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. How much water is there on earth?

. How much of the Earth's water is stored in glaciers?

. What is Surface Water
How much water is there on earth

About 71 percent of the Earth's surface is water-covered, and the oceans hold about 96.5
percent of all Earth's water. Water also exists in the air as water vapor, in rivers and lakes, in
icecaps and glaciers, in the ground as soil moisture and in aquifers, and even in you and your
dog, Water is never sitting still ,Thanks to the water cycle, our planet's water supply is
constantly moving from one place to another and from one form to another
In 71% of water 97% is salt water which is
from the oceans and all the leaving beings
only have 3% to drink, but many people just
waste water, so that’s why people tell use
water wisely
How much of the Earth's water is stored in glaciers?

About 2.1% of all of Earth's water is frozen in glaciers.

About three-quarters of Earth's freshwater is stored in
glaciers. Therefore, glacier ice is the second largest
reservoir of water on Earth and the largest reservoir of
freshwater on Earth!

Groundwater is the water found underground in the cracks and

spaces in soil, sand and rock. It is stored in and moves slowly
through geologic formations of soil, sand and rocks called
aquifers. Groundwater is the 2nd largest available reservoir of
fresh water.
Surface Water

Surface water is any body of water found on the Earth’s surface, including
both the saltwater in the ocean and the freshwater in rivers, streams, and lakes.
A body of surface water can persist all year long or for only part of the year.
Surface water is any body of water above ground, including streams, rivers,
lakes, wetlands, reservoirs, and creeks. The ocean, despite being saltwater, is
also considered surface water. Surface water participates in the hydrologic
cycle, or water cycle, which involves the movement of water to and from the
Earth’s surface. Precipitation and water runoff feed bodies of surface
water. Evaporation and seepage of water into the ground, on the other hand,
cause water bodies to lose water. Water that seeps deep into the ground is
called groundwater.
Thank you

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