anushna Ushna Ushna Anushna Ushna Ushna Anushna -

sheeta sheeta sheeta

Vipaka Katu - Katu - - Katu Katu -

Prabhava - - - - - - - -
Doshagnath Tridosha - Tridosha - - - Tridosha -
a shamaka shamaka shamaka

02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 10

Karma and rogaghnata

• Karma,Swarya,sukravardhaka • Rogaghnata, Doubalya,

rasayana,sothahara,kusthagna swarabheda,sotha,kusta,
swasa, kasa, hikka, jwara,
hikkanigrhana ,kasahara Prameha

02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 11

Review of literature-Disease-Madhumeha

• Prameha is one among mahagada.

• Due to indulgence in etiological factors it results in aparipakwa kapha

and meda which further proceed downward through mutravaha
srotas and get localized at bastimukha, and leading to symptoms like
prabhoota mutrata, karapada daha etc

• Madhumeha is one among vataja prameha.

02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 12

Lakshanas Charaka Samhita Sushrutha Samhita Astanga Hridaya Madava nidana

Prabhootamutrata + + + +

Karapadadaha + + + +

Atinidra + + + +

Alasya + + + +

Gauratwa + + + +

Atisveda + + + +

02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 13

Modern co-relation

• Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterized by the

presence of hyperglycemia due to defective insulin Secretion,
defective insulin action or both.

• Rx-Correcting life style and food habits

Oral hypoglycemic drugs

Insulin therapy
02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 14
Materials and Methods

The study was designed in following headings-

• Pharmacognostical study

• Clinical study

02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 15


• Drug collection-The dry drug of kakamaci panchanga was collected

from sinhal herbals ,lucknow.

• Authentification –Department of Dravyaguna,SDMCAH,Hassan

02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 16

Fruits of
Solanum nigrum Linn.

leaf of
Solanum nigrum Linn. Inflorescence of
Solanum nigrum Linn.
02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 17
Pharmacognostic study
• Part used-Panchanga
Leaf macroscopy
size 5-6 cm long and 1 to 2 cm width

Shape Ovate ,entire margin

Colour Green

Odour Characteristic odour

Texture Pubescent

Taste Tikta Macroscopy of kakamaci leaf

(Solanum nigrum Linn.)

02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 18

Macroscopy of stem
Size 2-5 cm thick

Shape Cylindrical with nodes

Colour Green

Odour Characteristic odour

texture Sticky ,with nodes

Taste Tikta

Macroscopy of kakamaci stem

Fracture Fibrous (Solanum nigrum Linn.)

02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 19

Macroscopy of root
Size 7-10 cm long ,2 to 2.5 cm thick

Shape Cylindrical and slender

Colour Light brown

Odour Characteristic odour

Texture Rough

Taste -

Macroscopy of kakamaci root

(Solanum nigrum Linn.)
02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 20
Macroscopy of flower
Size 0.5 cm

Shape -

Colour Whitesh colour

Odour -

Texture Soft ,4-5 petals

Taste Tikta
Macroscopy of kakamaci flower
(Solanum nigrum Linn.)

02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 21

Macroscopy of fruit
Size 1 cm length and 1 to 1.5 cm thickness

Shape Round ,berry

Colour Black

Odour -

Texture Soft

Taste Tikta

Macroscopy of kakamaci fruit

(Solanum nigrum Linn.)
02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 22
Microscopy of kakamaci stem TS of Kakamaci Stem
ph perf
xy ph

mr xy

pi pi

e-epidermis ,ct-cortex ,perf-pericycle fibres ,ph-phloem, xy- xylem, mr-medullary rays ,pi-pith
02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 23
Microscopy of kakamaci root
ck ck
ct ct

TS of kakamaci root

Ck-cork ,ct-cortex ,mr-medullary rays ,ph-phloem ,xy-xylem

02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 24

Microscopy of kakamaci leaf TS of kakamaci leaf


cu-cutile , col-collenchyma ,ph-phloem ,xyv-xylem vessels

02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 25
Physical evaluation of kakamaci
panchanga choorna
Physio-chemical Standard value (API) Obtained value

