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• Mobile nodes in military environments such as a battlefield or a hostile region

are likely to suffer from intermittent network connectivity and frequent
partitions. Disruption-tolerant network (DTN) technologies are becoming
successful solutions that allow wireless devices carried by soldiers to
communicate with each other and access the confidential information.
• Cipher text-policy attribute-based encryption (CP-ABE) is a promising
cryptographic solution to the access control issues. The problem of applying
CP-ABE in decentralized DTNs introduces several security and privacy
challenges with regard to the attribute revocation, key escrow, and
coordination of attributes issued from different authorities.
• we propose a secure data retrieval scheme using CP-ABE for decentralized
DTNs where multiple key authorities manage their attributes independently.
Introducti on about project
• Disruption-tolerant network (DTN) technologies are becoming successful solutions
that allow nodes to communicate with each other in these extreme networking
• Typically, when there is no end-to-end connection between a source and a destination
pair, the messages from the source node may need to wait in the intermediate nodes
for a substantial amount of time until the connection would be eventually

• ABE features a mechanism that enables an access control over encrypted data
using access policies and ascribed attributes among private keys and cipher
• Especially, cipher text-policy ABE (CP-ABE) provides a scalable way of
encrypting data such that the encrypt or defines the attribute set that the
descriptor needs to possess in order to decrypt the cipher text.
• The problem of applying the ABE to DTNs introduces several security and
privacy challenges.
• Especially in ABE systems, since each attribute is conceivably shared by
multiple users.
• When multiple authorities manage and issue attributes keys to users
independently with their own master secrets, it is very hard to define fine-
grained access policies over attributes issued from different authorities.
• In this paper, we propose a secure data retrieval scheme using CP-ABE for

decentralized DTNs where multiple key authorities manage their attributes

• First, immediate attribute revocation enhances backward/forward secrecy of

confidential data by reducing the windows of vulnerability.

• Second, encryptors can define a fine-grained access policy using any monotone

access structure under attributes issued from any chosen set of authorities.
• Third, the key escrow problem is resolved by an escrow-free key issuing

protocol that exploits the characteristic of the decentralized DTN architecture.


• Data confidentiality.
• Collusion-resistance.
• Backward and forward Secrecy.


• Processor : Pentium based systems(i3/i5)

• Hard Disk : 120GB or above
• RAM : 4GB

• Operating system : Windows 8/10/11

• Coding Language : JAVA
• Technologies : J2SE
• Front End : Swings & AWT
• Back End : MYSQL
Literature Survey
• Secure Data Retrieval for Decentralized Disruption-Tolerant Military Networks
with Attribute Revocation and Lightweight Cryptography (Zhang et al., 2020)
The scheme uses a combination of lightweight cryptographic techniques,
including attribute-based encryption (ABE) and proxy re-encryption (PRE), to
protect the confidentiality and integrity of data. ABE allows data owners to
encrypt their data with an access policy that specifies the attributes that users
must have in order to decrypt the data. PRE allows authorized users to delegate
their decryption rights to other users without revealing the encryption key.

• Secure Data Retrieval for Decentralized Disruption-Tolerant Military Networks with

Attribute Revocation and Post-Quantum Security (Yang et al., 2021)
The scheme is based on ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption (CP-ABE)
with a distributed key authority (KA) architecture. The KA is responsible for issuing
attribute keys to users and encrypting data with attribute policies.
Class diagram
Login File : file
JLabel : l1,l2 DefinePolicy
JButton : b1,b2
String : att1
String : user
defineAccessPolicy() String : att2
String : pass
generateKeys() String : msg
updateMessage() defineAccessPolicy()

AssignPolicy RevokePolicy
ArrayList : policy UpdateMessage String : id
String : id String : msg String : policy
String : policy ArrayList : soldiers
String : policy int : left,top String : msg
String : msg File : file
updateMessage() showNetwork()
addPolicy() updatePolicy()

String : file
String : attributes

Use case diagram


DefineAccessPolicy UpdateMessage


GenerateKeys MiltaryNetwork

PolicyAssignment RevokeKeys
Sequence diagram
Admin Login SecureData DataPolicy AssignPolicy Update ShowNetwork

Login as a admin

View home page

Define Access Policy

W e Create attributes for all Battalions

After giving access policy click on define access policy

Policy Created

Generate Keys

Here we generate the keys for each set of attributes

Keys generated

Policy Assignment

W e are going to assign policies for all the soldiers

After giving the policy click on add policy

Policy assignment completed

Update message

Enter the message and select some attribute

After giving the meessage click on update message

Message updated

Show Network

View the miltary network

Update message will be displayed here when the particular soldier comes nearer to storage node

Revoke keys

W e can move them from one region to another

Update Policy

Policy updation completed

Welcome screen, login as administrator:
Home screen after Successful login.
Create the access policy:
After creating the policy for first set of attributes:
Keys will be generated for every set of attributes and you can see
the generated keys in the Key folder.
• Policy Assignment:
• In this Step we are going to assign policies for all the soldiers, to assign the
policy click on Policy Assignment:
• Policy assignment screen, in this soldier ID will be taken automatically and we
need to give some policy for the selected soldier.
Click on update message to send some message to particular battalion.
Update message screen:
Updating a message ‘hello’ for battalion 1 & region 2:
After moving click on Military network:
• DTN technologies are becoming successful solutions in military applications that
allow wireless devices to communicate with each other and access the con fidential
information reliably by exploiting external storage nodes.
• Multiple key authorities manage their attributes independently.

• The fine-grained key revocation can be done for each attribute group.
• Secure Data retrieval based on DTN by K Malarvizhi ,Shodhshauryam, International
Scientific Refereed Research Journal ,2019
• JunbeomHur and Kyungtae Kang, Member, IEEE, ACM “Secure Data Retrieval for
Decentralized Disruption-Tolerant Military Networks”-IEEE/ACM TRANSACTIONS ON

• Secure Data Transpiration and Retrieval (SDTR) algorithm for Army in Decentralized
Disruption Tolerant Military Networks” by Alqahtani, A S, NISCAIR-CSIR,2019
• Enhanced disruption tolerant network (DTN) framework for improving network efficiency in
rural areas by Sundresan Perumal, Valliappan Raman, Ganthan Narayana Samy, Bharanidharan
Shanmugam, Karthiggaibalan Kisenasamy & Suresh Ponnan ,
International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management volume 13, pages
710–717 (2022)

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