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Biodiversity Loss and its

Conservation Dr. Aneeba Rashid

Assistant Professor (IPFP)
Glimpse from past papers


Question 4: How will you define Biodiversity? What is meant by the

instrumental and intrinsic value of species? Why biodiversity is
decreasing? Discuss different factors of biodiversity loss. (20 marks)

Question 8 (2): Write short note on biodiversity loss. (5 marks)
Prior Suggested Readings

Biodiversity - Factsheet | UNEP - UN Environment Programme

UNEP and Biodiversity | UNEP - UN Environment Programme

Biodiversity: our solutions are in nature (

Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016. | UNEP Law and Environment Assistance Platform

Pakistan’s Biodiversity Is Disappearing, But No One Seems to Notice – The Diplomat

Biodiversity of Pakistan | Biodiversity Facts

Biodiversity in Pakistan: Status challenges and strategies for its conservation (
Biodiversity and Biodiversity Loss

Diversity Biodiversity
Bio refers to
refers to is variety of
Variety life
Biodiversity: Important things to know

Father of Taxonomy: Carlous Linnaeus

Definition: Biodiversity is an abundance of different lives at planet Earth.

1. Ecological biodiversity: Variety in types of habitats and ecosystems
2. Species biodiversity: Variety of species in an area
3. Genetic biodiversity: Variety in number of genes among individuals of a
Biodiversity Measurement
Importance of Biodiversity
Biodiversity: Important things to know

Instrumental value of species:

• It is valued purely as a means to an end.

• It provides security and you can use it to purchase things you want.
• Example: Most of the time, we are going to be able to determine what good or benefit
my relationship with that something provides to me. The plant and animal material I
cook and eat as food tastes good and is necessary to sustain my body.
• Determining the instrumental value of species is relatively easy.
Biodiversity: Important things to know

Intrinsic value of species:

• It is valued purely as an end.

• Determining intrinsic value is more difficult.
• Example: People have the same kinds of relationships with other humans that I do, and
they experience the same kinds of feelings, including pain and joy, that I experience. If
we consider a person as a thing-in-itself, that thing is just like me. This awareness
provides a way of recognizing the intrinsic value in people.
Biodiversity Loss

Article Title: Biodiversity Loss
Definition: Author: John P. Rafferty
Date: 21 September 2022
Biodiversity loss is a decrease in biodiversity Publisher: Britannica
within a species, an ecosystem, a given
geographic area, or Earth as a whole.

• Biodiversity loss is typically associated with more permanent ecological changes in

Factors leading to Biodiversity Loss

Habitat Loss Climate Change Overexploitation

Pollution Invasive Species

Biodiversity Conservation
Biodiversity Conservation
Biodiversity Conservation Legislations

• International Union for Conservation of Nature (2018)

• Convention on biological diversity (1992)

• Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) (1975)

IUCN Biodiversity Conservation: Pakistan

Lal Suhanra Cholistan

National Park Sanctuary

Lal Suhanra
Ziarat Juniper
Forest Reserve
Relevant UN-SDGs

SDG 15 addresses the conservation and sustainable use of

forests, other terrestrial ecosystems and biodiversity,
including halting desertification and land degradation and
combatting illegal trade in endangered species.

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