Foreign matter Not more than 2% 0.5%

Loss on drying - 1%

Total ash Not more than 16% 12%

Acid insoluble Not more than 7% 7%

Water soluble Not less than 4% 8%
Alcohol soluble Not less than 15% 18%

02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 26

Chemical evaluation of kakamaci
panchanga choorna
Phytoconstituents Ethanolic extract Aqueous extract

Carbohydrates Absent Absent

Protiens Present Present

Amino acids Absent Absent

Steroids Absent Absent

Glycosides Absent Absent

Flavonoids Absent Absent

Tannins Present Present

Alkaloids Absent Absent

02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 27

Preparation of the medicine

• Preparation of kakamaci panchanga choorna-

Teaching pharmacy,Department of rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana


-Dry sample of kakamaci was collected and made into coarse powder
and then fine powder using pulverizer and seived through sieve
number 85.
02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 28
02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 29
Packing and labelling
• The prepared medicine was properly labelled with name,net weight,
manufacturing date and expiry date and stored in a air tight packets.

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02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 31
02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 32
Clinical study – Research design

• Study Design : An Open-Label Single Arm Clinical Trial

• Sampling Method : Convenience Sample Technique

• Sample Size : 30

• Intervention : Kakamaci panchanga choorna

• Dose : 6gms ,twice a day ,Before food

• Anupana: Ushna jala

02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 33
• Exclusion criteria
• Inclusion criteria
1.Patients on insulin
1.Age- 30 years to 70 years 2. Diabetic foot, Diabetic retinopathy,
Diabetic neuropathy, Diabetic
2.FBS ≥ 126 mg/dl
3. PPBS ≥180 mg/dl 3.Congestive cardiac failure
4.Impaired hepatic, cardiac and renal
4.Willing to participate and sign functions
the consent form. 5.Pregnant and lactating women
02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 34
Criteria 0th day 15TH day 30th day
(BT) (FP) (AT)

Assessment criteria Prabhoota

• Subjective parameter- Karapada daha
• Objective parameter-
Criteria 0th day 30th day

02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 35

Sl.no Assessment Criteria 1 2 3 4

1 Frequency of micturition 3-5 times/day 6-8 times/day 9-11 times/day More than 11
(day) times /day

2 Frequency of micturition Does not wake up Wake up once Wake up twice Wake up more
(night) than thrice

3 Karapada daha No burning Mild burning Moderate Severe burning

sensation in sensation in burning sensation in
hands and feet hands and feet sensation in hands and feet
hands and feet

4 Mukathalukanthashosha No dryness of Mild Moderate Severe

oral cavity and

02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 36

5 Atinidra 6-8 hrs 8-10 hrs 10-12 hrs More than 12

6 Alasya No laziness Mild Moderate Severe

7 Atisveda No persipiration Mild Moderate Severe

8 Gauratwa No heaviness Mild Moderate Severe

02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 37

Clinical study observations

Group Number of patients

Total screened patients 51

Registered for study 37

Completed 30

Drop out 7

02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 38

Age Frequency Gender Frequency
30-40 7 Male 20
41-50 11
Female 10
51-60 7
61-70 5 Total 30
Total 30
illiterate sslc PUC Graduate

Age Educational Frequency Gender


Illiterate 7
Graduate 11
male female
30-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 Total 30
02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 39
Locality Frequency Occupation Frequency Diet
Strenuous 12
Urban 7
Rural 23
Office job 15
Total 30 Sedentary 3
Total 30 mixed vegetarian

Occupation Type of diet Frequency

Vegetarian 8

Mixed 22

Total 30
Urban Rural

strenous work office job sedentary work

02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 40
vyayama Occupatinal stress

Sleep pattern Frequency

Disturbed 21
Sound 9
Total 30 yes no
present absent

Vyayama Frequency Occupatio Frequency

nal stress
Yes 7
Present 18
No 23 Absent 12
Total 30
Total 30
02/11/2023disturbed sound Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 41
Prakriti BMI
Family history Frequency

