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S U B J E C T: B U D D H I S T S O C I A L I N S T U T I O N S O F B H I K K H U
I D S T U D E N T: H S / F S 2 0 / 0 0 0 9
1. Introduction.

2. The Content of Pārājika Pāli.

3. Seven Kinds of Transgression or Offence.

4. The Meanings of Vinaya Rules.

5. References.
Vinaya – The rules of discipline.
Consists of rules and regulations for the
management of the Buddhist Sangha, and for the
conduct of the daily life of monks and nuns. Tipitaka

1. Vinaya 2. Sutta Pitaka 3. Abhidhamma Pitaka


1. 3.
2. Pācittiya 4. Cullavagga 5.Parivāra
Pārājika Pāḷi
Pāḷi Pāḷi
Pāḷi Pāḷi
1. Pājājikā dhammā: Rules concerning those acts which bring about 4 Pārājika
2. Sanghādisesa dhammā: Rules require formal meetings of the
3. Aniyatā dhammā: Rules regarding undetermined matters. 13
4. Nissaggiyā Pācittiya dhammā: Rules involving forfeiture. Saṅghādisesa
5. Pācittiya dhammā: Rules requiring repentance. Bhikkhu
6. Patidesaniyā dhammā: Rules regarding matters which ought to be
1. Pārājika Pāḷi
Vibhanga (227)
confessed. 2 Aniyatā
7. Sekhiyā dhammā: Rules of etiquette.
8. Adhikarana-samathā dhammā: Rules regarding the settlement of
30 Nissaggiyā
I. Sutta
Bhikkhuni 92 Pācittiya
Vibhanga (311)

4 Patidesaniyā

Vinaya Pitaka 3. Māhavagga 2. Pācittiyā Pāḷi

II. Khandhaka
75 Sekhiyā
4. Cullavagga
7 Adhikaraṅa-
III. (5.) Parivāra samathā-

The Content of Pārājika Pāli

Seven Kinds of Transgression
Notes: The offences for which penalties are laid down may Seven Kinds of Offences:
be classified under seven groups depending on their nature.
1. Pājājika
Apatti (committing): The act of transgressing these rules of
(atekicchā) Garukāpatti
discipline, thereby incurring a penalty by the guilty bhikkhu.
(grave offences)
Garukāpatti or Duṭṭhulla āpatti : grave offence – can not 2. Saṃghādisesa
be amended by confession before another monk. (setekicchā)
Lahukāpatti or Aduṭṭhullāpatti: light offence – can be 3. Thullaccaya
made up by confession before another monk or nun.
4. Pācittiya Lahukāpatti
In Pārājika Pali, Pājājikā dhamma and Sanghādisesa dhamma
belongs garukāpatti. 5. Pāṭidesanīya (Light offences)

Aniyatā dhammā and Nissaggiyā Pācittiya dhammā belongs 6. Dukkaṭa

7. Dubbhāsita
The Meanings of Vinaya
The Buddha laid down the training rules for the following ten reasons:

1. For the well-being of the Sangha: saṅghasuṭṭhutāya.

2. For the comfort of the Sangha: saṅghaphāsutāya.

3. For the restraint of bad people: dummaṅkūnaṃ puggalānaṃ niggahāya.

4. For the ease of good monks: pesalānaṃ bhikkhūnaṃ phāsuvihārāya.

5. For the restraint of corruptions relating to the present life: diṭṭhadhammikānaṃ āsavānaṃ saṃvarāya.

6. For the restraint of corruptions relating to the future lives: samparāyikānaṃ āsavānaṃ paṭighātāya.

7. To give to confidence in those without it: appasannānaṃ pasādāya.

8. To increase the confidence of those who have it: pasannānaṃ bhiyyobhāvāya.

9. For the longevity of the true Teaching: saddhammaṭṭhitiyā.

10. For supporting the training: vinayānuggahāya.

The Primary Sources
Verañjakaṇḍaṃ, Pārājikapāḷi, Vinaya, Digital Pāli Readers, Ajahn Yuttadhammo.

Horner, I. B, The Book of the Discipline (Vinayapiṭakaṃ), 2014, SuttaCentral.
The Secondary Sources
1. Bimala Churn Law, Canonical Pāli Literature, in A History of Pāli Literature, 67-100, Indicabooks, 2021.

2. Sayagyi U Ko Lay, Guide to Tipitaka (Burma Pitaka Association), 21-28,

3. Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu, The Buddhist Monastic Code I, 2013.

4. C. S. Upasak, Dictionary of Early Buddhist Monastic Terms, Bharati Prakashan Varanasi, 1975.

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