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Lesson 3: Roles for

teaching and

1.Technology as a tutor. Together with
the teacher, technology can support the
teacher to teach another person.
2.Technology as a teaching tool. Like a
tutor, technology is a teaching tool, but
can never replace a teacher.
3. Technology as a learning tool. While
the teacher utilizes technology as the tool
for teaching, likewise it is an effective
tool for learning. As a learning tool, it
makes learning easy and effective.
A. For Teachers and Teaching
As a tool, technology has opened
wider avenues in management of
resources and management of learning.
1. Technology provides enormous
support to the teacher as the facilitator
of learning. It transforms a passive
classroom to an active and interactive
2. Technology has modernized the
teaching-learning environment. The
teachers are assisted and supplemented
with appropriately structured
instructional materials for daily activities.
3. Technology improves teaching-
learning process and ways of teaching.
All the learning styles can find support
from technology.
This will make the act of teaching more
efficient and effective.
4. Technology opens a new fields in
educational researches. The areas of
teaching testing and evaluation are
enhanced by technologies for teaching
and learning.
5. Technology adds to the competence
of teachers and inculcates scientific
outlook. Through the utilization of
theories of learning and intelligence, the
teachers are encouraged to imbibe skills
to source these information with speed
and accuracy.
5. Technology adds to the competence
of teachers and inculcates scientific
outlook. Through the utilization of
theories of learning and intelligence, the
teachers are encouraged to imbibe skills
to source these information with speed
and accuracy.
6. Technology supports teacher
professional development. With the
demand of continuing professional
development for teachers, the availability
of technology provides alternative way of
attending professional development
B. For Learners and Learning.
1. Support learners to learn on their
own. There are three categories of
knowledge according to Egbert (2009):
declarative knowledge, structural
knowledge, and procedure knowledge.
a. Declarative knowledge consist of
information that answers the questions
what, who, when, and where. It is often
learned through memorization of facts,
drills and practices.
b. Structural knowledge consists of
facts or pieces of declarative knowledge
put together to attain some form of
c. Procedure knowledge is knowledge in
action or in the knowledge of how to do
The traditional source of knowledge
are printed books, modules and journals.
Other source are primary sources such as
information taken from research.
However, knowledge or content can be
learned in many ways.
To teach content, time is always an
issue of teachers. Technology may be the
answer, however the challenge is for
teachers to use technology to learn
technology first. There are varied
programs that can be used by students
off-line or on-line.
2. Technology enhances learners’
communication skills through social
a. Point to point two-way or one-to-
one like Internet chat, phone,
conversation or even face-to-face
b. One-to-many outbound like a
lecture, television. There is no social
c. Many-to-many like a group
discussion, buzz session, heads together
provides opportunities for social
The benefits driven from
technology-supported communication.
a. Enables teacher to guide the
learners virtually
b. Enhances students’ freedom to
c. Enables learners to construct
meaning from joint experiences
d. Help learners solve problems from
multiple sources since there is a limitless
source of information.
e. Teaches learners to communicate
with politeness
f. Enhances collaboration by using
communication strategies with wider
g. Develops critical thinking, problem
solving and creativity throughout the
3. Technology upgrades learners'
higher-order-thinking skills: critical
thinking, problem solving and
Twenty-first century learning requires
the development of higher-order- thinking
Technology has a great role to play in
the development and enhancement of
these skills. Let's discuss this in the
the cluster of higher order thinking skills.
It refers to the ability to interpret, explain,
analyze, evaluate, infer and self- regulate
in order to make good decisions.
With the use of technology, one will
be able to evaluate the credibility of the
source, ask appropriate questions, become
open-minded, defend a position on an
issue and draw conclusion with caution.
With the use of technology, one will
be able to evaluate the credibility of the
source, ask appropriate questions, become
open-minded, defend a position on an
issue and draw conclusion with caution.
Teachers play a significant role in
supporting learners with technology.
A. Ask the right questions.
Most often teachers ask questions to
find out if the students can simply repeat
the information from the lesson. Although
these are necessary questions like what,
who, when and where, these do not
develop critical thinking.
Critical thinking questions should ask
for clarity, accuracy, precision, relevance,
depth, breadth and logic.
Clarity: Here are some examples: Can
you give examples of ...
Accuracy: What pieces of evidence
support your claim?
Precision: Exactly how much...
Breadth: What do you think will the other
group say about the
B. Use critical thinking tasks with
appropriate level of challenge.
Teachers should be mindful of the
readiness of the students. Students who
have higher ability may find the task too
easy, thus getting bored early, while those
who have low ability may find the task
too difficult.
simple ways that teachers should do

1. Vary the question ask

2. Introduce new technologies
3. Modify the learners group
4. Mofify the critical thinking task
5. encourage curiousity
CREATIVITY is characterized as
involving the ability to think flexibly,
fluently, originally, and elaborately.
FLEXIBLY means able to use many
points of view while FLUENTLY means
able to generate many ideas.
ORIGINALLY implies being able to
generate new ideas and ELABORATELY
means able to add details. Creativity is
not merely a set of technical skills, but it
also involves feelings, beliefs, knowledge
and motivation.

1. Substitute - Find something else to

replace to do what it does.

2. Combine - Blend two things that do not

usually go together.
3. Adapt Look for other ways this can be

4. Modify/Magnify/ Minify - Make a

change, enlarge, decrease.

5. Put to another use - Find other uses.

6. Eliminate - Reduce, remove.

7. Reverse-Turn upside-down, inside out,

front-side back.
What should teacher do to support student
creativity? Here are some suggestions:

1. Provide an enriched environment.

2. Teach creative thinking

3. Allow learners to show what they can

4. Use creativity with technology

Teachers can do the following to develop
and enhance critical thinking, problem
solving and creativity.

1. Encourage students to find and use

information from variety of sources both
on-line and off-line.
2. Assist students to compare information
from different sources.

3. Allow student to reflect through

different delivery modes like writing,
speaking, or drawing.
4. Use real experiences and material to
draw tentative decisions.

5. Involve students in creating and

questioning assessment.

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