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Organisational Behavior

2nd Chapter
Muhammad Arqam Iqbal
What is Diversity
• Diversity refers to the variety of observable and unobservable
similarities and differences among people. Eg: race, gender, age

• In an employment context, it means ensuring that

organizations recruit and retain the best person from the widest
possible talent base regardless of gender sexual orientation, age,
race, religion or disability.
• It also means that organizations should recognize different
approaches are required for different people who have different
needs and expectations.
Types of Diversity
Surface Level Diversity:
It refers to observable differences in people, including race, age,
ethnicity, physical abilities, physical characteristics, and gender.
Surface-level diversity reflects characteristics that are observable
and known about people as soon as you see them.

Deep Level Diversity:

It refers to individual differences that cannot be seen directly,
including goals, values, personalities, decision-making styles,
knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes. It takes more time to
learn about these factors but have strong influence on
organizational performance.
Surface Level Diversity:
Age Gender
Race Socio Economic background
Physical features Physical abilities
Religion Marital Status, etc.

Deep Level Diversity

Goals Knowledge & Skills
Personalities Work preference
Attitude Decision making styles
Benefits of Workforce Diversity
1) Increases Productivity
 Brings in diverse different talents together working towards a common
goal using different sets of skills.
2) Increases creativity and Problem solving
 Every individual brings in their way of thinking, operating and solving
 problems and decision making.
3) Attracts and Retains talent
 Add a competitive edge to any organization.

4) Helps to build synergy in teams and enhances

communication skills
 Brings in new attitudes and processes that profit the whole team.
5) Increases market share and Profitability
 Diversity will create a satisfied diverse customer base.
Negative impact of Diversity
• Conflicts: People often feel confused, threatened or even annoyed
individuals with views and backgrounds very different from their own.
• Bureaucracy: Decision-making can be delayed due to diverging views.

• Unproductivity: When people lack things in common, could negatively

affect the overall team spirit that is essential for reaching high-levels of

• Disunity: Everyone in the company might have a different opinion on the

way business should be run and managed.
• Discrimination means treating some people differently from others.

• It isn't always unlawful - after all, people are paid different wages depending on their
status and skills.

• However, there are certain reasons for which your employer can't discriminate against
you by law

• A stereotype is used to categorize group of people. It as an over-generalized
belief about a particular category of people.

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