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Business Free Talk

Chapter 1 Office Basics

Lesson 4 Reimbursement

1 2 3
Expressions Discussion Further Reading
Useful expressions under Questions for you to discuss An article for you to read
this topic for your reference. freely with your teacher. after class.
Useful expressions about reimbursement. You can
refer to them to provoke your thoughts in the
Discussion part.
Expressions Glossary
(suggested time: 8mins)
reimbursement reimbursable

We sometimes spend our own money in attachment receipt

business and get paid back later. In this part, you supervisor signature
are going to study some expressions and
sentences about reimbursement.
Finance Department/Office

In Sentences
• I will be on a business trip* next week. Will my trip
expenses* be reimbursed?
• You must attach necessary receipts for all your expenses.
• Once you fill out the form, have your supervisor sign it
and submit* it to the Finance Department.
•Offering reasonable reimbursement helps to protect
employees' rights.
2 Discuss questions about reimbursement. Use your
experience and imagination to talk about them with
your teacher.
Discussion Discuss these questions in detail with
(suggested time: 15mins) your teacher. Give reasons and explanations for
your opinion and speak as much as possible.
Q1. Have you ever requested reimbursement at work? If you You can use words you learnt in Expressions to
help you.
have, what expense was the reimbursement for?

Q2. Do you know your company's reimbursement policy?

types of expenses are reimbursable in your company? What
documents do you need to apply for reimbursement?

Q3. Some companies make the reimbursement process very

inconvenient to limit their expenses. For example, employees
must fill out dozens* of paper forms, and submit them to a
faraway office in person*. What do you think of that?

Q4. When hiring* new employees, some companies offer

reimbursement -pay the employees if they need to move from
another city to work here. Do you think it's necessary? Why?
3 Further Reading
An article about expense reimbursement. You can
read it after class if you are interested.
Further Reading
1. Supplies
Supplies that an employee purchases for business purposes can
be reimbursed at cost, if they are reimbursed according to an
accountable plan.

2. Transportation
The cost of work-related travel, including transportation,
lodging, meals, and entertainment are generally reimbursable
• supplies /səˈplɑɪz/ Many employers will reimburse an employee who uses their
n. personal vehicle for business at a standard mileage rate.
• purchase /ˈpɝːtʃəs/ Generally, this won’t include commuting expenses between an
v. employee’s home and workplace.
• purpose /ˈpɝːpəs/
n. 3. Meals & Entertainment
• generally/ˈdʒenərəli/ Meal and entertainment costs incurred within the employee‘s
adv. tax home are reimbursable expenses only if the meal or
•standard /ˈstændɚd/ entertainment can be shown to have a clear business purpose.

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