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Learning Tasks

At the end of this session each learner is

expected to be able to:
• Define common terms used in first aid (first
aid, casualty, first aider, first aid kit
• Outline purposes of first aid
• Explain first aid priorities
• Identify tools/equipment in first aid kit
• Explain principles of first aid repercussion
Definition of Common Terms used in First
First aid is the initial assistance or treatment
given to someone who is injured or suddenly
taken ill
Casualty is a person who is injured in an
First aider is a person who is trained to give first
aid to a sick or injured person
First aid kit a small box containing supplies and
equipment that used in giving help to a sick or
injured person until full medical treatment is
Purposes of First Aid
• Save life of sick or injured person
• Prevent further injury (secondary injury)
• Alleviate suffering from pain
• Promote recovery until further professional
medical care becomes available
First Aid Priorities
• To ensure the appropriate emergence service are
• To ensure both the rescuer and casualty safety
• To keep the casualty alive (attention to airway,
breathing and circulation is paramount)
• To prevent the casualty from deteriorating
• To promote the recovery of casualty
• To provide reassurance and comfort to the
Tools/Equipment in First Aid Kit
• Bandage tape
• Cotton balls
• Protective gears like surgical mask, gloves,
disposable apron
• Flashlight
• Gauze bandage (1 inch and 2 inch widths)
• Ice bags
• Disposable towel
• Pocket mask for Cardiopulmonary
Resuscitation (CPR).
• Safety pins.
• Sanitary, trauma or obstetrics and gynecology
(OB) pads
• Soap (plain)
• Sterile adhesive compresses (1 inch x 3
inches), individually packaged
• Sterile gauze squares (2 inches x 2 inches; 3
inches x 3 inches), individually packaged
• Tongue blades.
• Triangular bandages for sling
Additional Useful tools

• Two crepe rollers

• Scissors
• Tweezers
• Cotton wool
• Non-alcoholic wound cleaning wipes
• Adhesive tape or Notepad, pencil and tags
• Plastic face shield
• For outdoor activities blanket, survival bag, torch
and whistle
Principles of First Aid
First aid Priorities
• Assess the situation of the scene
• Observe what has happened quickly and
• Look for danger signs for yourself and the
patient eg. Fire,
• Never put yourself at risk (your safety comes
Make the Area Safe
• Protect the casualty from danger
• Be aware of your limitation
Triage the patient
• Asses all casualties and identify the priority of care
using TRIAGE system as follows;
– Red Tag: Patient need Immediate care (Life Threatening
injury), treat as you find
– Yellow Tag: Patient needs medical care or attention within
30 minutes.
– Green Tag: no need of Treatment, Can be kept under
reassurance of Health Care professional to alleviate
anxiety and allow them to relax before discharge.
– Black Tag: Deceased (No sign of Life)
Primary Survey
• Airway: Asses the airway, if obstructed, open
using the following techniques;
– Head tilt - chin lift maneuver
– Jaw thrust maneuver
– Do suction if available
– Use or insert airway adjuncts (oropharyngeal
airway or nasopharyngeal airway
• Breathing: Look, listen, and feel for adequacy
in breathing.
– If inadequate breathing consider artificial
ventilation by using Bag Valve Mask (BVM) or
– Do needle decompression if there is a signs of
tension pneumothorax or haemothorax
• Circulation: Check for pulse, capillary refill,
signs of active bleeding
– Stop bleeding by applying pressure at the bleeding
– Establish IV access, two large bore cannula is
recommended (14G, 16G, or 18G)
– Administer IV fluid if available
• Disability: Assess level of consciousness using
A – patient is Awake
V – patient response to Verbal stimuli
P - patient response to Painful stimuli
U - Unresponsive
• Exposure: Undress the patient to examine
other parts of the body but maintain privacy,
body temperature and Immobilization the
neck and spine inline to avoid secondary injury
Get Help
Quickly ensure that any necessary specialist
help has been summoned and is on its way
Key Points
• First aid is the initial assistance or treatment
given to someone who is injured or suddenly
taken ill
• Perform Triage to priotize care by treating
those with life threatening conditions first
Session Evaluation
• What are the purpose of first aid?
• What are tools or equipment in the first aid
• What are the first aid priorities?

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