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Medical Report Management &

Distribution System
on Block chain


Guided By :-
Prof. Madhuri Ghuge
Medical Report Management & Distribution System on Block chain is a secure cloud store for
all your health records. This serves patients by giving them one place to store and view all of
their health data across all providers globally. It serves providers by ensuring that health records
are stored securely via block chain and allows them to see a patient precious health history
easily. All transactions are secured by an encryption and stored as blocks to authenticate within a
network of computers rather than a centralized server. Moreover in proposed system use smart
contracts to associate and store all the associated medical documents associated with each
transaction with date stamp. This allows to verify the authenticity of each report which will be
detected if modified by any individual. Thus the system brings forward a secure, safe, efficient
and authentic medical report management system using block chain technology.
Introduction :
▪ Healthcare has become one of India’s largest sectors - both in terms of revenue and
▪ India’s healthcare industry is one of the fastest growing sectors and it is expected to reach
Rs.20026 billion by 2020
▪ Many hospitals still use paper and files to store patients records which shows that somewhere
healthcare industry has still not adopted to the modern world
▪ Holding multiple and fragmented healthcare records by different organisations can be a
tedious task.
▪ Blockchain technology is one of the most important and disruptive technologies in the world.
One of the industries that are looking to adopt the blockchain is the healthcare industry. Our
above problem is going to be solved by help of blockchain.
Literature Survey :
Sr.No Name of Paper Author and Year Methodology Limitations

1 MrBrAQue: a Multimedia P. Merialdo ; G. Sindoni It is used by physicians to One of the main issues
Medical Report decide therapeutic strategies addressed, to represent
as a whole document
Management System Year: 1997 in the textual description can
both text and
be archived in a digital multimedia data,
system as well as the explicitly modelling
original examination data. interesting semantic
relationships between

2 Personal Health Maisie Wang, Christopher Technology PHIMS are Storing in structured and
Information Management Lau, Frederick A. Matsen, collecting, organizing, unstructured ways
System and its III, and Yongmin Kem storing, and sharing an
Application in Referral individual’s personal health
Management Year Sep 2004 information from the past,
present, and future
Literature Survey :
Sr.No Name of Paper Author and Year Methodology Limitations

3 Clinical Knowledge Daniel P. Lorence and Based on geographic areas, Organizational

Management Using Richard Churchill and selected health-care characteristics relevant
Computerized Patient demographic characteristics. to data acquisition also
Record Systems: Is the The survey data included location.
Current Infrastructure June 2005 measures of the accuracy via
Adequate? automated systems

4 Securing patient-centric Danwei Chein, Linling Health records are stored on Tampering of the data
personal health records Chang ,Su Pan cloud storages for global or the records cannot
sharing system in cloud access and its metadata is be identified
computing September 2014 generated to ensure more
security and access to records
is provided using encryption
Problem Statement:
▪ Existing System:
Manual handling of the health records can be a tedious task also existing systems generally make
use of local or organizations databases to store the health records. These databases are not highly
secured and may cause unauthorized access and changes in health records. In current systems
there is unnecessary multiple generations of the health records at various medical organizations.

▪ New System:
The new system removes the laborious task of manually handling the health records and use of
blockchain technology and storage of electronic health records on cloud makes it more secure and
prevents tampering of records. Due to a centralized storage system multiple generations of a
health records is avoided.
Architecture :

Fig 1
Project Work-flow :
▪ From the home page the user can login to his account as a patient or a doctor.
▪ Workflow for Patient:
In order to interact or receive any medical records the patient has to first register
himself in the blockchain.
The patient has to register himself by providing his ethereum address . Once the
patient is registered all his details will be stored in the cloud storage.
Now if any doctor has to store a medical record for the patient then he must have
the permission from the patient to do so.
Patient has to give permission to the doctor by providing his ethereum address .
For viewing the health records the patient has to provide his ethereum address
and the record name given to him by the doctor .
▪ Workflow for Doctor:
As mentioned earlier in order for doctor/provider to save or provide health record
to patient he must have permission from the patient to do so.
While saving the medical record for the patient the doctor has to provide his own
ethereum address, the patient’s ethereum address , name of the record and the
medical health record in digital format.
Key Concepts/Algorithms :
▪ Smart Contracts:
▪ A smart contract is a computer protocol intended to digitally facilitate, verify, or
enforce the negotiation or performance of a contract. Smart contracts allow the
performance of credible transactions without third parties.
▪ Smart contracts help you exchange money, property, shares, or anything of value
in a transparent, conflict-free way while avoiding the services of a middleman.
▪ When running on the blockchain a smart contract becomes like a self-operating
computer program that automatically executes when specific conditions are met.
▪ Because smart contracts run on the blockchain, they run exactly as programmed
without any possibility of censorship, downtime, fraud or third-party interference.
Fig 2
▪ Ethereum :
▪ Ethereum is an open software platform based on blockchain technology that enables
developers to build and deploy decentralized applications.
▪ Ethereum Virtual Machine is a Turing complete software that runs on the Ethereum
network. It enables anyone to run any program, regardless of the programming
language given enough time and memory
Fig . 3
▪ Decentralized Application:
▪ Distributed Applications are software applications that are stored mostly on
cloud computing platforms and that run on multiple systems simultaneously .
▪ The blockchain used by most cryptocurrencies uses Distributed Apps to
maintain an efficient digital marketplace.
▪ Rather than the conventional client-server network adopted by most
centralized organizations, blockchains run on a peer-to-peer network where
transactional information carried out between two parties is recorded and
shared across multiple computers on the network.
Fig. 4 Fig. 5
Potential of blockchain for healthcare highly depends on the acceptance
of the new technology within the healthcare ecosystem in order to create
technical infrastructure. Though there are certain concerns and speculations
regarding Blockchain’s integration with current healthcare systems and its
cultural adoption, the technology is still popular in the healthcare sector.
It has taken the healthcare industry by storm over the past year and many
solutions are being developed to adopt it. With so many potential use cases and
possibilities, blockchain is sure to disrupt the healthcare landscape for good.
References :
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