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Institute of Technology of Cambodia

Department of Industrial and Mechanical Engineering

Award Stamp (EBM)

Adviser : Dr. KRUY Sothea

Presenter : PECH Ravin

December 20, 2021


1. Introduction
2. Literature review
3. Equipment
4. Processing
5. Final product
6. Conclusion
7. Reference

1. Introduction

 Significances
 The EBM process uses a beam several times more powerful than a laser.
 EBM can produce high-quality metal parts comparable to those produced with traditional manufacturing
methods such as casting.
 Not only do the parts possess strong mechanical properties, they also typically have a high density.
 EBM offers minimal waste, as most of the unused powder can be recycled for future use.

 Objective
 To create an award stamp using electron beam machining process by melting with Arcam EBM machine.
 To make an award stamp with rough surface.

2. Literature review

 EBM schematic
2. Literature review

 EBM electron gun

2. Literature review

 EBM for melting

 A high-energy electron beam melts layers of powdered metal to create a form within a vacuum

3. Equipment

Arcam EBM Titanium powder

Melting rate: /hour

4. Processing

1. CAD Software Design 2. Build Model Generation in Magics software

4. Processing

3. Fill the hoppers with powder 4. Start melting with electron beam

4. Processing

5. Finish melting 6. Powder recovery

5. Final product

 Process duration time: 30 min

6. Conclusion

 Final product are finished by using 3D printing technologies. This increased beam power and multiple
electron beams are used simultaneously in the EBM process and ultimately means faster printing speeds.
 Preheating the print bed also minimizes residual stresses reducing that need for support structures.
 Even our products are not smooth enough but it has high density. To get a clean product, we need some
polishing process.

7. Reference



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