Computer Language

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Computer languages

Prepared by
Nimra javed
Table of contents

• Definition
• Types of computer languages
• Compiled vs. interpreted languages
• Syntax
• Object-oriented programming
• Uses

A computer language is a set of rules and instructions that a

computer can understand and execute. It allows programmers to
communicate with a computer and create software applications
Types of computer languages

• Low-level languages
These languages are machine-specific and are difficult for humans to understand.
Examples include assembly language and machine.
assembly language

• Assembly language is a low-level programming language that uses

mnemonics to represent the instructions that the computer's
processor can execute.
• It is easier to understand and write than machine language, as it
uses symbols that are more meaningful to humans.
• Assembly language is often used for system-level programming,
device drivers, and other low-level tasks where direct control over
hardware is necessary.
assembly language
Machine Language

• Machine language is the lowest-level programming language and is

the binary code that the computer's processor can execute
• It is composed of sequences of 1s and 0s, which are difficult for
humans to read and understand
• Machine language is not commonly used for writing programs
directly, as it is too time-consuming and error-prone
Machine Language
Types of computer languages

• High-level languages
These languages are more human-readable and easier to understand.
Examples include Python, Java, C++, and Ruby.
Types of computer languages
Compiled vs. interpreted

Computer languages can be compiled or interpreted. Compiled

languages are translated into machine code before they are run,
while interpreted languages are translated line by line as they are
Compiled vs. interpreted

Every computer language has its own syntax or rules for writing code.
Syntax includes things like keywords, operators, and punctuation.
Object-oriented programming

Many modern programming languages are object-oriented, meaning

they use objects to represent data and code. Object-oriented
programming (OOP) allows for modular, reusable code that is easier to
maintain and debug.
Object-oriented programming

Different computer languages are used for different purposes.

 C++ is often used for system programming.

 Python for data analysis and web development.

J avaScript for web development and interactive applications.

Future of computer languages

• As technology advances, new computer languages are likely to

• Some emerging languages include Rust, Kotlin, and Swift.
Future of computer languages

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