Present 11
Absent 19
Total 30
Family stress Vata pitta pitta kapha vata kapha
BMI Frequency
Prakriti Frequency
18-25 -normal 20
Vata pitta 15
Pitta kapha 5 25-30 over 10
Vata kapha 10
Total 30
present absent 4th Qtr
02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 42
Results based on statistics –Praboota mutrata
Parameter (Prabhoota mutrata Day) Chi df P Remark
square value
(N=30) Rank
Frequency of Prabhoota mutrata Day (0th
day) 31.909 2 .000 Significant
Frequency of Prabhoota mutrata Day
(15th day)
Frequency of Prabhoota mutrata Day(30th
02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 43
Results based on statistics -Subjective –
Prabhoota mutrata night
Parameter Mean N Chi df P value Remark
(Prabhoota mutrata ) Rank square
Frequency of Prabhoota
mutrata night (0th day) InSignificant
Frequency of Prabhoota 30 8.000 2 0.18
mutrata night(15th day)
Frequency of Prabhoota
mutrata night(30th day)
02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 44
Results based on statistics -Subjective –
Karapada daha
N Chi df P value Remark
(Karapadadaha) Mean
(0th day) 2.72 30 36.077 2 Significant
(15th day) 1.72 .000
(30th day) 1.57
02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 45
Results based on statistics -Subjective – Atinidra
N Chi square df P value Remark
Parameter Mean
(Atinidra) Rank
Atinidra .000 Significant
(0 day)
30 20.632 2
(15th day)
(30th day)
02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 46
Results based on statistics -Subjective –
N Chi df P value Remark
Parameter Mean square
(Mukathalukantashosha) Rank
Mukhathalukantashosha 30 2.571 2 .276 InSignificant
(0th day) 2.10

(15th day) 1.95

(30th day) 1.95

02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 47

Results based on statistics -Subjective – Alashya
N Chi df P value Remark
Parameter Mean
(Alashya) Rank
Alashya 30 23.059 2 .000 Significant
(0 day)

(15th day)
(30th day)

02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 48

Results based on statistics -Subjective – Atisveda
N Chi df P value Remark
Parameter Mean
(Atisveda) Rank
Atisveda 30 12.286 2 .002 Significant
(0 day)

(15th day)
(30th day)
02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 49
Results based on statistics -Subjective – Gauratwa
N Chi df P value Remark
Parameter Mean
(Gauratwa) Rank
Gauratwa 30 29.826 2 Significant
(0 day)

1.88 .000
(15th day)
(30th day)
02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 50
Results based on statistics-Objective
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
FBSBT 30 187.30 54.097 9.877
FBSAT 30 163.81 59.466 10.857

Test Value = 0
95% Confidence Interval of the
Mean Difference
t df Sig. (2-tailed) Difference Lower Upper
FBSBT 18.964 29 .000 187.300 167.10 207.50
FBSAT 15.088 29 .000 163.807 141.60 186.01

02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 51

N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
PPBSBT 30 276.50 68.804 12.562
PPBSAT 30 246.40 79.970 14.600

Test Value = 0
95% Confidence Interval
Sig. (2- Mean of the Difference
t df tailed) Difference Lower Upper
PPBSBT 22.011 29 .000 276.500 250.81 302.19
PPBSAT 16.876 29 .000 246.400 216.54 276.26

02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 52

N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
FUSBT 30 2.87 1.456 .266
FUSAT 30 2.53 1.592 .291

Test Value = 0
95% Confidence Interval
Sig. (2- Mean of the Difference
t df tailed) Difference Lower Upper
FUSBT 10.785 29 .000 2.867 2.32 3.41
FUSAT 8.718 29 .000 2.533 1.94 3.13

02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 53

N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
PPUSBT 30 4.40 1.632 .298
PPUSAT 30 3.97 2.092 .382

