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Ahmad Aslam Dhofir
Who Is Definied as:
Ethnography ? • a methode of observing human
interaction in social settings and
activities (Burke & Kirk, 2001)
• as the observation of people in there
‘culture context’.
• the study and systematic recording of
human cultures : also ; a descriptive
work produce from such research
(Meriam-Webster Online)
Rather than studying people from outside,
you learn from people from the inside.
Invented Ethnography
Invented by Bronislaw
Malionowski in 1915.
• spent three years on Trobriand
Island (New Guinea).

• invented the modern from of

fieldwork and ethnography as
its analytic component.


(Malinowski, 1967;
Kuper 1983)
Documented Three
types of data
• Detailed
2. All stories,
of day to
naratives, 3. Sypnotic Chart.
day life
myths, etc.
(Anderson, 1997; Malinowski,1967;
1987; Kuper 1983)
Traditional Vs Design Ethnography
Traditional Design
• Describe Cultures • Describes domains
• Uses local language • Uses local language
• Objective • Subjective
• Compare general principle of society • Compare general principles of design
• Non-Interference • Intervention
• Duration : Several Years • Duration : Several weeks/Months
Why do an Ethographic study ?

• Things aren’t always what they seem.

• Practitioners/Natives are not always the best people.
(Lack insight & Discovery).
• N.B.- ethnoghrapher should guide design team, not
vice versa.
When & Where is it used in the
Design Process?
• Pre-design
• During sesign
• Evaluation stage
• Depends on time constraints
and when it was first
• The sooner, the better.
• Ethnographer should be seen
as a key member of the design
Step 1 : Preparation y Step 3 : Analysis

Step 2 : Field Study Step 4 : Reporting

Step 1 Preparation
• Familiarize yourself with ;
• organization policies
• work culture
• Current system & its history
2. Identify the focus of the study
• set initial goals and prepare questions
• Can be guided by designer goals
3. Gain access and Permission
4. Gate. keepers vs. Sponsor

(Rose et al., 1995)

Step 2 : Field Study
• Establish rapport with managers and
• Record everything :
• your visits, observation, impressions,
feelings, hunches, emerging questions,
3. ASAP for accuracy.
4. Be meticulous!!!!
5. Filed notes, audio, or video recording.
6. Follow any leads.

(Rose et al,.1995)
Step 3 : Analysis
• Compile data into database;
• Numerical
• Textual
• Multimedia
2. Quantify data and compile
3. Reduce and Interprete Data.
4. Review and Redevelop Ideas.

(Rose et al,.1995)
Step 4 : Reporting

• Consider multiple audiences

and repective goals.
• Prepare a report and present
the findings.
• Have debriefing meetings.

(Rose et al,.1995)
Ethnographic Report
• Purpose Statement
• Executive Summary
• Main Body
• Future Research
• Appendix
• Debriefing

(Randal/Rouncefield.CSCW 1996
Do & Don’t
• Ask open-ended
questions • Ask simple Yes/No
• Phrase question • Ask leading question
properly to avoid • Use unfamiliar jargon
• Speak their • Lead/guide the ‘user’
• Let user notice
things on his/her
1. Real-world data 3. Discovery

2. Provides in-depth understanding 4. Can be econimical (If you

of people in an organization. ‘do it your self’)
1. Context too specific
4. Time & Money

5. Data is messy and

2. Going native
often unstructured

3. Most negotiate 6. How do you

access access significance
Thank you

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