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Introduction to Information and

Communication Technology (ITC)(CS-301)

Instructor : Dr. Abdul Razzaq


Lecture 01
(Introduction to Computing)

As the name suggests, this course is the first

course in computer science that you have to

Please be on time
(better: before time)
Goals for Today Lecture

1. Basic knowledge about Computers

and its application in all walks of
2. To find about the structure &
policies of this course
What is a Computer?
• [Norton] A Computer is an electronic device
that processes data, converting it into
information that is useful to people
• [Wikipedia] A Computer is a programmable
device, usually electronic in nature, that can
store, retrieve and process data
• [The American Heritage Dictionary]
1. A device that computes… especially a programmable
electronic machine that performs high-speed
mathematical or logical operations or that assembles,
stores, correlates, or otherwise processes information
2. One who computes
What Is A Computer?
• A computer is an electronic device,
– operating under the control of instructions
– stored in its own memory unit,
– that can accept data (input),
– manipulate data (process),

– and produce information (output) from the

What Does A Computer Do?
• Computers can perform
four general operations,
which comprise the
information processing
– Input
– Process
– Output

– Storage

Charles Babbage (1791-1871)
• Creator of the Analytical Engine - the first
general-purpose digital computer (1833)
• A programmable, mechanical, digital machine
• Could carryout any calculation
• Could make decisions based upon the results of
the previous calculation
• Components: input; memory; processor; output
Babbage’s Analytical Engine - 1833
• Mechanical, digital, general-purpose

• Was crank-driven

• Could store instructions

• Could perform mathematical calculations

• Could store information permanently in punched cards



Why use a computer?

What value do
Computers bring?

What are they good at?


Introduction to Computing-CS-111


Introduction to Computing-CS-111
What type of
problems are not
suitable for
computers ?
Computer is a dumb machine
and it cannot do any work without
instruction from the user.
We have to decide what to do and in what
No Feeling
It does not have feelings or
motion, taste, knowledge and experience.
It does not distinguish between users.
can computers

Define ICT
ICT is the technology required for information
processing, in particular, the use of electronic
computers, communication devices and
software applications to convert, store, protect,
process, transmit and retrieve information from
anywhere, anytime.
Information refers to the knowledge obtained from reading,
investigation, study or research. The tools to transmit information are the
telephone, television and radio. Information is knowledge and helps us to
fulfill our daily tasks.
Communication is an act of transmitting messages. It is a process
whereby information is exchanged between individuals using symbols, signs
or verbal interactions. Communication is important in order to gain
Technology is the use of scientific knowledge, experience and
resources to create processes products that fulfill human needs. Technology
is vital in communication
1. Basic knowledge about Computers and
its application in all walks of life

2. This course focus on a breadth first

coverage of computer science discipline

3. To become familiar with popular PC

productivity software
1. Fundamental concepts


Introduction to Computing-CS-111
Intro to computing
Evolution of computing Development methodology
Computer organization Web design for usability
Building a PC Computer networks
Microprocessors Intro to the Internet
Binary numbers & logic Internet services
Graphics & animation
Computer software
Intelligent systems
Operating systems
Data management
Application software
Cyber crime
Algorithms Social implications
Flowcharts The computing profession
Programming languages The future of computing

Introduction to Computing-CS-111

2. Productivity software

Introduction to Computing-CS-111
Productivity Applications

Word processor


Presentation software

Reading Assignments

Please make sure to read the assigned

material for each week before the
commencement of the corresponding week

Reading that material beforehand will help

you greatly in absorbing with ease the
matter discussed during the lecture

Introduction to Computing-CS-111
distribution …

Introduction to Computing-CS-111
• Sessional Tests = 01
• Quiz’s = 01
• Assignments = 01
• Project-Presentation = 01
/ End term Report
Midterm Exam (12 marks)

• After the 8th weeks

• Duration: One and half hour

• Will cover all material covered during the first

Eight weeks
Final Exam (24)

• After the 16th week

• Will cover the whole of the course with a slight

emphasis on the material covered after the
midterm exam

• Duration: 3 hours
First Assignment
A. Send an email message to me at with the subject
“Assignment 1” giving me some information (in
around 50 words) about what you see yourself
doing five years from now…….
Assignment Hints
• "I don't know.”
• "I'm not sure what I'll be doing, but I want to be
making lots of money.”.
• "I want to be working for a big company.”
• "I hope I'll be married .“ keep focused on career
goals that are connected to your University
A suggestion about unfamiliar terms
• We try not to use any new terms without
explaining them first.
• However, it is not possible to do that all the time
• If you encounter any unfamiliar terms during the
lectures, please note them down and consult the
GLOSSARY provided at the end of the “Introduction to
Computers( Peter Norton)” text book for their
• Web address: to look up computer terminology
online and
Let’s summarize the things
that we have covered today?

A few things about:

– What is computer & its working

– Course objective
– the structure and contents of Course
In the Next Lecture …
We’ll continue the story of the evolution of
digital computers form the Analytical Engine

We’ll discuss many of the key inventions

and developments that he lead to the shape
of the current field of computing

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