Test Value = 0
95% Confidence Interval
Sig. (2- Mean of the Difference
t df tailed) Difference Lower Upper
PPUSBT 14.771 29 .000 4.400 3.79 5.01
PPUSAT 10.383 29 .000 3.967 3.19 4.75

02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 54

(mg/dl) (mg/dl) (mg/dl) (mg/dl)

1 160 218 1 290 347

2 290 296 2 356 386
3 171 136 3 225 190

4 147 130 4 275 240

5 200 150 5 291 206

6 168 120 6 276 155

7 127 145 7 245 288

8 149 119 8 213 153

9 168 175 9 221 296

10 233 138
10 138 102

02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 55

(mg/dl) (mg/dl) (mg/dl) (mg/dl)
11 220 339

12 241 112 11 291 472

12 325 195
13 125 106
13 238 148
14 306 216
14 419 319
15 176 177
15 254 296
16 179 150
16 324 286
17 122 89
17 187 128
18 330 220
18 489 310
19 196 152
19 250 238
20 167 110 20 221 143

02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 56

(mg/dl) (mg/dl) (mg/dl) (mg/dl)

21 158 136 21 216 225

22 232 144 22 299 198
23 196 144 23 256 190
24 158 131 24 204 250
25 229 239 25 305 301
26 130 116 26 226 186
27 135 150 27 256 280
28 193 140 28 231 270
29 248 202 29 411 269
30 160 250 30 268 289

02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 57

• Based on drug
• Kakamaci(Solanum nigrum Linn.) is an annual herb found common
throughout India.
• All Samhita have described Kakamaci as Shaka Dravya and Oushadha.
• Kakamaci is described in tikta skanda by acharya charaka ,where as
sushrutha mentioned in surasadi gana which is indicated in prameha.
• Kakamaci posses Tikta rasa , Laghu, Ruksa guna ,Katu vipaka, Anusna
virya. It is tridosha shamaka .

02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 58

• Acharya sushrutha mentions that kakamaci has kashaya rasa.

• Kakamaci fruits, leaves and whole plant has medicinal


• Kakamaci is one among kakaradi gana, where it should not be

consumed by the patients who is on medication prepared out
of parada.

02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 59

• Kakamaci contains Salasonine and solamargin in leaves, solasodine in
fruits and leaves, tigogenin in berries are the chemical components

1.Anti-diabetic activity -Research entitled Antidiabetic Activity of Aqueous

Extract of Solanum nigrum Linn Berries in Alloxan Induced Diabetic Wistar
Albino Rats.
Aqueous extract of Solanum nigrum Linn berries in the dose of 200
mg/kg/day produced significant blood glucose reduction (p<0.01) from day
7 and 400 mg/kg/day produced highly significant reduction in blood glucose
from day 7 (p<0.001).

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Based on Disease
• Madhumeha is one among the 20 types of Prameha.
• Madhumeha is described as anushangi by acharya charaka, which means long
lasting or runs prolong. Acharya sushrutha has mentioned it under mahagada
which shows the dreadfulness of the disease.
• Acharya vagbhatta describes two ways of origin of madhumeha .Madhumeha
caused by ojokshaya when there is depletion of dhatus which is called as
dhatukshayajanya madhumeha
• The vitiated kapha and meda obstruct to the passage of vata in margavaranjanya

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• When it comes to lakshanas ,sushrutha acharya says that
sahajameha rogi are usually Krusha while apathyanimittaja
rogi are sthula.
• In Krusha pramehi santarpana line of treatment which
nourishes dhatus are advised.
• In sthula pramehi ,samshodana is advised includes
snehana ,shodhana ,shamana ,ritucharya ,dinacharya has
been advised.

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Discussion based on Observations and
Microscopy and Phytochemical-
• Macroscopy and Microscopy :The findings from the micro and
macroscopic observations were compared with available standards
and drug was found to be authenticated.
• Physicochemical evaluation - within the standard limits of API.
• Preliminary Phytochemical Evaluation – Presence of Tannins, proteins
in both Ethanolic as well the Aqueous extract.

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Discussion based on Clinical study
• In the present study,Maximum number of patients i.e. (36.6%)
belongs to the age group 41-50 years.
• indicating that the prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus is more in
the middle to old age group.
• Factors like stress, food habit, life style etc. (during this age )These
factors act as predisposing factor in the manifestation of DM.

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• Gender wise distribution showed that there were 66.6% male patients and
33.4% female patients.
• In diabetes equal prevalence is there for both male and female patients.
• Dalhana mentioned that females have less chance of developing Prameha,
because they are purified by monthly flow of Raja Srava.
• In India incidence of diabetes is higher in males than in females,
consequently in this study also there were more male patients than
• Acharya JT, Commentary Nibanda sangraha of Dalhana on Sushruta
Samhita of Sushruta, Chikitsa sthana; Prameha Chikitsa: Chapter 11

02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 65

Socio economic status
• DM is called as Rich mans disease, but present study did not support
this statement as more number of patients (50 %) belonging to
middle class, followed by low socio economic status.
• These results cannot be measured for generalizing the socioeconomic
status wise distribution as the sample size is small, It also reflects the
pattern of patients coming to the hospital of this institute & also the
increasing substantial sedentary habits among them.

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Personal history

• Maximum i.e. 73.4 % was of mixed diet.

• These results cannot be measured for generalizing the diet wise
distribution as the sample size is small, but Mamsa Aahara is one of
the main Nidana for Prameha.
• Intake of excessive fatty substances can lead to manifestation of DM.

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Sleep pattern
• Maximum subjects (73.4%) were having disturbed
sleep. This may be due to stress and increased
frequency of micturition at night time.

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• Maximum number of patients (76.6%) were not doing
vyayama this finding reflects reduced physical activity
as cause.

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Occupational stress
• 60.0% were having mental stress in their working place or due to the family problems.
The body gears up to take action in response to stress. This preparation is called the
fight or flight response.
• In the fight or flight response, levels of many hormones like catecholamines, cortisol
and growth hormones shoot up. Their net effect is to make a lot of stored energy,
glucose and fat available to cells. Insulin is not always able to let the extra energy into
the cells, so glucose piles up in blood.
• These results in increase propensity of various diseases and diabetes may be an
outcome of stress, which further sets in a vicious circle of stress diabetes relationship.
• This concept is true in the present study, as most of them are leading stress full life.
Mitra Analava, Diabetes and stress: A Review. Ethno-Med

02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 70

Family History
• Maximum subjects i.e. 63.4 % were having no family history.
People with family history positive have more chance of
getting diabetes, as there is genetic disposition in this
disease and it is mentioned that Madhumeha is Kulaja
• As there are other predisposing factors like altered life style
and food pattern ,family history might not be the only factor.

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BMI-Body Mass Index
• 33.34% were of overweight of BMI followed by 66.66% were in
normal range of BMI.Obesity acts as diabetogenic factor through
increasing resistance to the action of insulin in those genetically
predisposed to develop Type 2 DM.
• But this study shows there was also a raise in number of DM patients
in normal BMI,as BMI is not only factor contributing to DM,may be
due to stress factor,altered life style and food style and lack of
physical exercise.

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Based on Parameter
1.Statistically there was a significant results in subjective parameter
Prabhoota mutrata (day time),Karapada daha,Atinidra,Alasya,Atisveda,


2.Mukathalukanta shosha, and prabootamutrata at night did not show

significant results statistically.

3.There was significant changes in Objective parameter p<0.000 in

02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 73
Based on Prabhoota mutrata
• Praboota Mootrata is due to increase of Shareera Kleda and due to
Draveekarana of all Dushyas.
• The reduction in Bahu mootrata by kakamaci panchanga choorna is by
its Tikta rasa and laghu, ruksha guna, which does Shoshana of
Shareera Kleda and Draveekrita Dushyas leading to reduction in
Prabhoota Mootrata.
• Mean rank -2.60 to 1.55
• p<0.000 – Day time
• P<0.18- Night time

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Based on Karapadadaha
• Karapada daha is due to pitta dosha which results in burning sensation in

soles and palm, kakamaci having tikta rasa acts as pitta shamaka , anushna

veerya which acts as sroto shodaka thereby helps in reducing karapada daha.

• Mean rank from 2.72 to 1.57.

• p<0.000

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Based on Gauratwa

• Gauratwa is due to kapha dosha,which increases gauratwa and dominance

kakamaci having tikta rasa and anushna veerya does kapha and meda shoshana
there by helps to reduce gauratwa.

• mean rank from 2.58 to 1.53

• p<0.18

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Based on Atinidra

• Atinidra is due to increased kapha and meda which is responsible for

tamo guna , kakamaci having tikta rasa and anushna veerya does
kapha and meda shoshana there by helps to reduce sleep duration.

• Mean rank from 2.43 to 1.63

• p<0.001

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Based on Alasya
• Alasya is due to kapha dosha pre dominance kakamaci having
tikta rasa and anushna veerya does kapha and meda
shoshana there by helps to reduce alasya
• Mean rank from 2.43 to 1.63
• p<0.001

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Based on Atisveda

• Ativeda is due to pitte dosha, kakamaci having tikta rasa acts as pitta
shamaka , anushna veerya which acts as sroto shodaka thereby helps
to reduce Atisveda.

• Mean rank from 2.22 to 1.87.

• p<0.002

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Based on Mukhathalukantashosha

• Mukathalukanta shosha is due to pitta dosha ,which results in dryness

of the muka thalu and kanta , kakamaci having tikta rasa acts as pitta
shamaka , anushna veerya which acts as sroto shodaka.

• Mean rank from 2.10 to 1.95

• p<0.276

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Based on Objective parameter
• There was significant changes in Objective parameter p<0.000
-Fasting blood sugar
-Post prandial blood sugar
-Fasting urine sugar
-Post prandial urine sugar
The type II diabetes induced by alloxan is due to the oxidative stress
Antioxidants present in the AESNB may also be responsible for the
antidiabetic activity due to modulation of various enzyme activities .

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Mode of action
• Kakamaci posses Tikta rasa , Laghu, Ruksa guna ,Katu vipaka, Anusna
virya. It is tridosha shamaka .

• Tikta rasa does shoshana of meda,vasa, mutra majja and kleda

where there is a involvement of all these in prameha ,it does daha
and kandu prashamana as daha and kandu are the symptoms in
prameha and does agni dipana where there is altered agni in prameha

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• Acharya sushruta gives different opinion on kakamaci rasa
he says it has kashaya rasa as it possess soshana ,lekhana
properties .It has laghu guna which is kaphahara in action
and which has lekhana property.It has katu vipaka which has
effect on baddha mutrata adds effect on prameha as there
will be increased frequency of micturition.

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• By Pharmacognostic evaluation, Kakamaci identity ,purity and strength
are confirmed.

• Kakamaci was given to the subjects in the form of choorna ,6 gms twice
a day with Ushna jala for a period of 30 days.

• Kakamaci panchanga choorna has shown significant results in

management of Madhumeha.kakamaci is easily available and cost
effective hence it can be used in management of Madhumeha.
02/11/2023 Dr.Sahana T Pre thesis 84
• It showed significant changes in Subjective parameters like Praboota

• There is significant changes in karapadadaha and Gauravatwa.

• There is also significant changes in Alasya,Atisveda,Atinidra.

• There is no significant changes in Prabhoota mootrata(Night time) and


• There is significant changes in Objective parameters like FBS, FUS, PPBS and PPUS.

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• Hence, Research hypothesis is accepted/ rejected ?


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Limitations –

• As the dosage form was choorna ,it was not


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Scope for further study
 Other dosage forms can be adopted.

 Duration can be increased.

 Study on subjects HbA1c above 8% can be done.

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